How can I improve mg police roleplay?

How may I improve my roleplaying as an LEO?

  • Be calmer

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • Solidify myself completely with the laws and their numbers

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • Try to control situations more

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Learn from supervisors.

    Votes: 21 51.2%

  • Total voters
Reaction score
Niko's PC
I've been trying my hardest to increase my skills at roleplaying as an LEO. Please tell me how I may improve. P.S I'm working on all of the above.
IC : Thomas Butcher.
Sometimes you act like you're above other officers ,you for example hit one officer of the road for 9.10. You should read trough laws some more,other than that you're fine.
If you want to patrol with me sometimes. I would like to show you everything about what LEO's in paralake wants to offer for new officers; i also can show you around and you can get to know good people or bad people.

Listen to comments above also, as i have saw you and you have a record.
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You constantly act like you're above others (including fellow officers). You also tend to lose your cool easily. Your voice is also a bit on the high side so no one's going to take you seriously. The reality of your situation is that none of this'll be fixed anytime soon. It's also more of a personal problem more than anything and you have to fix it yourself, which means your personality etc, which also means none of this will be fix no time soon.

Your best bet would be changing yourself in real life rather than on the server because your personality isn't fit for a LEO.
If you want to patrol with me sometimes. I would like to show you everything about what LEO's in paralake wants to offer for new officers; i also can show you around and you can get to know good people or bad people.

Listen to comments above also, as i have saw you and you have a record.
On my phone

I am not new I'm looking for an advanced way to improve my roleplay.
If you would like, some time tomorrow we can arrange for you to partner up with myself and you can watch how I deal with certain situations. Knowing the laws off by heart is very useful, as it means you know when you're in the wrong and when you're not. Don't try to control situations unless it is drastically needed (e.g no supervisors etc) otherwise people will just say "Why should I listen to you", and there's no real comeback to that.
You constantly act like you're above others (including fellow officers). You also tend to lose your cool easily. Your voice is also a bit on the high side so no one's going to take you seriously. The reality of your situation is that none of this'll be fixed anytime soon. It's also more of a personal problem more than anything and you have to fix it yourself, which with your personality etc, means no time soon.

Your best bet would be changing yourself in real life rather than on the server because your personality isn't fit for a LEO.
I don't act like I'm above people I treat everyone with the respect I expect to receive. You're pretty much saying this community doesn't welcome everyone e into the server, your saying since my voice is high pitched I'm not fit to be an officer.
If you would like, some time tomorrow we can arrange for you to partner up with myself and you can watch how I deal with certain situations. Knowing the laws off by heart is very useful, as it means you know when you're in the wrong and when you're not. Don't try to control situations unless it is drastically needed (e.g no supervisors etc) otherwise people will just say "Why should I listen to you", and there's no real comeback to that.
phone again.
Yes I would love to see a supervisors point of view ( I have being trying to patrol with supervisors for the next cycle and learn as much as I can)
I don't act like I'm above people I treat everyone with the respect I expect to receive. You're pretty much saying this community doesn't welcome everyone e into the server, your saying since my voice is high pitched I'm not fit to be an officer.
You actually do. You asked for honesty, you received it. Your voice doesn't reflect your ability to be an Leo (look at Walker) however your voice and your elitist attitude is a bad mix for policing.
You actually do. You asked for honesty, you received it. Your voice doesn't reflect your ability to be an Leo (look at Walker) however your voice and your elitist attitude is a bad mix for policing.
You are saying I do not treat officers with respect when you violate law 1.2 more than people call me a sqeaker.
If you wish to try and start an argument with me start a conversation rather than breaking 2.3 on my post
You are saying I do not treat officers with respect when you violate law 1.2 more than people call me a sqeaker.
I violate law 1.2 when I'm off-duty. I've never called you a squeaker while being on duty as an LEO or bad mouthed you (and never would while on duty because that'd make me look bad as an Officer)
You should try to roleplay along with supervisors, and don what they are doing. Majority of the time they know what they're doing, so you should follow the way they act.
I violate law 1.2 when I'm off-duty. I've never called you a squeaker while being on duty as an LEO or bad mouthed you (and never would while on duty because that'd make me look bad as an Officer)
Your not that officer who had a go at me while I was with Lt. Price?
  1. Don't cite laws by number: you're a cunt if you do that. Give charges like a human being.
  2. Consider how a real-life officer would handle a situation. It's a fucking roleplay server.
  3. Keep the radio non-aids.
  4. Don't use too many 10-codes, only the essential ones.
  5. Don't try and be the winner. You're a mediator, not a competitor - try and work for the best interests of the city, not your killcount.
  6. Be practical. @Jordan is good at that.
Your not that officer who had a go at me while I was with Lt. Price?
Not even close. Furthermore, I'm not even breaking 2.3. This isn't unnecessary. You asked how to improve your police role-play and you received information on how to do so.
Not even close. Furthermore, I'm not even breaking 2.3. This isn't unnecessary. You asked how to improve your police role-play and you received information on how to do so.
Your using a guide page to start a forum war.. Contact me over PM if you wish to continue this "debate"
Actually, how does one even consider asking for people's opinions and then outright arguing every single one of them? What are you even trying to achieve?
I feel that you should be able to control a situation clearly. You may know the laws but if you do not know how to handle the situation you're going to be in a bit of a kerfuffle.
Actually, how does one even consider asking for people's opinions and then outright arguing every single one of them? What are you even trying to achieve?

I am only arguing as you call it , with the one who is trying to start an argument, I wouldn't be this aggrovated if he hasn't taken my voice into a valid reason of why I am not a good LEO.

I am only arguing [...] with the one who is trying to start an argument


Please tell me how I may improve.

You constantly act like you're above others (including fellow officers). You also tend to lose your cool easily. Your voice is also a bit on the high side so no one's going to take you seriously. The reality of your situation is that none of this'll be fixed anytime soon. It's also more of a personal problem more than anything and you have to fix it yourself, which means your personality etc, which also means none of this will be fix no time soon.

Your best bet would be changing yourself in real life rather than on the server because your personality isn't fit for a LEO.