State of Roleplay - 2023

How would you rate Role play on here?

  • Great quality

    Votes: 21 18.6%
  • Average quality

    Votes: 35 31.0%
  • Bad quality

    Votes: 20 17.7%
  • Toxic culture

    Votes: 37 32.7%

  • Total voters
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Untied Kingdom
Hello, Community!

I have come here today to ask for feedback about the community and how people Roleplay on here. I have been a part of Perpheads since 2015. I don't think the community in its current state can stand up to its former self, everyone used to roleplay a lot more seriously than in its current state. We as a community need to address this and try changing its course for the better of its community and growth within a Roleplay sense.

I will outline what I think the fundamentals of the problems with the community are:

I think the PLPD has become way too toxic and very power-hungry police but not a lot of police are within this mind it is a select few people and it is growing. They should change the PLPD and make it less toxic.

Shooting people first regardless of Roleplay or trying to resolve things passively. Yes, Perpheads has always been a running gun community. But it is starting to impact the life and roleplay of the community.

I haven't written much down here, but I would like your honest feedback about the community about how things could be improved or even added to the server. This is a post to talk trash about the community. I just wanna help try to improve roleplay.
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unfortunately as hard as you try you’ll never get a gmod voice roleplay server to be fully serious, i don’t hop on perp and expect serious rp and full immersion as i know paralake cant go 5 mins without a full scale shootout happening, nothing about paralake is realistic and that’s okay because it’s fun :)
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Untied Kingdom
unfortunately as hard as you try you’ll never get a gmod voice roleplay server to be fully serious, i don’t hop on perp and expect serious rp and full immersion as i know paralake cant go 5 mins without a full scale shootout happening, nothing about paralake is realistic and that’s okay because it’s fun :)
Thank your feedback!
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They should change the PLPD and make it less toxic.
You addressed a problem, but need to sell a solution to PLPD/community leads to consider taking steps in achieving a resolution, Internal Affairs and peaceful policies are already out there trying to enforce professional standards for people who are taking role as a police officer and I can assure you the best is being done to combat non-acceptable behavior.

But it is starting to impact the life and roleplay of the community.
The point still stands, if you iterate how this is specifically interfering with roleplay (in your own experience), the problem can be considered and a solution can be worked on. For example, in one of the admin meetings, it was implemented to forbid growing drugs inside of the bazaar shops and removing the doors from them so that a more friendly environment could be created for those who were having problems with constant Bazaar robberies.

This is a generic thread that is created each year, however, everyone is going through the motions, in my opinion, it is the thread creator's burden to provide some type of specific example of these problems so they can be properly dealt with.
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Untied Kingdom
You addressed a problem, but need to sell a solution to PLPD/community leads to consider taking steps in achieving a resolution, Internal Affairs and peaceful policies are already out there trying to enforce professional standards for people who are taking role as a police officer and I can assure you the best is being done to combat non-acceptable behavior.

The point still stands, if you iterate how this is specifically interfering with roleplay (in your own experience), the problem can be considered and a solution can be worked on. For example, in one of the admin meetings, it was implemented to forbid growing drugs inside of the bazaar shops and removing the doors from them so that a more friendly environment could be created for those who were having problems with constant Bazaar robberies.

This is a generic thread that is created each year, however, everyone is going through the motions, in my opinion, it is the thread creator's burden to provide some type of specific example of these problems so they can be properly dealt with.
I agree, I just wanna get a general idea of what people think of Roleplay in this community. but Thank you for your feedback!
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double mini roundabout
i can currently say after 8 years playing perp that it's the BEST it's ever been and let me tell you why

  • Constant updates
  • have you seen the incredible display of shops at bazaar???
  • amazing events, giveaways on discord
  • you only GET trouble if you go looking for it
  • casino
  • nobody gets to say the n word
  • toxic behaviour is condemned fairly quickly
  • accounts on PD, discord, forums are all integrated together
Shooting people first regardless of Roleplay or trying to resolve things passively. Yes, Perpheads has always been a running gun community. But it is starting to impact the life and roleplay of the community.
perp is and always has been cops and robbers with the option of RP. It's fast paced which means most resolutions can be solved through gunfights; who wants to 'roleplay' their way out of being shot? Just put your hands in the air, get mugged, go hunt the idiot down that did it in the first place! You can't force people to play your way all the time

I have very little issues with the state of RP; because of the high server count, there is a HUGE divide in what is expected out of people. This is why there are loads of tools to help people out if they're struggling.

We all started somewhere and we're all trying to make the server a better place for everyone.

everyone used to roleplay a lot more seriously than in its current state. We as a community need to address this and try changing its course for the better of its community and growth within a Roleplay sense.
this is just nostalgia taking over, please tell me an example of when this is the case versus now

I think the PLPD has become way too toxic and very power-hungry police but not a lot of police are within this mind it is a select few people and it is growing. They should change the PLPD and make it less toxic.
The PD are not 'power hungry'; they're literally target practice for crims all day. Of course they're going to be biased against everyone; just shoot them some more. Please tell me how we can actually change the PLPD to make it less toxic
Reaction score
Untied Kingdom
i can currently say after 8 years playing perp that it's the BEST it's ever been and let me tell you why

  • Constant updates
  • have you seen the incredible display of shops at bazaar???
  • amazing events, giveaways on discord
  • you only GET trouble if you go looking for it
  • casino
  • nobody gets to say the n word
  • toxic behaviour is condemned fairly quickly
  • accounts on PD, discord, forums are all integrated together

perp is and always has been cops and robbers with the option of RP. It's fast paced which means most resolutions can be solved through gunfights; who wants to 'roleplay' their way out of being shot? Just put your hands in the air, get mugged, go hunt the idiot down that did it in the first place! You can't force people to play your way all the time

I have very little issues with the state of RP; because of the high server count, there is a HUGE divide in what is expected out of people. This is why there are loads of tools to help people out if they're struggling.

We all started somewhere and we're all trying to make the server a better place for everyone.

this is just nostalgia taking over, please tell me an example of when this is the case versus now

The PD are not 'power hungry'; they're literally target practice for crims all day. Of course they're going to be biased against everyone; just shoot them some more. Please tell me how we can actually change the PLPD to make it less toxic
Again, I didn't say anything about the constant updates from the staff team or development team. This post is purely about the state of Roleplay nothing more.

  • Yes, the are a lot of shops in the bazaar, and you can stay there 5 minutes without someone's car getting blown up or getting into a shootout every 10 minutes over something dumbed. I do enjoy the shop aspect of things, but apart from the shops the isn't much else going on in terms of Roleplay that isn't guns & shooting each other.

  • Sometimes you just get in trouble by walking down the street then a shoot-out happens and you get randomly killed or when people purposely ram your car to kill you for no reason other than it's *fun* for them.

  • Toxic behaviour doesn't;t get condemned fairly quickly I don't know what paralake you have been visiting, Racism is never fine no matter what context it is in.

  • I didn't say anything about accounts being integrated into Discord or the work behind Perps.

  • Back in the day, I have seen a lot of passive roleplay across the Map not just within the Bazar area, versus now the only passive roleplay you see is only in Bazar and rarely passively for long due to shootouts.

But anyhow, thank you for your feedback.
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Roleplay is so bad that I am saying to some one that I will raid him and he making a report on me that I said I will rape him
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Great Britain
this is just nostalgia taking over, please tell me an example of when this is the case versus now
I think this is a really good thing to mention. I think to be honest for a lot of people, a part of them will always think that PERP as it was when they first started playing properly and getting into it was the best that PERP has ever been and I really don't think a lot can be done to change that. The server/community develops and changes over time and it may sound nasty but you can either accept that or find the door. Objectively I think PERP is a fantastic game nowadays and I love playing it, the gamemode has become so much more modern modern and it's so actively built upon which everyone should be (and for the most part, are) grateful for. I think the community is also so much more welcoming and friendly than it was 6 years ago and that's something really important. I could keep going on and on but others have already said a lot of what I would want to say and I won't make this even longer than it needs to be!
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Washington, D.C

I am going to start this by stating that I first joined PERP September of 2022 so I was not around for the 'old days'. With that being said I have been playing GMod for the better part of 7 years, and I have done all the main 'RP' gamemodes, DRP, SantosRP, HL2RP, etc. PERP has by far been the best experience I have ever had, including in the area of player culture.

I have been a PD main since I joined, and like @rogue said, it would be very useful if you could provide explicit example that are able to fall through the cracks that way we can continue to improve : D
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The Netherlands

I am going to start this by stating that I first joined PERP September of 2022 so I was not around for the 'old days'. With that being said I have been playing GMod for the better part of 7 years, and I have done all the main 'RP' gamemodes, DRP, SantosRP, HL2RP, etc. PERP has by far been the best experience I have ever had, including in the area of player culture.

I have been a PD main since I joined, and like @rogue said, it would be very useful if you could provide explicit example that are able to fall through the cracks that way we can continue to improve : D
I think one of the things they meant is when the PLPD started shooting people who broke 3.4 and ran away and IA's made about those situations ended up nowhere because the situation wouldnt have happened if the person just put up their hands and complied, Instead of having the officers warned with use of force to use a ASP baton instead.
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United Kingdom
Yes, the are a lot of shops in the bazaar, and you can stay there 5 minutes without someone's car getting blown up or getting into a shootout every 10 minutes
Such a thing is always going to happen, regardless of the state of passive RP there is always going to be a significant portion of the player base that does crime and at some point or another, they're always going to end up at bazaar. The only thing that has changed is the server has gotten bigger so Bazaar is a much busier area with many more people all the time.

Pretty much every incident I can recall at Bazaar from the earlier years of perp involved some sort of crime and shootout and the only way that's ever not going to be the case is if we made Bazaar some sort of FiveM-style "green zone" (which is a horrendous idea btw)

Sometimes you just get in trouble by walking down the street then a shoot-out happens and you get randomly killed
This sounds to me like you're either breaking the rules yourself by choosing to remain in the area of ongoing shootouts and the involved shooters are choosing to shoot you as a result, or you should be reporting these people as they're breaking the rules.

or when people purposely ram your car to kill you for no reason other than it's *fun* for them.
This again sounds like you're underutilizing the report function, people choosing to kill you for no/little reason is against the rules just as it was in 2015, it's also against the rules to intentionally cause damage to vehicles for little/no reason.

Toxic behaviour doesn't get condemned fairly quickly I don't know what paralake you have been visiting, Racism is never fine no matter what context it is in.
The idea that the server is MORE toxic is very interesting. The old perp that I remember was one where the server was a racist, homophobic landscape where you could practically do whatever you wanted in terms of harassing, targetting, and being a general nuisance towards anyone you wanted as long as you "kept it in character".

This is a very different place to now where many of these things are entirely against the rules, and most if not all of the others are either massively discouraged or will also result in you being banned or having your access to the community severely restricted.

We do our best to prevent toxicity within the community and I'm very curious to hear in more detail where you've experienced it but I find it very hard to imagine that it exceeds that of some of what would have been experienced in the earlier years.

Back in the day, I have seen a lot of passive roleplay across the Map not just within the Bazar area, versus now the only passive roleplay you see is only in Bazar and rarely passively for long due to shootouts.
Passive RP does still expand beyond bazaar all the time, in the last month or so alone we've seen builds in the suburbs areas, people set up stuff around the city hall area all the time, @Farid Couteau has been setting up little things around the city for as long as he's been playing!

I must say that I agree with what @rogue said about nostalgia driving a lot of these memories, sure Passive RP would also go on around the city back in the day, maybe more so than now even but I think saying that it was a massive change in comparison to now is a bit optimistic.