State of Roleplay - 2023

How would you rate Role play on here?

  • Great quality

    Votes: 21 18.6%
  • Average quality

    Votes: 35 31.0%
  • Bad quality

    Votes: 20 17.7%
  • Toxic culture

    Votes: 37 32.7%

  • Total voters
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Ohio, United States of America
I feel like I need to comment on this as a Perpheads "veteran" who has been around since November the 30th 2013.

The community itself is amazing. It has improved my communication skills, provided me with hours of entertainment and it has given me friends that I've met in real life @Madda.

With the risk of sounding like an old man, Perpheads is not what it used to be. Evocity was a primitive version of what we have today with limited possibilities to roleplay. It reminded me of DarkRP but with stricter server rules that forced players to use their imagination which often led to entertaining solutions to in-game interaction. When we switched map to Paralake things changed and more props and features were added. Back then it felt like you knew more people who were a part of the community. I have always prioritized PassiveRP over the criminal lifestyle. I love to interact with people and pretend to be a certain character. However, I have always been struggling with people with AK-47's and Lamborghinis who exclusively join the server to powergrow and raid others.

Nowadays you cannot spawn at City Hall without hearing gunfire within the first 2 minutes, encounter a violent and racist sweatervest and see multiple people being run over by cars while crossing the road. It is the new "norm" and personally I will never get used to it. This overall gameplay of "cops vs robbers" has ruined the immersion of a realistic atmosphere. In my opinion, passive roleplay peaked around 6 years ago. Server rules were more strictly enforced by staff and players expected a certain amount of realism from others. Major improvements have been made to Paralake Police Department which is great. I recently became a member of the Road Traffic Unit within PLPD. I've concluded that traffic laws are constantly broken by 90-95 % of all players. It contributes to the normalization of unrealistic behavior.

This server still has so much potential and it would be a shame if the development in unrealistic behavior continues.

When discussing this topic with people I often refer to server rule 2.1, which is the "foundation" of the game mode on a serious roleplay server.

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Thanks to @Jinx for addressing this concern.
W response. Wish more people felt this way. I don't see this ever going anywhere though. People enjoy making their montages showing how good they are at shooting someone with a mouse and keyboard for it to ever change.
Reaction score
PvP has somehow become the more desirable aspect of the server, fuck knows how since 98% of those individuals regularly complain about the server performance and other aspects of PVP such as weapon balance, cop vs crim balance, etc. yet they still play regularly and try to force as much PVP as possible.

Perp PVP is so popular because it’s so basic and relatively easy without sacrificing any sort of skill gap players can create between one another. Most “Tactics” you can do to make this happen are against the rules or patched out entirely, meaning that it’s all now just moving, crouching and shooting. Half the servers PvP experience is pointing a gun at a 1 player wide doorway and prefiring upon seeing an elbow peeking whilst the other half is trying to peek that 1 player wide doorway to get an angle on the individual previously described.

Virtually every citizen in Paralake is somewhere in the crime world, be it simply being the final gap between the bridge of a gun or piece of equipment going from seller into the criminal underworld, be they power growers, or be they raiders.

Nowadays, with the abundance of both new player bases, removal of marksmanship (which despite any following points on this matter I am still in favour of), and the wide skill gap between the average officer vs a single man with an automatic rifle, it’s easier than ever to get into PvP. Even easier than setting up a shop even to sell guns.

Whilst the idea of marksmanship as a whole was terrible, the foundation of the idea that it makes PVP less desirable for awhile is not entirely a bad thing, it was just implemented in the wrong way.

Take setting up a shop for example. You need to:
- Level up your crafting skills, in order to make more desirable items, such as guns, ammo, Magazines, crowbars, certain furniture items, etc.
- In the process of this, you have to make weapons nobody wants, like PPKs, Makarovs and Taurus 605s, which in order to sell quickly you sell for minus profit.
- Buy furniture, which means you either have to level up your skills to craft it, or find someone selling it which is immensely rare and even rarer that it’s for a fair price.
- Either wait for a bazaar shop to become available or buy a business shop and have slightly less foot traffic because bazaar is basically now the club penguin of perp where everyone stands around for conversation and business shops basically being a ghost town.
In order to raid, on the other hand, all you need to do is:
- Buy gun (optional)
- Buy crowbars, Bobby pins or bombs
- Find door, preferably a locked one.
- Break in
- Unlock Free shootout

”Bu…bu…but Bnje, Le heckin PD is OP, and billions will die to them!!!” Yeah that’s not fucking deterring anyone. The sooner we pretend we all aren’t just crowbarring doors to shoot cops with 0 intentions on transporting planters or even fucking winning the better. The moment that crowbar touches a door is literally the PvP event enable switch, the begin round for the PLPD Zombies 7 wave special gamemode.

If you want less PvP and more le heckin realistic actions and real fearRP, make dying actually be worse than getting arrested.

The risk from crime is literally 5 minute naughty step on death and 5 minute no go back to place you die, and lose a gun you were entirely prepared to lose as it was the weapon of choice for your criminal endeavour. The risk of death is almost never holding a fucking candle to the risk of being arrested under the same circumstances you were arrested for, meaning anyone who’s done something worth more than 7 minutes in jail is going to fight to the death, another PvP incentive that logically makes more sense than being punished and fined. Lest we forget that the same shot that killed you has a chance of hitting you again and instantly finishing you off, a more desirable outcome than arrest.

Despite 3.6, the outcome of these situations is:
- Lose gun
- 5 minute black screen
- 5 minute no go back to place you died (Even though you probably won’t have a reason to)
- End all RP, such as people hunting you down for revenge or to retrieve items you stole, any arrest or search warrant on your property, etc.

- Lose gun
- 3 minutes at least of being taken back to the station.
- Getting searched and losing all other illegal items in your possession.
- 5-10 minutes in jail.
- Fine of up to $10000
- Person you committed crime against out to kill you probably.
- You Being unarmed upon release whilst said people are probably out to kill you, with a lot of open space to traverse to get to a car.

Theres also no incentive for cops to try taking someone alive nor do they have the capacity or equipment to do so. Cops find it easier anyways to not have to process and arrest suspects because if the suspect is dead their friends can’t flank for them or jail break them.

- More options for money and fun than committing an electric chair glitchless speedrun any% or RPing as a gambling addict pensioner trading their kids inheritance for a dopamine fix.
- Just make dying as bad as arrest lole
Reaction score
PvP has somehow become the more desirable aspect of the server, fuck knows how since 98% of those individuals regularly complain about the server performance and other aspects of PVP such as weapon balance, cop vs crim balance, etc. yet they still play regularly and try to force as much PVP as possible.

Perp PVP is so popular because it’s so basic and relatively easy without sacrificing any sort of skill gap players can create between one another. Most “Tactics” you can do to make this happen are against the rules or patched out entirely, meaning that it’s all now just moving, crouching and shooting. Half the servers PvP experience is pointing a gun at a 1 player wide doorway and prefiring upon seeing an elbow peeking whilst the other half is trying to peek that 1 player wide doorway to get an angle on the individual previously described.

Virtually every citizen in Paralake is somewhere in the crime world, be it simply being the final gap between the bridge of a gun or piece of equipment going from seller into the criminal underworld, be they power growers, or be they raiders.

Nowadays, with the abundance of both new player bases, removal of marksmanship (which despite any following points on this matter I am still in favour of), and the wide skill gap between the average officer vs a single man with an automatic rifle, it’s easier than ever to get into PvP. Even easier than setting up a shop even to sell guns.

Whilst the idea of marksmanship as a whole was terrible, the foundation of the idea that it makes PVP less desirable for awhile is not entirely a bad thing, it was just implemented in the wrong way.

Take setting up a shop for example. You need to:
- Level up your crafting skills, in order to make more desirable items, such as guns, ammo, Magazines, crowbars, certain furniture items, etc.
- In the process of this, you have to make weapons nobody wants, like PPKs, Makarovs and Taurus 605s, which in order to sell quickly you sell for minus profit.
- Buy furniture, which means you either have to level up your skills to craft it, or find someone selling it which is immensely rare and even rarer that it’s for a fair price.
- Either wait for a bazaar shop to become available or buy a business shop and have slightly less foot traffic because bazaar is basically now the club penguin of perp where everyone stands around for conversation and business shops basically being a ghost town.
In order to raid, on the other hand, all you need to do is:
- Buy gun (optional)
- Buy crowbars, Bobby pins or bombs
- Find door, preferably a locked one.
- Break in
- Unlock Free shootout

”Bu…bu…but Bnje, Le heckin PD is OP, and billions will die to them!!!” Yeah that’s not fucking deterring anyone. The sooner we pretend we all aren’t just crowbarring doors to shoot cops with 0 intentions on transporting planters or even fucking winning the better. The moment that crowbar touches a door is literally the PvP event enable switch, the begin round for the PLPD Zombies 7 wave special gamemode.

If you want less PvP and more le heckin realistic actions and real fearRP, make dying actually be worse than getting arrested.

The risk from crime is literally 5 minute naughty step on death and 5 minute no go back to place you die, and lose a gun you were entirely prepared to lose as it was the weapon of choice for your criminal endeavour. The risk of death is almost never holding a fucking candle to the risk of being arrested under the same circumstances you were arrested for, meaning anyone who’s done something worth more than 7 minutes in jail is going to fight to the death, another PvP incentive that logically makes more sense than being punished and fined. Lest we forget that the same shot that killed you has a chance of hitting you again and instantly finishing you off, a more desirable outcome than arrest.

Despite 3.6, the outcome of these situations is:
- Lose gun
- 5 minute black screen
- 5 minute no go back to place you died (Even though you probably won’t have a reason to)
- End all RP, such as people hunting you down for revenge or to retrieve items you stole, any arrest or search warrant on your property, etc.

- Lose gun
- 3 minutes at least of being taken back to the station.
- Getting searched and losing all other illegal items in your possession.
- 5-10 minutes in jail.
- Fine of up to $10000
- Person you committed crime against out to kill you probably.
- You Being unarmed upon release whilst said people are probably out to kill you, with a lot of open space to traverse to get to a car.

Theres also no incentive for cops to try taking someone alive nor do they have the capacity or equipment to do so. Cops find it easier anyways to not have to process and arrest suspects because if the suspect is dead their friends can’t flank for them or jail break them.

- More options for money and fun than committing an electric chair glitchless speedrun any% or RPing as a gambling addict pensioner trading their kids inheritance for a dopamine fix.
- Just make dying as bad as arrest lole
Reaction score
United Kingdom
PvP has somehow become the more desirable aspect of the server, fuck knows how since 98% of those individuals regularly complain about the server performance and other aspects of PVP such as weapon balance, cop vs crim balance, etc. yet they still play regularly and try to force as much PVP as possible.

Perp PVP is so popular because it’s so basic and relatively easy without sacrificing any sort of skill gap players can create between one another. Most “Tactics” you can do to make this happen are against the rules or patched out entirely, meaning that it’s all now just moving, crouching and shooting. Half the servers PvP experience is pointing a gun at a 1 player wide doorway and prefiring upon seeing an elbow peeking whilst the other half is trying to peek that 1 player wide doorway to get an angle on the individual previously described.

Virtually every citizen in Paralake is somewhere in the crime world, be it simply being the final gap between the bridge of a gun or piece of equipment going from seller into the criminal underworld, be they power growers, or be they raiders.

Nowadays, with the abundance of both new player bases, removal of marksmanship (which despite any following points on this matter I am still in favour of), and the wide skill gap between the average officer vs a single man with an automatic rifle, it’s easier than ever to get into PvP. Even easier than setting up a shop even to sell guns.

Whilst the idea of marksmanship as a whole was terrible, the foundation of the idea that it makes PVP less desirable for awhile is not entirely a bad thing, it was just implemented in the wrong way.

Take setting up a shop for example. You need to:
- Level up your crafting skills, in order to make more desirable items, such as guns, ammo, Magazines, crowbars, certain furniture items, etc.
- In the process of this, you have to make weapons nobody wants, like PPKs, Makarovs and Taurus 605s, which in order to sell quickly you sell for minus profit.
- Buy furniture, which means you either have to level up your skills to craft it, or find someone selling it which is immensely rare and even rarer that it’s for a fair price.
- Either wait for a bazaar shop to become available or buy a business shop and have slightly less foot traffic because bazaar is basically now the club penguin of perp where everyone stands around for conversation and business shops basically being a ghost town.
In order to raid, on the other hand, all you need to do is:
- Buy gun (optional)
- Buy crowbars, Bobby pins or bombs
- Find door, preferably a locked one.
- Break in
- Unlock Free shootout

”Bu…bu…but Bnje, Le heckin PD is OP, and billions will die to them!!!” Yeah that’s not fucking deterring anyone. The sooner we pretend we all aren’t just crowbarring doors to shoot cops with 0 intentions on transporting planters or even fucking winning the better. The moment that crowbar touches a door is literally the PvP event enable switch, the begin round for the PLPD Zombies 7 wave special gamemode.

If you want less PvP and more le heckin realistic actions and real fearRP, make dying actually be worse than getting arrested.

The risk from crime is literally 5 minute naughty step on death and 5 minute no go back to place you die, and lose a gun you were entirely prepared to lose as it was the weapon of choice for your criminal endeavour. The risk of death is almost never holding a fucking candle to the risk of being arrested under the same circumstances you were arrested for, meaning anyone who’s done something worth more than 7 minutes in jail is going to fight to the death, another PvP incentive that logically makes more sense than being punished and fined. Lest we forget that the same shot that killed you has a chance of hitting you again and instantly finishing you off, a more desirable outcome than arrest.

Despite 3.6, the outcome of these situations is:
- Lose gun
- 5 minute black screen
- 5 minute no go back to place you died (Even though you probably won’t have a reason to)
- End all RP, such as people hunting you down for revenge or to retrieve items you stole, any arrest or search warrant on your property, etc.

- Lose gun
- 3 minutes at least of being taken back to the station.
- Getting searched and losing all other illegal items in your possession.
- 5-10 minutes in jail.
- Fine of up to $10000
- Person you committed crime against out to kill you probably.
- You Being unarmed upon release whilst said people are probably out to kill you, with a lot of open space to traverse to get to a car.

Theres also no incentive for cops to try taking someone alive nor do they have the capacity or equipment to do so. Cops find it easier anyways to not have to process and arrest suspects because if the suspect is dead their friends can’t flank for them or jail break them.

- More options for money and fun than committing an electric chair glitchless speedrun any% or RPing as a gambling addict pensioner trading their kids inheritance for a dopamine fix.
- Just make dying as bad as arrest lole
tl;dr to that tl;dr please
Reaction score
back in 2015? When the PLPD was constructed purely out of who you knew? And filled with very questionable figures in power? When people would do slave RP and openly yell/use slurs at eachother?

That's the quality of RP that you miss?
A1 Based Boomer-Euthanising response, All oldgeeks on life support rn. PERP was not a friendly or enjoyable environment for people who did not want to hear this sort of language in general, let alone have it used on them.

Kind of a low blow. But whatever. Not surprised tho, this shit has been getting worse and worse and now it's literally DarkRP levels of toxic non-rp mingery. That's my opinion at least you don't have to agree with it. Maybe Serious RP is just unappealing to most people these days.
Many solutions have been suggested over the years by myself and many others. All of them have been denied however for either being things that would take time and resources away from developing the next minor police patch number 10 million or for simply changing the rules in favor of serious RP which the staff is either unwilling or unable to maintain, because the current state of things is more favorable to and profitable for the server's ownership and their staff since maintaining a high level of roleplay is more time-consuming and doesn't generate extra income in the form of VIP sales since those literally cater towards activities that have nothing or very little to do with roleplay.
Yeah I've been here for like, what, 7 years? The server is still more of an enjoyable environment than it’s ever been since I joined.

As for the server ”Literally being DarkRP in terms of non rp mingery“ you’ll probably find that this has always been the case, and most of this behaviour is from individuals who will be banned for the foreseeable future or are momentarily about to be.

The issue with these “many solutions that have been suggested over the years” is they’re out of touch calls to action nobody wants. Maintaining a serious RP environment has been something I would argue PERP has done miles better than oldgeeks give it credit for. This odd comparison to the average DarkRP server isn’t really a viable argument as the state of the average DarkRP server is indisputably worse than PERP, It’s a dumb and entirely out of touch analogy to make. The average DarkRP server is a dumb cash grab selling OP items and jobs for extortionate amounts of money and are more compatible to roblox tycoon games. PERP still holds the aspect of social interaction being required to acquire simple amenities.

Saying that the gamemode is being sold out for profit is also fucking daft. I’m sure fredy would be selling money packages and selling off my division as a VIP Perk were that the case. Oh wait, in le heckin golden era of perp according to boomers, SWAT WAS a VIP perk???? No way. If anything over the years allowing jobs to be grind to achieve rather than bought perks bought perp ABOVE ye old Roleplay server on Sir.Garringtons Modification of Half Life the Second.
1. Criminal RP makes up the majority of all the RP on the server. Therefore it can easily be said that the majority of the RP has seen a downward spiral. I’ll agree that some aspects have improved in other areas.
“Improved in some areas” AKA The whole thing, plenty of people RPing elsewhere nowadays. Should have played more on Xmas that’s when it gets really good, people even use the city market place! It’s obvious that criminal roleplay is more desirable to many as is police roleplay as both roles are relatively difficult to maintain in real life and carry risks people aren’t willing to take. The only negatives I have with the crim rp aspect of the server is it’s just too favourable.
Your roleplay skills have always been subpar, probably akin to the skills of a piece of rock. You might yourself very well be a small contributor to the decline in quality of roleplay in PH and in that case I humbly wipe my ass with your fucking contributions. Bite me and see you next year. : )
This one’s going straight into the copypasta folder.

Name 3 new features theyve added to benefit specifically RP in a meaningful way if its so hard to keep track.

Building & Props:
Extended prop limit for building more stuff such as shops and businesses, which cannot be used in conjunction with illegal entities.
The ability to save a build layout to be reused as an event piece.
A rank for builders who wish to host large scale events without spending a fortune on props.
New entities accessible via the builder rank, such as goal posts for sports events.
The ability to use custom images in signs, as well as a variety of signs, from simple wooden folding standing signs, all the way up to large scale signs.
A billboard feature allowing you to partake in an auction to have your advertisement displayed in a prominent part of the Map.
Over the years, more and more useful props have been added that in general increase RP and scene build potential massively. To list them all would be a huge task I am not willing to extend this wall of text beyond necessity.

Job progression for all Jobs, except Secret Service agent And mayor.
The highest scored individuals of each job receive “Chief” Roles. Paralake City website also has a page that updates to show who the highest ranking individuals of each department are to assert their positions further.
CPR for fire services.
Police can now actually inspect weapon usage without having someone lie in a /me.
Check status for everyone to see how close to death a downed individual is.
Medics now have to heal damaged body parts rather than use a Half Life 2 medkit to instaheal someone, targeting the damaged limb specifically, and requiring an animation and fair timed status bar to expire before the effect is in play.
Roadcrew now can actually clear up blown up cars.
QoL improvements of the arrest and ticket system that allows officers to actually list broken laws rather than type manually to prevent inexperienced players giving an excessive ticket.

Rule changes:
- Reduction in raid count, clarifications as to what constitutes as such in order to prevent constant shootouts (kinda works).
- Banning of using Business shops and Bazaar shops to produce drugs and preventing mugging in these properties as to enforce passive Roleplay in the area. The result is passive Roleplayers, namely shopkeepers and other business owners, now can operate in a safer environment, significantly less shootouts at bazaar, and overall a better quality of life for players. This is a huge and directly beneficial addition for passive roleplay.
- Banning of placing fortified defences inside government buildings, so city hall doesn’t look like a Fallout raider base.
- 3.15 is a Zero Tolerance policy towards all misuses of vehicles now in manners that would realistically damage the car.

All we’ve lost that was allowed on Ye Olde heads of PERP on Sir Garringtons Modification of Half life the 2nd was:
- Erotic roleplay.
- Racist, sexist and otherwise Derogatory “Roleplay”.

I think the trade off has been fair.
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Prague, Czech republic, European Union,

Alright. I did say I wasn't gonna do more, but people keep interrupting my cryo-sleep.

In all seriousness @Bnje , you raise some very valid points. I've forgotten about some aspects of the olden times that you reminded me off just now, which were truly wayy worse than they are now.


1. For a server that claims to be a Serious RP (literally in the title), this is a joke. Not even close. It's barely passing off as semi-serious if even that.. The fact that you stick to rules, doesn't constitute good or quality roleplay, nor does it guarantee seriousness. PH of today is akin to a GTA lobby with rules and roles to fill. But thats it. People do not generally play characters, they are themselves and just play a game of source engine GTA.

Yes! Mechanically and technologically. It's indisputably better! But if you want to actually have a roleplay experience and not just shoot grind and all the other mechanical stuff in between, then you're gonna be left /mostly/ empty-handed on PH.

2. Ive never meant to give off the impression that Im insinuating that this is a pro-profit server. But Im pretty sure you know that, you are just bending what I said to make your case. In either case, all I wanted to say is that, for the sake of sustainability it would be logical to assume that the current state of things is preferred over an alternative one with unknown results and unknown impact on said sustainability. Hence why there might be little will for changes of that nature. Im assuming of course, an educated guess perhaps. And I may be wrong. Its just an opinion and not a fact. So don't twist it.

3. Correct, there are aspects of monetization that used to be way worse. To be completely honest I forgot about those entirely until now. So point taken.

4. You're welcome, your copypasta folder is now that much richer.

5. Some of the features you've mentioned do support passive RP and RP in general in a meaningful way. Id say one or two of those features/changes I hadn't been aware of until now. So again, fair play. On the other hand, a lot of those are just tweaks to the mechanics that dont necessarily need to support RP directly in any way and are just a quality of life improvement. The fact that something is changed or added that doesnt directly benefit, add or change an aspects of the pvp element doesnt automatically make it an RP improving factor.

6. Yeah, those are good examples, definitely shows some tendency to move in the right direction for sure.

7. All that depraved behavior of the old times... I'm very glad we're rid of that. I've always been against it from the very beginning. But unfortunately, no. This isn't the only thing we got rid of from the Ye Olde PH.

All of this however still falls short on the fact that the RP quality despite all of these changes still sucks balls.

If you're on PH to grind, make stacks, drive fancy cars and shoot people, be an MLG pro raider, and generally just kinda fuck around with people and have some light-hearted fun, yeah... Then PH has definitely been improving over the years a LOT. But if you're on PH and hope to get some nice and quality roleplay done, then you're likely out of luck and that ship has sailed years ago.
Reaction score

Alright. I did say I wasn't gonna do more, but people keep interrupting my cryo-sleep.

In all seriousness @Bnje , you raise some very valid points. I've forgotten about some aspects of the olden times that you reminded me off just now, which were truly wayy worse than they are now.


1. For a server that claims to be a Serious RP (literally in the title), this is a joke. Not even close. It's barely passing off as semi-serious if even that.. The fact that you stick to rules, doesn't constitute good or quality roleplay, nor does it guarantee seriousness. PH of today is akin to a GTA lobby with rules and roles to fill. But thats it. People do not generally play characters, they are themselves and just play a game of source engine GTA.

Yes! Mechanically and technologically. It's indisputably better! But if you want to actually have a roleplay experience and not just shoot grind and all the other mechanical stuff in between, then you're gonna be left /mostly/ empty-handed on PH.

2. Ive never meant to give off the impression that Im insinuating that this is a pro-profit server. But Im pretty sure you know that, you are just bending what I said to make your case. In either case, all I wanted to say is that, for the sake of sustainability it would be logical to assume that the current state of things is preferred over an alternative one with unknown results and unknown impact on said sustainability. Hence why there might be little will for changes of that nature. Im assuming of course, an educated guess perhaps. And I may be wrong. Its just an opinion and not a fact. So don't twist it.

3. Correct, there are aspects of monetization that used to be way worse. To be completely honest I forgot about those entirely until now. So point taken.

4. You're welcome, your copypasta folder is now that much richer.

5. Some of the features you've mentioned do support passive RP and RP in general in a meaningful way. Id say one or two of those features/changes I hadn't been aware of until now. So again, fair play. On the other hand, a lot of those are just tweaks to the mechanics that dont necessarily need to support RP directly in any way and are just a quality of life improvement.

6. Yeah, those are good examples, definitely shows some tendency to move in the right direction for sure.

7. All that depraved behavior of the old times... I'm very glad we're rid of that. I've always been against it from the very beginning. But unfortunately, no. This isn't the only thing we got rid of from the Ye Olde PH.

All of this however still falls short on the fact that the RP quality despite all of these changes still sucks balls.

If you're on PH to grind, make stacks, drive fancy cars and shoot people, be an MLG pro raider, and generally just kinda fuck around with people and have some light-hearted fun, yeah... Then PH has definitely been improving over the years a LOT. But if you're on PH and hope to get some nice and quality roleplay done, then you're likely out of luck and that ship has sailed years ago.
Your roleplay skills have always been subpar, probably akin to the skills of a piece of rock. You might yourself very well be a small contributor to the decline in quality of roleplay in PH and in that case I humbly wipe my ass with your fucking contributions. Bite me and see you next year. : )
Reaction score
The ''people'' are the reason why there is so much less RP I think. We have become the old men, there is a reason that the old Heavy RP game modes have died (didn't help it was text only so it took fucking ages to do anything + the multitude of other problems).

The new generation of players are more pew-pew-pow-pow get the $$$, they don't have the patience/creativity or simple desire to do passive RP. They can't be bothered. I understand and accept that Perpheads is all cops and robbers but I feel like the extreme focus on PVP really hampers the RP. Again I feel like it is the player base that has changed.
Reaction score
1. For a server that claims to be a Serious RP (literally in the title), this is a joke. Not even close. It's barely passing off as semi-serious if even that.. The fact that you stick to rules, doesn't constitute good or quality roleplay, nor does it guarantee seriousness. PH of today is akin to a GTA lobby with rules and roles to fill. But thats it. People do not generally play characters, they are themselves and just play a game of source engine GTA.
bro summarised it perfectly

i’ve spent thousands of hours on serious roleplay servers where you put yourself in position of a character and roleplay them out and be different to who you are IRL. perp is definitely not one of those servers

you are simply delusional if you think perp has high standards of realism and roleplay, does that make the server bad? not at all its fun as fuck
Reaction score
1. For a server that claims to be a Serious RP (literally in the title), this is a joke. Not even close. It's barely passing off as semi-serious if even that.. The fact that you stick to rules, doesn't constitute good or quality roleplay, nor does it guarantee seriousness. PH of today is akin to a GTA lobby with rules and roles to fill. But thats it. People do not generally play characters, they are themselves and just play a game of source engine GTA.
Why? How are people not roleplaying in manners staff are failing to intervene in? The bar has fallen over the years at fault of the garrys mod playerbase but its not really something we can put at fault, Nor fix entirely beyond dealing with individuals who aren't following this gameplay requirement.

This issue of people not playing a character is nothing new, I doubt it was even a consistent thing people would do in 2015 and below, Rather just people being themselves. Furthermore I find people being themselves is more believable than some characters people play as, Because it just starts to fall into Simpsons side character esque stuff very quickly when people do, Albeit I dont think thats a bad thing, Its just not something I want the whole server to do.

Maintaining a character persona is something players are doing, Myself included over the years however this just gets tiring to constantly put effort into. Its better to just play a character for a bit then don't after awhile, switching between them. As someone who played PERP With many personas with funny voices, actions, etc. Its just difficult to maintain for most. Many people can be themselves on the server and still establish a persona and reputation. Some of the best PERP "Characters" over the years are people just being themselves, Notably Tyrone Biglegs and @Jyrgen . Lord Satty is a great example of a consistent character to the point where its disputable if hes even just being himself or not and he's genuinely like this. @steelo , @Aquaa and @Kenty regularly play a character, A different one as times go by.

Unfortunately half the Super serious RP community were teen gamers during its heyday and are now pushing 30 with jobs and kids to worry about. PERP Still falls under the SeriousRP category by default in comparison to any other city roleplaying server. Whilst simply Out of character interaction in character within context of RP situations being disallowed automatically qualifies you for that nowadays, PERP goes deeper than this. Unfortunately the Valuing of material possessions and gameplay experience over realistic actions and valuing your life is the only downside to PERPs Roleplay that I see, But at the end of the day I come to expect this from a video game.

Most "Serious Roleplay" servers nowadays, Notice a running trend? They're Themed, And not just generically themed like PERP. The only ones I can list other than perp are based off of history, Revolving around a job, or a movie Franchise. Serious RP Servers nowadays are all either Military, Historical, Or based off of a movie or game franchise. Themed servers act upon lore of the era and world it is replicating, And gives people something to go off of. 50s-80s Mafia RP, You just watch the fucking godfather and base yourself off of someone from there. Half Life 2 roleplay you base yourself off of characters there. Clone wars RP? You're a clone, Talk aussie and hate clankas... Modern City roleplay? Nothing to go off of, Hence why people would, Understandably, just play as themselves. Theres no "Lore" or no political, Fictional or historical situation going on in the PERPHeads world to base your character off of. Its just a normal city, with a stupidly high crime rate. No known history, No known future. This gives you the flexibility to work off of ofc, But players simply being themselves is just part and parcel with, Well, Playing in a modern city environment. Seeing as PERP is just based off of reality in a modern day era world, People playing as themselves, Just normal people, Makes heaps more sense than you're letting on. The game gives you a clean slate, In a world you, as a person, would be apart of, Thus meaning you fit in perfectly with the world around you.

This issue of people not playing a character is nothing new, I doubt it was even a consistent thing people would do in 2015 and below, Rather just people being themselves. Furthermore I find people being themselves is more believable than some characters people play as, Because it just starts to fall into Simpsons side character esque stuff very quickly when people do, Albeit I dont think thats a bad thing, Its just not something I want the whole server to do.

Source engine GTA always has been the tagline of City Roleplay servers, perp included.
If you're on PH to grind, make stacks, drive fancy cars and shoot people, be an MLG pro raider, and generally just kinda fuck around with people and have some light-hearted fun, yeah... Then PH has definitely been improving over the years a LOT. But if you're on PH and hope to get some nice and quality roleplay done, then you're likely out of luck and that ship has sailed years ago.
Hits a level of satisfaction for the 40 odd new players we get a month who stick around for a bit. These people are leaving other servers for this reason, and joining ours, Getting the satisfaction they need for a Roleplay server. What would constitute as "Serious Roleplay" Back in the earlier days of such servers is all but extinct from Garrys Mod aside from roleplay servers with an actual theme beyond being a city, Even those are dying barren valleys of a bygone era propped up by the pockets of the 20 active players. I would argue for as long as I was here, The Quality of the playerbase now exceeds that of 2017, even when you take all the racism and ERP out the equation. Factoring in those less desirable aspects of our history, PERP hasnt been better since day 1.

As for the MLG Pro raiders, They're already falling under heavier scrutiny when they break a rule in their endeavours as is, It is a problem that is being worked on. I do not want to see this community slip into Nutscript territories of Roleplay enforcement where new players join once and get permabanned for punching the admin who dragged him to a sit for Bhop in public however.
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I feel and have felt like, and know that few others agree with me, PERP is relatively toxic cuz it can be a grind. Plus you have peeps from all cultures and ages playing together. Toxicity is part of every game sadly. Try to focus on the good aspects and ignore bad behaviour.

To see a trend where peeps bait out rulebreaks to instantly make ARs on peeps. Personally rarely made an AR on someone eventhough they broke a rule. Cuz its time consuming and outright childish in some cases. Peeps too hungry to give staff more to do.

Other than that I do think some staff members should be lil more forgiving in some cases. But ye peeps can get lil powerhungry regardless of their detailed training.
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I feel and have felt like, and know that few others agree with me, PERP is relatively toxic cuz it can be a grind. Plus you have peeps from all cultures and ages playing together. Toxicity is part of every game sadly. Try to focus on the good aspects and ignore bad behaviour.

To see a trend where peeps bait out rulebreaks to instantly make ARs on peeps. Personally rarely made an AR on someone eventhough they broke a rule. Cuz its time consuming and outright childish in some cases. Peeps too hungry to give staff more to do.

Other than that I do think some staff members should be lil more forgiving in some cases. But ye peeps can get lil powerhungry regardless of their detailed training.