Hey PERPheads,
I've been playing this 10FastFingers Typing Test thing and it's great at telling you how fast you can type under a time limit. It's counted in WPM which stands for Words Per Minute. Let's compare our typing speeds and post your results here! If you get any faster, feel free to update your post. Link: http://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/english

Visit the Typing Test and try!
I've been playing this 10FastFingers Typing Test thing and it's great at telling you how fast you can type under a time limit. It's counted in WPM which stands for Words Per Minute. Let's compare our typing speeds and post your results here! If you get any faster, feel free to update your post. Link: http://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/english

Visit the Typing Test and try!