How to avoid loot fear

Gear fear for me is gone when I:
- Think of the game as a roleplay game, So I try to make interactions be my source of fun rather than constant shootouts or looting
- Try to make sure you are passively making income while having fun if your continuation of said fun requires a capital sum. (I.e Play cop and make money that way or power grow as crim)
- Detach yourself from your financial state in PERP. You're not going homeless if you have $0, just make the most out of the RP you end up in or make then move on.

The great thing about PERPHeads is it's super fast paced, One second you can be broke, the next you can powergrow a lot of money. Unlike other RP where gear fear is way more, like FiveM, you don't have to grind for days or weeks to get to the point of action or talk to a million people to get information.

In summary (TL: DR): Enjoy your time on the game instead of worrying about your financial state and make your fun make you money if you really need money to have fun in the server.
Gear fear for me is gone when I:
- Think of the game as a roleplay game, So I try to make interactions be my source of fun rather than constant shootouts or looting
- Try to make sure you are passively making income while having fun if your continuation of said fun requires a capital sum. (I.e Play cop and make money that way or power grow as crim)
- Detach yourself from your financial state in PERP. You're not going homeless if you have $0, just make the most out of the RP you end up in or make then move on.

The great thing about PERPHeads is it's super fast paced, One second you can be broke, the next you can powergrow a lot of money. Unlike other RP where gear fear is way more, like FiveM, you don't have to grind for days or weeks to get to the point of action or talk to a million people to get information.

In summary (TL: DR): Enjoy your time on the game instead of worrying about your financial state and make your fun make you money if you really need money to have fun in the server.
I don't need money however my main fun is pvp tbh so I kinda need money I enjoy socialising ofc, pvp also ain't power growing just growing over long times if so what's the best powergrowing bases
I don't need money however my main fun is pvp tbh so I kinda need money I enjoy socialising ofc, pvp also ain't power growing just growing over long times if so what's the best powergrowing bases
Playing cop is an easy answer, You get PVP and you get paid by the minute for it.

Slums is also easily the best power growing spot because It's right NEXT to PD so you'll get the quickest PD response and there is only one entrance to protect.
Playing cop is an easy answer, You get PVP and you get paid by the minute for it.

Slums is also easily the best power growing spot because It's right NEXT to PD so you'll get the quickest PD response and there is only one entrance to protect.
Fair pd is good for it however it requires effort especially in the other thread as discussed there are idiots haha. Also I thought Wood cabins was good
I got rid of my gear fear in Tarkov by just saying fuck it bringing max gear every raid and seeing how many more kills I got that way, aka more loot in the long run. Yes I sometimes insta died but other times I got out with good stuff purely because I tanked 3 shots
I got rid of my gear fear in Tarkov by just saying fuck it bringing max gear every raid and seeing how many more kills I got that way, aka more loot in the long run. Yes I sometimes insta died but other times I got out with good stuff purely because I tanked 3 shots
It's more I'm scared of raiding cause what if I lose or get caught mid crowbar
It's more I'm scared of raiding cause what if I lose or get caught mid crowbar
Play cop until you have 1 million if you're that scared or power grow until then. Then think about how many raids you can afford with your preferred kit. Just to throw up a number let's say a raid costs 20k for the gun and crowbars, you can afford to lose 50 raids without a lick of profit before you need to hop back on cop. It's a really easy gameplay loop and I do that myself.
I got rid of my gear fear in Tarkov by just saying fuck it bringing max gear every raid and seeing how many more kills I got that way, aka more loot in the long run. Yes I sometimes insta died but other times I got out with good stuff purely because I tanked 3 shots
i play PVE but I can definitely agree Tarkov has made me way less fearful of losing my gear
Like matthew said, once you sit on a bunch of mass crafted guns, you stop caring about losing a rifle here and there. I expect to lose my gun 90% of the time anyways, surviving is just a bonus