How to properly roleplay as an EMT

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EMT Guide

This guide is still being made, sadly, as I couldn't finish it at the time of the writing, but it will be finished in the next few days.

Section 1: Equipment
First Responder Vehicle
The First Responder Vehicle is a quick reaction force for medical emergency, it is supposed to be on the scene in less than 2 minutes and give basic medical assistance when an ambulance is on its way, you are able to patrol on it and it is a great option for minor emergencies.

The vehicle equipment includes:
  • Defibrillator
  • First Aid Kit
  • Long range radio
  • Pain relief medicine
  • Oxygen

Full Sized Ambulance
A full sized ambulance is a response vehicle made to evacuate patients to hospitals or other places where their treatment is needed, with all the medical equipment needed to keep them alive on their way to there, it may also remove the bodies of people in paralake city.

The ambulance equipment includes:
  • Defibrillator
  • First Aid Kit
  • Long range radio
  • Pain relief medicine
  • Stretcher
  • Saline IV
  • Oxygen

Section 2: People during heart emergencies
During heart emergencies, if they still have pulse DO NOT attempt to do CPR, heart trauma is one of the most dangerous things to the body, the victim needs rest more than anything.
Attempt to give them Oxygen if possible, and remove chest clothing in order to make it easier to breath.
Take out the stretcher from the full sized ambulance and secure the victim on it, try to keep him calm and give him pain reliefing medicine, start driving towards the hospital and attach him a saline IV, he needs close supervision during the time of the heart emergency until it ends. Let the hospital doctors perform the surgery if needed and let them keep supervision over him. You are an emergency technician, not a doctor.

Section 3: Brain emergencies
Brain emergencies are the worst thing an EMT can face during his duty, you can't do a lot, give the person oxygen, make it easier to breath by removing chest clothing and rush the victim to the hospital, leave it to the emergency doctors, they know what to do and sadly we just don't have the equipment out of the hospital.

Section 4: Shooting
During the time of a shoiting near you when, towards you, or towards someone near you, press the panic button and seek shelter, your life comes first.
If asked to respond to a scene of shooting wear protective gear and do not move in unless told to by the commanding officer of the scene, if you hear shooting and see the shooter where no other officers are, press your panic button.
There's really not much you can do as an EMT, trying to act like an officer won't help you or the LEO's, shouting into the radio isn't helping but disturbing.
As soon as the scene is secured go by priorities, goverment employees first, victims second and suspects last.
You will be tasked with taking care if things such as major bleedings, heart emergencies, shock and trauma, and obviously death.
See the other sections to know how to deal with those seperately.

Section 5: Unconcious victims
Some people are unlucky, they can find themselves on the floor with their heart not beating or unable to breath, maybe even bleeding to death, but in this case, they're even more unlucky, because they fell unconcious on the floor, they are an easy victim for mugging, they can easily get hurt by someone without experience that is trying to help, but sadly there's not much to be done about it.
As an EMT you should know what to do, check for the vital signs, higher the legs and wait, if the victim doesn't wake up, you should take the stretcher and rush him to the hospital to seek the required medical attention, we don't have the ability to take care of that all on the field, in fact they're luckier to get an heart attack.

Section 6: Drowning
Sadly, upon drowning in Paralake city you must be close to the beach in order to get medical attention in time, unless you are really lucky, some have heard stories about the monster of the sea, in paralake, but it has been proven to exist, it ate people alive, it killed many innocent people, making it so EMT's cannot go in the water in order to help anyone, the person will have to seek a way to get to the beach in order to receive medical attention.
If he is close to the beach simply pull him out and rush him to the hospital, there are no tools to get water out of the body on the field, and it must be done in the hospital, attempt to perform CPR if the heart isn't beating in order to keep the victim alive.

Section 7: Traffic accident
Upon traffic accidents its important to remember that injuries to the back, head and neck are extremely dangerous and the victim mustn't be touched unless you have both experience and training, the victims must be touched only under the following circumstances:​
  • Immediate danger to the life of the victim
  • Danger to the life of the victim due to vehicle fire
  • Majorly bleeding and in need for urgent medical attention
  • Pressure appealed on the vehicle due to an object
Get your stretcher out and at first secure the victim on it, remember you need at least two people in order to secure someone that is hurt from a traffic accident, lower the ramp and rush him to the hospital, the many ambulances the better, if needed, go back and forth by priorities, the more damaged they are the first they get evacuated.

Section 8: Bleeding
We can identify Bleeding by 4 different levels, and those are going to be covered with all of the equipment needed, in the first two they are supposed to be easily found within the ambulance and the first aid kit.
At first take the following steps and simply end it up easily:​
  1. Wear medical gloves, its always a must.
  2. Appeal direct and strong pressure on the position that the person is bleeding from.
  3. If the bleeding isn't stopping, appeal pressure with clothing or anything similar.
  4. In case where the organ is out of the body or the bleeding is uncontrollable block the vein up with clothing, that's life-saving.
  5. If you can't do any of the above, appeal direct and strong pressure on the closest vein possible.
  6. If it goes even more uncontrollable or the victim is going unconcious, rush him to the hospital for medical attention.
Section 9: CPR
To be added

Section 10: Post-Trauma
To be added

Section 11: Evacuation to hospitals
To be added

Section 12: Mass emergencies
To be added

Section 13: Navigation
To be added

Section 14: Fire
There's something amazing in the fire department, its called Fire EMT's, those are Firefighters capable of giving the most basic medical attention, in fact, all you need to do until the fire is out is way outside and let the Firefighters and Fire EMT's do their job as your life comes first, if you're lucky the fire EMT's will drag people out for you to give the medical attention needed.

Section 15: Shock and Trauma
To be added

Section 16: Emergency Driving
A full guide on Emergency Driving has been released by @Riekelt and can be found here.

Section 17: Death
To be added​
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Guide looks really nice so props for that, but in reality everyone just clicks 4 times on his defib and rushes to a dead dude for the money.
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