i do the come back is it worth play?

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yes i do the come back after big ban i get the rogue car tyres pregarnt with roundabouts so i had to go and sell fish n chips in the balck market and now rogue left me for a more handsomer fish n chip dealer becuz he didnt like the fish and chip dealers i was friend with because he thunk they were shady and bad people and now he leave me my roundabout is due to be bron soon someone pls help i want see my child roundabout??
so yes i have time to paly server is it worth play pls?

also my ban history for anyone interested in the stupid shit i did a few years back lmao
sure was a dumbass
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yes i do the come back after big ban i get the rogue car tyres pregarnt with roundabouts so i had to go and sell fish n chips in the balck market and now rogue left me for a more handsomer fish n chip dealer becuz he didnt like the fish and chip dealers i was friend with because he thunk they were shady and bad people and now he leave me my roundabout is due to be bron soon someone pls help i want see my child roundabout??
so yes i have time to paly server is it worth play pls?
oi met tyrd lawr i bangor nai cnocio dy ben reit off dy sgwyddau
dwi'n real soldiwr iawn, tri deg mlynedd yn yr US marines
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How many times is someone gonna make this kind of post, just hop on the server and check for yourself. Experience it yourself and you’ll find out if it’s worth it.