I don't even know what life is right now (NOT A GOODBYE POST)

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United Kingdom

Well guys i know some of you might not give a fuck so if you don't turn around and don't even bother replying or commenting.
Basically a lot of shit has been going on with life.

Im going to list everything thats been depressing me: My Girlfriend dumped me today, i think most of the community hate me, i think im a bad cop because of all these internal affairs complaints (Although they get exronated it still makes me feel really depressed), etc.

Now i understand that my salt levels have been pretty high due to the fact that i rage in ooc a lot over olsen banden raiding me all the time, etc. But people in this community don't understand the shit that some of us go though in life. My mother was in a mental hospital for a month because of shit, i have autism, social services are involved in my life, i got arrested a few months ago and was released on bail with charges dropped and no convictions.

The only real thing i really care about in perp is the community, i like to help the people inside and outside this community and its good to talk to people and always know that your there for them and they are there for you when shit like this happens. Also the other scary thing is that i keep thinking im going to get banned again but i have now fully mastered rule 3.4 which is less worrying for me but i still worry about it.

I just really wish this community was more calm, caring and less salty.

Because of all this shit that i get from people In character and Out of Character it makes me feel like i've done something wrong or fucked up in life. Im so despirate to let it all out but if i do that im afraid ill probably get banned which is not what i want to happen.

Now i know this isn't a goodbye post or anything but i just want to mention a few great people in this community:

@Fredy @Xquality @StephenPuffs - You made this community possible, you put all this work and effort into making the best custom PERP gamemode. Without you i probably wouldn't know where to chill out and get out of real life and in my new perp life.

@SpaceShots @Cole @GraveDinosaur @LEWIS 088 @Madda @Testa Lagusa @Mooney @Racxes - You are all great staff members and do great things for this community. Without you this community would be unstable and unplayable, you also help me a lot with rules and insted of banning me or giving me a warning you tell me what i've done wrong and help me improve on it by telling me whats benefitial for my life and whats not benefitial, etc.

@Hayden - Even though Hayden banned me once it doesn't mean he was a bad staff member it was a mistake i made and im the one to blame. Its sad that you resigned, you were a great staff member and i hope you go for staff again in the future. Same for you @Mage

Paralake Police Department
@Jordan @Medulla @AyJay - Without you this wouldn't even be a Police Department, you've made the department amazing like it is today. You've selected the correct people to command the main divisions of the department to keep it smooth and running and i really appreciate the work you've all done for this department.

@Cole @Testa Lagusa @Youseff - You've done an amazing job with the patrol division, keep it up and keep it running smoothly like it is now.

@Hayden @Tim Meijer - You have both done an amazing job for my favorite division of the Police Department, without you this Department would be all over the place with sad and depressed employies and nowhere to give feedback on the department.

@SC3 Gazzy gaming - Now as much as i always used to get mad at you it doesn't mean your doing bad, your actually a really good officer. Keep up what your doing and you'll get there Jimmy.

@Smily @Bert @Mallard @FatGeorge @McYeke @The HitMan @DutchAero @Wewai @Illuminathan - Your all amazing officers and i wish you all good luck in the future.

@LordTyla - Your an amazing driver that runs over armed suspects so that we don't have to shoot them 10/10 Driving Skills.

Sorry if i forgot a few people, remind me if i forgot anyone please do.

Im not even going to mention dumb ratings and bad spelling ratings.
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Hey man sorry to hear that your girlfriend dumped you but just think of it this way, your 16 a young guy and you'll find someone else eventually, so not matter how much you like this one girl there will always be another. IA complaints are just a daily thing within the PD so don't get yourself hung up on that, personally I feel your an extrodionary Officer with the PLPD, and even the best of officers receive IA complaints, just take the information from them and use them as feedback and motivation to improve.
Henry your a good lad with good intentions and you are extremely fun guy to be around. If you would like to talk to me about anything going on just add me on steam and we can talk your heart away.
I hope you feel better soon, I know at this current state that PERP doesn't seem very 'friendly' but everyone here can be friendly. I'm sure that if you need help you can message anyone.

If you ever need anyone to talk to, you can talk to People Services or contact me. We can just talk about anything. We're here if you need us.
My Girlfriend dumped me today, i think most of the community hate me, i think im a bad cop because of all these internal affairs complaints
Man, I understand how you're feeling in regards to your girlfriend dumping you. But I also know you'll be able to get past it and move forward. I am sure you'll be able to find someone else

I cannot personally say I see people acting negatively towards you (may be because I am not the most active of people), and I definitely do not have anything against you, myself. I am aware that a large portion of the community may not seem to be the most friendly of people, but I know that the vast majority can be/are friendly, despite what they seem like on the outside. And in case people express their hatred towards you in any kind, you can ignore them, or contact staff for assistance. I believe most of us want everyone to have a good time and not feel targeted or hated, so you can always try talking with other members of the community.

Now, about the IA complaints, I know that - despite the majority being exonerated - it has an effect on you. I've felt the same when I got complaints on me. Though, most of the times I was more confused than angry/sad about receiving a complaint. And that's because a large amount of complaints are for the silliest of things. For example, someone made a complaint because I refused to talk with them during their arrest, beyond informing them of the reason behind their arrest (Note: They did not request a supervisor). Same person had, just minutes before, shot a round in my skull at close range with their revolver. I thought it was silly, and so I believe the IA Investigator did as well.
As long as they're exonerated, you should be glad, because it means you're doing nothing wrong, and the person making the complaint is, more or less, just a bit salty. And in case the complaint is valid, use it as a learning experience. Be proud of the work you're doing.

Beyond what I've said so far, I just want to say that I hope to see you feel better soon. It's a lot of stuff to have weighing down on you, so if you ever want to let anything off of your shoulders, feel free to talk with any of us, or People Services. We're here if you need us.
Your girlfriend dumping you sucks, but you shouldn't let other peoples opinion get you down. just be you and if others don't like it they can go away.
It sucks about ur girlfriend but I'm sure u will get past it. Everyone on perp is a salty fuck every now and then so I wouldn't take it to heart, just tell them to go fuck themselves man.
Yeah my girlfriend cheated on me last week whilst I was away. Feelsbadman
Although I'm back with her now so guess who the ☕ is... dis guy
Not saying this to try and be mean. However you should be aware that everyone has problems. Some choose to share them, some don't. Whilst it's obviously not some type of competition, there are people in this community with far worse issues than the ones you stated.

You should learn how to separate them. Going on perp and playing is supposed to be an escape from real life, it's a game you play for fun and friends. If this said game is making you annoyed or stressed then leave the game for a while and play something else.

The community hasn't become anymore salty then what it was years ago. If you don't want to add fuel to the flames, control yourself in OOC. A rage in OOC or LOOC never looks good, and can't really be justified.

Just take a break, get involved with some real life activities, it's summer after all. Try and find what you like (history, English, sports, art etc) and there's bound to be clubs/groups in or around where you live.
I know how it feels how to be dumped. That's why I'm staying single for now so I don't need to have some bitch swinging on my feelings. Me and you have already had a talk over the paranoia when it comes to you thinking that you broke a rule and like I have said you have most likely done nothing wrong and I'm glad that you have mastered a few rules. I know how you feel about your mother being in hospital as I have seen my parents in hospital before and although it might not be the same reasons as your parents it's still very scary and worrying. In terms of those who treat you like shit just ignore them, They need to get a life anyway. however, they are probably not open minded enough to see that, unfortunately. I know how it feels to be raided as when I was trying to get money it used to be like winning the lottery to not be raided within a few hours but to play PH you need to deal with that in which I feel that you're more than capable of doing so. Most IA complaints tend to be filled with salt anyways that's why most of mine got denied so you don't really have anything to worry about. Yes, the PH community can be toxic at times but most of the time they are very kind and friendly and are very good to have a laugh with. (To some extent) I hope everything gets better for you Henry and I'm sure it will. Feel free to talk to me privately or publicly whether that's on TS, Forums, In-game or steam. :)
I used to get cyber bullied by @Ezrider, @Feng Yamaguchi @Walker . Then I decided by myself I ain't gonna get triggered by someone shouting Butcher Aids so I got myself whitelisted as cop. Improved my aim in firing range. Got in a decent org, got some cash and then I got in with the right group of people and its Gucci.
I used to get cyber bullied by @Ezrider, @Feng Yamaguchi @Walker . Then I decided by myself I ain't gonna get triggered by someone shouting Butcher Aids so I got myself whitelisted as cop. Improved my aim in firing range. Got in a decent org, got some cash and then I got in with the right group of people and its Gucci.

How did i bully you what? Raiding isnt bullying...

A sweater that i helped ages ago has betrayed me :(

I bought him his first car and showed him how to grow drugs and this is what i get. He raided me and i had to shoot him because he was shooting my friends.
I've just been dumped today too mate, It's fucking shit but we need to not waste our time on it and live our life to the full, no point wasting a summer feeling like shit, get out with mates, have some fun and most importantly have a laugh. I hope you're okay.
I've just been dumped today too mate, It's fucking shit but we need to not waste our time on it and live our life to the full, no point wasting a summer feeling like shit, get out with mates, have some fun and most importantly have a laugh. I hope you're okay.
Mooney even tho you always get moody with me ur a nice lad, wish you all luck dude, she was probs a bitch dw
I'm sure you will be okay Henry. I know at the moment PERP isn't at all anything like it was back in days but I guess that's just life right? As for your IA complaints. Take no notice of them, most of the time salty off-duty officers feel the need to go around trying to pull people up on the littlest of things and then in the end get exonerated. Raiding is pretty much the funnest thing to do on the server, so of course this is going to happen from time to time. As for your girlfriend dumping you. You're 16... This of course will not be your only relationship and you may not think it is but its probably not even all that serious in terms of everything else you need to prepare for in life such as your a-levels which you're beginning in September. Life can be tough at times but if you keep fighting, keep staying strong it all pays off in the end, trust me! Stay safe man, i'm always here if you need to talk. :)
But people in this community don't understand the shit that some of us go though in life. My mother was in a mental hospital for a month because of shit, i have autism, social services are involved in my life, i got arrested a few months ago and was released on bail with charges dropped and no convictions.

Bro u got a meal 3 times a day, have a roof above ur head and got an education going for you. It can get much worse than what u currently experiencing. Ther are people out there that are doing much worse than you without having a need to shout for attention. The only problems I noted are your mother and you having autism. Gf dumping happens to all of us and being arrested means doing something illegal which is probably your own fault. If an online community hates you then your doing something wrong buddy.

Now i understand that my salt levels have been pretty high due to the fact that i rage in ooc a lot over olsen banden raiding me all the time, etc.
I just really wish this community was more calm, caring and less salty.

I honestly dont know anymore at this point.

This is an online gaming community. This isnt some sort of happy talking happy day kind of shit. People are gonna be tough, people are gonna be rude. You need to know how to handle yourself in a community. If you dont youll get shat on, sorry but simple as.

You're 16 pal, everyone has tough times during childhood (i sound like some old fuck even though im 17). Thats just life. It aint gonna be a walk through the park in 20 years either. This thread is really just pointless in my eyes

Dumb ratings feed me
This is my opinion, dont remove it.
When trump bans trannies off the internet all traps will disappear off perp and you can find yourself a nice Egirl

forgot you are a trap rip

Jokes aside fuck all that shit move forward and don't look back shit will always hold you back, don't let it get a good grip.