I had a blast.

Reaction score
This will be my final post, it won't be long because I've put recommendations out as a different thread in the correct section.
(Anyone i forgot? tell me. I will stop editing my recommendations thread on the 10th of Jan)

I've really had a blast playing here, but it's come to an end and I need to focus on my life from now on.
It's nearly the end of my school year and I am about to have my exams, I would like to thank everybody who took part to enhance my roleplay and get me properly immersed. (Especially @StephenPuffs @Xquality and @Fredy for making perpheads possible)
Although it may be more boring leaving the community as a whole, I may still peek around on the forums probably chatting in the shoutbox for a couple of minutes or so, but I have more important things to do such as finnishing my education and socialize with friends and family.

Edit; I will not return.
I wish you good luck with everything @Exnem! Regardless of your "Edit" I still hope (and expect :booty: to see you on the server once in a while ;-; <3
Well exnem, Sad to see you go but understandable! Good luck i further life and thanks for all experience we had together (even though it is not that big)!

Good luck with your upcoming exams and hope to see you in the shoutbox a few times!
Well mate , i wish the best for you! Good luck with the exam i hope you smash em!
We all know you will return, like always:kappa:. Anyways good luck wtih the exams Exnem, you better not fail them.