I messed up.

Hey guys :)

A lot of you saw already that I have been demoted as Enforcer.
I wanna be completely honest with you and tell you what happened, even if it will make me look bad.
I was roaming around in Noclip as usual, and then I heard shots at Projex and went there to check it out.
After a few seconds of watching the situation, I saw my homies in Projex and then decided to drop myself off near Projex and join the situation.
There is no excuse for my actions and I completely agree that this should never happen. I was stupid and don't know why I thought it was ok to join them.
I am mad at myself because I honestly think I would be a great staff member.
I apologize to everyone for my actions, especially to @Efan @Oddy @Bnjemann @3izu @Nazeer and @Collier.
These guys were supporting and helping me so much, I feel like a dumbass letting them down like that.
This is just an apology, I am not begging to get another shot, and I do not deserve one.
I had my chance and fucked up, so I have to live with the consequences.
Nothing but love to the whole Staff Team! It was an honor to work with you guys.
Also thanks to the community for the love I am receiving every day. You guys are the best!

Much love!
give him one chance
Don't put pressure on them, that's not fair.
Efan had every reason to demote me.
I would lie if I didn't want another shot, but some things are just not meant to be.
Maybe one day they can forgive me and give me another shot, but it's just way too soon.
I appreciate you guys tho <3
Brother got demoted before getting his janniemobile. Sadge.
Respect the honesty, and I get what you mean, being mad at yourself for doing it. I think we've all done dumb shit that we look back on and get annoyed at ourselves for. Remember, you're not the first person to be demoted as enforcer, and you won't be the last, so don't feel too bad about it.
When I saw your enforcer application I first did not think u where ready for it as it’s not that long since u joined but when u got it I saw that u has more then enough rule knowledge and u where a great enforcer even tho u made a mistake so hope u make a return soon.
I think you'll find the actual #1 staff rule is:
just a small delay in you getting blue, learn from this and don't screw up next time!
By reading all this we should hold a community vote to see if people really cared, I know we don't have anything to say and you did break staff policy but if the people in the situation didnt care too much a warning would've been sufficient. It seems like you got 95% of the people from the community behind you, yes we do all fuck up but if nobody in the situation really cared then its whatever, Obviously its not allowed but it does make for good content nonetheless. I hope you will be reinstated as a staff member soon, You were/are a good one. Honestly I'd love to see some clips of this situation ngl.
I can share the clip if @Efan is ok with it. I don't mind, to be honest.
It is really awesome how you guys still have my back. And maybe I needed the slap from Efan to make sure I would be way more careful with staff policies.
It's not that I didn't care or anything, but I think I did it because I was a bit too comfortable and didn't think it would be a big deal, which it is!
I can promise tho, that I will learn from my mistake.
We believe in you Kevko we all have your back and we know you will learn from this and hope you get a second chance you were a really good staff member who knew the rules really well was really friendly and made to investigate fully before coming to a conclusion always helping people and helped anyone to understand the rules
And this proves you wouldn't be a great staff member. To think that you are a new enforcer and then pulls out a move like this makes it so much deserved.
Yea because everyone who is confident in himself is automatically a bad staff member.
And it is deserved, I agree, never said something else.

I don't think you are sorry for what you did, I think you are sorry that you got caught.
Wrong again

Edit: Also just to clarify something, Efan asked me if I want to tell everyone that I resigned and asked me if I want to make a resignation post (which would be way easier for me).
I told him that I wanna tell you guys the truth, eventho it will make me look bad. So how exactly am I sorry for getting caught, and not sorry for doing it in the first place? Everyone who knows me a little bit knows that I actually care about everyone, not only for myself.
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