I was demoted

Reaction score
Nottingham, England

Loved my time as staff, cheers for the run.

I was demoted from enforcer after 5 odd months in the staff team, just about missed out on beating you Bean Can

This was a bit of a surprise to me, the previous staff meeting, I was told I was on a good track and showing good improvement. All the admins present wanted was for me to prove myself and build some good trust between them and me, alongside proving that I wasn't here to be power-hungry or ignorant of the possibility I could be wrong (always thinking I'm right).

So here's a brief of what I did wrong as a staff member, those accepted staff complaints etc.

  • DB was standing on my poker table whilst I was gambling, which caused me to lose a bit of money. I started punching him with the intent to kill him. He and Kenty pulled guns and started shooting at me, I continued to punch DB until he died, then lunged at Kenty, dying. This was a clear break of 3.4, I wasn't given a staff warning for this but was told it was the reason why I wasn't promoted to mod, this was around 3 and a bit months ago.
  • Substance abuse in a TeamSpeak channel in front of users. No excuse, this was stupid lmao. I apologised and it seemed like it was dealt with. This was about 6 weeks ago.
  • Around 6 weeks ago as well, I saw a mayor sitting in the forest, ignoring a newer SS player for over an hour. I drove the SS over to him and told him off. I should've noclipped. This was a closed staff complaint, rather than accepted.
  • Due to some theft, there was a forced withdrawal. I didn't look into the forced withdrawal enough and due to that 1.5million over what should've been withdrawn was taken. This was rectified and no users have an issue with the solution. This was about a month-ish ago, was bought up for discussion around 3 weeks after it happened.

Nothing else happened since then, when admins dragged me in tonight, they spoke about how they should've demoted me 6 weeks back. I protested stating how I was given such good feedback at the last meeting; them saying the potential they see and that they wanted to keep me on the staff team, if they didn't I would've been gone - in their words. Yet they had not been informed of this feedback at all tonight.

If I try and pick apart fault in anything they did it'd just be spiteful and baseless so I won't.

A bit of a shock for me. I do really love PERP and have done for the past 7 years.

might try for helper at some point <3
joey you're probably one of my favorite staff members , v sad to see this out of the blue. You've been extremely helpful to me and alot of others in the community so a thanks from us. And hopefully we will see you moderating the server and telling me off for my bases sometime soon. Cheers
Adding on from fatdoobies, I haven't been in the server for too long, only about a month. It became a thing of like "If we want to test something, we can ask joey" and I appreciated the time and effort you took out of your time to help not just me but US out. Out of all the staff members I've come into contact with, you've definitely helped me the most, at least in terms of improvement and learning. Sad to see it go out this way, keep your head up and I'm sure you'll be back in no time. Cheers joey.
ok mate but dont be afraid to dm me about anything mental health ectara ill keep it all a secret and we can talk
You were a good staff member and are a good person. Dont leave because of these stupid mistakes. Wait a bit of time and I'm sure you'll be welcome back into the staff team better than ever!
welcome to the club joey
