Community Suggestion Idea for the CMs

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Suggestion Title: Idea for the CMs
Suggestion Description: Hello everyone

I truly feel like the disparity between the activity levels and the way from, what I saw, that Forums is barely ever used for community purposes or events anymore and just the way it seemingly has gotten to the point where it is now a place mainly for ban requests or ban appeals it saddens me.

I propose an idea that takes reference from the Christmas advent calendar event. It’s not going to be as sophisticated obviously to preserve time and effort for other things that CMs should focus on. The idea is to host:

- Scheduled weekly events on days like maybe a Friday

- Have poster competitions where the community can vote on posters they like the most. This incentivizes more roleplay as many more people will make posters and use them in role play as well as jump in on the contests for the cash prize.

- give monthly highlighted appreciation posts for helpers, best role players and maybe a video of their role play scene for everyone to enjoy and learn from as well as a reward in money or premium for such users that up the bar and create ways for players to enjoy the server more

- host competitions the community votes on things like best looking car, best org, best skin or best government employee whether that be a medic or a cop or a road crew etc.. the winner of this vote can either receive a reward like a premium for a limited time or a cash prize or item.

Why should this be added?:
- positive reinforcement for the forum to make it less about getting people punished most of the time and a little more about the community having fun together.
- competition that rewards good helpers and good roleplay while entertaining everybody with a video of the good roleplay
Teaches people how to roleplay as the video can b something like a tutorial for some who are struggling.
- Events are high in demand and while I don’t know exactly the reason for the demand not being met, if events are hosted on fridays regularly then I’m sure there will be a positive effect on the community from that and it can help quench the thirst of hungry pvpers who keep begging for gun game any time Efan or tyla join the server.
- getting the community together.

What negatives could this have?:
- can make events seem less eventful if people do them every week but considering the fact it’s one day out of a whole week it’s dependent on how a person feels really.
- Have poster competitions where the community can vote on posters they like the most. This incentivizes more roleplay as many more people will make posters and use them in role play as well as jump in on the contests for the cash prize.
This would be used the first weeks then it would die out, perfect example is billboards

- host competitions the community votes on things like best looking car, best org, best skin or best government employee whether that be a medic or a cop or a road crew etc.. the winner of this vote can either receive a reward like a premium for a limited time or a cash prize or item.
I mean yeah, you can do this once but whats the point of doing it regularly? Its not like the jobs change?
Plus, these are all things you can even do yourself as a member of the community and if you need help from staff I am sure someone will assist you.

give monthly highlighted appreciation posts for helpers, best role players and maybe a video of their role play scene for everyone to enjoy and learn from as well as a reward in money or premium for such users that up the bar and create ways for players to enjoy the server more
This is literally what the mounthly roundup is about?
Thanks for your feedback

Scheduled weekly events on days like maybe a Friday
This will not happen, the reason for this is we both work shifts and can't guarantee availability on set days of the week, but we can run more official pre-planned events if people want this.

Have poster competitions where the community can vote on posters they like the most. This incentivizes more roleplay as many more people will make posters and use them in role play as well as jump in on the contests for the cash prize
We can run more competitions in general, I was thinking of making this part of the spotlight where we may run it for a month and the result are organised in the following spotlight.

give monthly highlighted appreciation posts for helpers, best role players and maybe a video of their role play scene for everyone to enjoy and learn from as well as a reward in money or premium for such users that up the bar and create ways for players to enjoy the server more
This is covered in the community spotlight, but I rely somewhat on the community posting in player-showcase etc to find good roleplay.

host competitions the community votes on things like best looking car, best org, best skin or best government employee whether that be a medic or a cop or a road crew etc.. the winner of this vote can either receive a reward like a premium for a limited time or a cash prize or item.
We could do a poll in any future community spotlights, doesn't have to be for a reward but it does give some more engagement.

Any cool ideas from anyone else?

As discussion has ended since Wednesday and no further suggestions, thanks for your feedback

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