Idea to prevent unexpected traffic tickets

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England, Norfolk
Car alarms activating when the car is moved when the ignition is not on sure this will be annoying but getting tickets are worse. Save yourself some money and support this idea providing physics allows such logic don't think anything else needs to be said.
You need to use the template.

I have never had this problem, I've just made it a habit to use the parking brake whenever I leave the car, by holding spacebar. I also think this would make cars everywhere sound the alarm, since people way too often ram or accidentally bump your car.
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There's the problems listed as well as simply from an RP perspective your vehicle is your responsibility. So if it is knocked out of position you are required to keep it in the parking space defined. Obviously if someone is abusively moving cars by some means that wouldn't be considered proper RP then that person should be reported to the administration team. Additionally even with this change, I doubt it would change anything as we aren't going to have it trigger the alarm the play continuously until the owner arrives, so clearly police would still have to do their duty and ticket the illegally parked vehicle.
@StephenPuffs But alarms in real life activate when a car is bumped or hit... This brings another good idea - alarm activating when someone hits a car with fists. Both would work amazingly with emergency lights blinking and radio-controlled car unlocking thing (that I don't know what it's called).

Think about this - someone bumps or hits your car, you run to see what happened and deactivate the alarm with that radio-controlled thing (when you use it, it locks your car to stop the alarm - never unlocks).

When your car is unlocked from a distance, the lights should blink once with a short beep. When You lock it - twice and 2 beeps. Here's an idea how it would work - when you click middle mouse button, the car cycles through locked and unlocked state with sound and light. For some old cars it could be a function you can buy (without engine upgrades). Suggested price - $10k. I know that this idea is probably ready for the server update, but I'm just adding some details to it.

I can see how awesome it would be and how much realism it would add.
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