Identity RPG game

Reaction score

Hey guys

Just wanted a Gmod roleplaying communities thoughts on this game. Anyone waiting to play this game ?
Thoughts comments ?
This project is too optimistic to ever work. I'll explain why:

From what we've been told, the map will be on a larger scale than GTA 5, house around 100 people per server and have NO ai except to do boring jobs, meaning no AI to drive or walk around the streets. If this is true, how empty do you think this will make it feel? A GTA sized map with 100 players and no AI would be too empty for anyone to enjoy.

You cannot expect everyone to roleplay properly. There will always be minges and trolls around, how will you prevent them? It will be difficult to find game mods that will spend 24 hours a day, dealing with these players.

Don't get me wrong, the idea of Identity is amazing but I doubt they will ever make a proper immersive roleplay game. The goals they have is simply too high.
I lost my patience for this game a long time ago. I am not spending £50+ on this until they fix the animations and start finishing the game instead of making fucking clothes and furniture. That shit can come in an update later.
Why are people supporting overhyped early access garbage? keep your money and spend it on actual finished games or early access titles that actually work and deserve the support.

Or be like Speedy buy the $200 version and chargeback lmao
Not being funny it's getting tired of seeing people slate the game knowing full well it still needs a lot of development. Let the devs fix the bugs and make more content, no-one has any sort of patience these days and expect to get force fed everything.
I'm not bashing it for the alck of content or development. I'm bashing it for the game as a whole.
Not being funny it's getting tired of seeing people slate the game knowing full well it still needs a lot of development. Let the devs fix the bugs and make more content, no-one has any sort of patience these days and expect to get force fed everything.
It's been like 4 years (The life of perp) to get from its backers to the broken town model and other things you see here. It's the fact it's cost soo much money to get stuff that does not even work after almost 4 years of development. They have had 4 years and thousands upon thousands of dollars to make this game and what they have presented us with is not good enough for the time and money they have.

Tower Unite has done more with fewer devs and less money. Development is just too slow and the game is that broken that it should not even be in an alpha state. It costs too much money to play what it is now and what it is not is not even close to the normal standards and expectations of a game in its state and that long of development.