I'm seriously leaving the server.

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I'm done, I'm leaving the server for real now, here are the reasons why:

I lost 4700 Weed from my storage, I can't prove it since the demo is fucked up, I have some screenshots, which is not enough evidence. So basically, I lost 300 hours of my life. Then in just a matter of seconds, that 100 hours is wasted.

I am also leaving because of the lack of roleplay that I have lately seen, the amount of admins on the server is horrendous, it should be their responsibility to sort out other people's problems. I would basically spam the report chat, or speak to an admin on steam to actually get my report dealt with, and I know some admin will say "We like to roleplay as well! There are other reports you know!" Yes, I know that. You applied to take some sort of responsibility to help others, to make the server a little bit better. I hardly post ban requests, because it's always something silly, and something that can be dealt within 5ish minutes.

Go celebrate, since most people hate me.

I hope you all have fun on the server, and maybe, one day I might return and like the server.
I would apply to be admin and come on for the sole purpose of administrating but my several hundred hours of PERP on the original PERP servers like Pulsar Effect or Voltage Gaming are worthless, since they want me to roleplay on their server, but I can't since people constantly break the rules and it could take up to 20-30 minutes for the admin to reply to your report (if they reply at all) and by that time you're just too frustrated to care.
Frosty Im sorry you feel this way unfortunately my powers are limited and i can not assist you
Damn man that must suck. I guess I can understand why you're leaving, must be pretty pissed after what happened. Still a word of advice for the future. Don't stockpile your drugs I mean, 4700 come on man that's way to much to risk in storage that is pretty glitchy, one thing i've learned from all different PERP servers is that you can get a lot of storage bugs. You should just sell your drugs and never stockpile. Why would you even keep 705K's worth of drugs in storage?

Don't worry to much about it though. I hear that there might be a big reset soon so it might not have even mattered at all. For your sake I hope we do go through with the big reset. Anyway sorry this happened to you, good luck on future PERPin' :)
You still have 4444 cocaine in your storage, which is a shitload of money.
Fredy;n7247 said:
You still have 4444 cocaine in your storage, which is a shitload of money.

I worked for my weed, and suddenly it all disappears in a matter of seconds. It took me a ton of time to make all of that weed. No one refunds me.
No one is going to throw free stuff at you, crying for you to come back. If you decided to leave, just leave already.
There is no reason to cause drama.
Numse;n7268 said:
No one is going to throw free stuff at you, crying for you to come back. If you decided to leave, just leave already.
There is no reason to cause drama.

He's an old player in the community. If he's leaving he has a right to say goodbye and complain about the problem. I wish you had some solid proof though Frosty.
Numse;n7268 said:
No one is going to throw free stuff at you, crying for you to come back. If you decided to leave, just leave already.
There is no reason to cause drama.

If you loose your shit in the server, I wouldn't care. I don't think that you are getting it, I lost hours and hours of work, then in a matter of seconds, POOF, gone. All of that work, just gone.
Been a long time before I read these forums as I quit quite a while ago, but couldn't someone just look at the SQL backups and see how much weed was in Frosty's storage say a few days ago?
Seems like this is easily remedied without the server having to lose a patron.

Bye again
Frosty;n7300 said:
If you loose your shit in the server, I wouldn't care.

What makes you think we care about your stuff then? The world doesn't rotate around just you buddy.
Numse said:
Frosty;n7300 said:
If you loose your shit in the server, I wouldn't care.

What makes you think we care about your stuff then? The world doesn't rotate around just you buddy.
Numse there was no need for your conversation is very rude, if a player is leaving maybe you should just say goodbye and not be so negative.

Goodbye Frosty, over the last few weeks you have actually proven to me that your RP is getting better, sad to see you go =/
Numse said:
Frosty;n7300 said:
If you loose your shit in the server, I wouldn't care.

What makes you think we care about your stuff then? The world doesn't rotate around just you buddy.
I realize that my comments may seem rude, but all Frosty is doing with this thread is ranting and complaining.

Maybe he should just say goodbye and leave.
Numse;n7336 said:
What makes you think we care about your stuff then? The world doesn't rotate around just you buddy.

Yeah, I think I noticed that the world doesn't rotate around me, and nobody else as well. I would feel sorry if someone lost their time in a matter of seconds.
Bye Frosty had fun playing with you in the past, growing or whatever we used to do! Hope you come back again soon!
Numse said:
Frosty;n7300 said:
If you loose your shit in the server, I wouldn't care.

What makes you think we care about your stuff then? The world doesn't rotate around just you buddy.
Numse you make no sense to me. So you're saying if my earnings from my hard work poofs away for nothing I shouldn't complain and just move on?
I know exactly how you feel, I used to be dedicated to a paid minecraft server that I worked on for over a year; A drug and guns server without mods.

One day i left my server payment 3 days late and the data was wiped off, no back-ups, nothing.
if i had the patience to grow all that weed and lose all of it in a sec or 2, i would just flip a boat and quit. I completely agree with you frosty
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