I'm Starting to Stream!

this is good. Kenty can now stream himself ''getting'' back up there!!!!! nice custom content for his stream!!1111
sorry i no like its just some clipped purple google image and an ugly font
also no one likes big ass overlays put on a game make it smaller
also a K from a random font with a clipping mask which is a google image and some fat duplicates/strokes on it
i no like
use another font that doesn't look like Times New Roman or some crap
make it less obnoxious and make it more minimalistic, this current version will take up a lot of space
this white space on the top

hope you like my shit feedback
just don't have overlays on ur game its bad
especially STATIC ONES

the only thing you might want a overlay for is for your cam which you do not use
It won't effect me since my target audience isn't kids and I have no affiliates, I don't really care.
Come use my stream to your advantage, just kidding.

Streaming perp
