Implementation of the Sheriff Department

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Topic: Creating a Branch within the PD of a sheriff department

Short explanation (in notes):
- Staff picked officers both Premium and free members can be chosen; chosen upon merit rather than hours.
- New branch of law enforcement for experienced officers only.
- New police car like this:


- New sheriff model like this:


Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

There are a lot of inexperienced officers out there that are just testing out the job, and aren't the best at handling situations. But some officers are exceptional so I think it may be a good idea to separate the two through using two different branches.

Difference between PD and Sheriff's Department?
- Sheriff's department is for experienced officers only (2 Weeks or above)
- Chosen by staff.
- Have higher authority to PD.
- Can be requested by PD officers as support with certain individuals.
- Do not respond to bank robberies (Sheriff Department is to uphold the law while PD deal with the robbery)

Sheriff deputies will be white-listed rather than being able to be joined by anyone with over X amount of hours, they'll be chosen by admins on many different factors; knowledge of laws, fairness of sentencing, driving and shooting accuracy and overall efficiency. The reason for this is so that only the best are able to take up this job.

Optional additions:
- Revolver as a standard issue firearm (As well as Glock and Beretta)
- The job will not appear for those without the white-list.
- They'll have [PURPLE] nameplates.
- Permanent hierarchy, For example:
(Officer 01) - Sheriff,
(Officer 03) - Captain,
(Officer 04) - Lieutenant,
(Officer 05) - Sergeant,
(Lieutenant is equal to Sheriff, but is higher than Captain)
I think it would be nice to see this as it's very annoying when you are trying to raid or getting shot at and you get the newb cop that runs in and gets you killed or ruins everything. Also I like the fact they would have to be white-listed instead of basing on playtime. Only problem with that would be that staff would have to constantly look over the cops and see who's experienced enough or not and on top of ban requests and reports I don't think they'd have the time to look over every officer and see who's good enough to join, if anything we would like to shorten their workload not add to it. Apart from this I like the idea +Support
Many people do, and will like this idea for the obvious reason of fighting against noob cops, but there are still some problems why it won't really workout on PERPheads.

These agencies will fight against each other on PERP, of course not going all gun blazing against each other, but in all means, they won't really work together. For example, The normal Police Department knows about some criminal fuck hiding in Subs 2. Great, but would they really ask the other agency for help? Why would they, if they could it all by their own? Or the Sheriff Department should be above the normal PD, so they will start bully the normal PD quite a bit. Another example, Sheriff Department now also knows about the criminal fuck in Subs 2, so they want him arrested by their own people, because they know, or think the normal PD's employes are incompetent scrubs. So, they both roll up at the house, the LT of the scrub police, and the Sheriff of the SD start arguing about who arrests this guy now.

I understand what you want to change by this, but that's kinda the job of the LT. Only competent people should be LT, and if he is a retard get him fired or something. Maybe a whitelist for LT would be better. Your idea really isn't bad, but it really wouldn't work out well on PERP.
I massively support this idea. I hate idiot cops with a passion and this would fix that problem. I think that sadly it is unlikely to be implemented due to the reasons above (infighting etc). A more simple solution would be to just make cop whitelist only which has been discussed before. I do feel as if PERP is losing it's sincerity at the moment, it would be nice to see it return.
i would love to see this on the server it is anoying for a pro police officer to work whit officers who:
draw their weapond and point it at people.
ragequit when they dont win
cant drive
dont know the map
I would love to see this, but i don't really think the staff should pick the persons up. Well a support for me!
Being a part of Murtsley's Sheriff Department is a idea that works, there are so many stupid cops on the server this idea will make police RP a lot better.
I've changed my opinion on this.
Why bother with this? Police supervisors should keep them in line. If they don't then they're not fit for purpose and shouldn't be allowed to be supervisor. For example, today I demoted 4 government officials within the space of around 20 minutes for doing things such as self mobilising as SWAT, using the radio incorrectly, running straight into a building with a bomb in against my orders and running straight into the bank (and subsequently dying) against my orders. After this, the government took the hint and the police force was excellent.
Don't be scared of demoting cops, just make sure you can justify your actions. The supervisor scheme is supposed to improve the management of the police force, so be confident and do your best
This idea in part sparked the idea behind having the sergeant position, thanks to @Xquality we already had the skins necessary to do so, but didn't have an idea developed as to how police ranks should be attained. There is still more that I would like to do with the police department and other emergency services to streamline their workflow even more but those will be coming as we go.

Full disclosure: I personally was not in favor of this idea directly because of the way it would result in nonseasoned officers being treated as nobodies and anyone dealing with them would ignore them until this sheriff department job came around. Plus it would be an ugly divide in the way police interact with one another between this and normal police.

So after a number of discussions among senior staff and myself, we crafted the idea of how sergeant should be whitelisted alongside the lieutenant, as to create a group of "trusted" officers. They would also have the ability to give orders to other officers but the lieutenant still has the final say as of now. The rest you probably know about sergeant and their role within the police force.

As @Chrissy said, you really don't need to worry about demoting any officer with legitimate reason or having a discussion with the lieutenant about possible demotions of other officers as part of policing is self policing as well. If you witness another officer committing a crime and you do nothing to stop it you shouldn't be police either. Many officers break laws such as 11.11 primarily, and no other officer ever questions them about it or report them to the appropriate authority. Even if it doesn't result in a demotion the lieutenant should pull that officer aside from their duties to give a formal reprimand about their actions. Do not view any officer as irreplaceable and keep them around despite their wrong doings. It would be a wise idea for the lieutenant to also have consistent meetings with the mayor to discuss how the mayor may want certain crimes have more emphasis than others. (This does not mean laws can change, but if the mayor at the time is more concerned about gun trafficking the lieutenant can try to take certain actions to make this more a priority) They can also discuss the current pay and number of jobs needed, because there are times where the mayor sets full SWAT slots when the police at that time have no desire to have a team on standby.

Anyways, to summarize, no I don't think this is necessary nor would it lead to good results having police divided like this. So I'm going to deny this, even though I appreciate the time and effort that went into making this an idea with more or less everything explained in nice detail. There is more that is planned for police, but they may not happen for awhile depending on where our priorities land.
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