Increase Jail Time a bit

Yay or nay?

  • Yay

    Votes: 58 45.7%
  • Nay

    Votes: 52 40.9%
  • May... Bay

    Votes: 17 13.4%

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Personally, I feel that blowing up half the police force and being caught with 4 large pots deserves a slightly longer sentence than 10 years.

I do know that this was allready suggested and denied - but this is asking for about 15 mins

This could be a good idea, as 10 mins is not very long and within an hour of being released the suspect would have probably been sentenced again.

I think that supervisors (SGT+ or something) should be able to select 2-15 year charge.

This would obviously lead to the Paralake Penal Code punishments guide to be altered, or will it?...

You see, as it stands, you can commit a number of combinations of offences that, if there wasn't a 10 year restriction, you would recieve a 15 year sentence for.

Overall, a five minute difference may not seem like a lot, but it is when you are the one regretting killing those 7 cops to try and save your drug supply.​
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Somebody who kills 1 person shouldn't have the same sentence as someone who has killed 3 or 4... I believe it should be increased to 15-20 minutes so that people who commit multiple high profile crimes have a lot more to lose than 10 minutes and 10k.
What if somebody had murdered a prostitute (10 years) after raping her (+5 years) and then once confronted by police had evaded (+5 years), and by doing that they had to recklessly drive (+4 years). This adds up to a maximum of 24 years in prison, why can we not put them in for 24 minutes? Some servers go to the extremes and have like 4 hour prison sentences which is fucking beautiful.
What if somebody had murdered a prostitute (10 years) after raping her (+5 years) and then once confronted by police had evaded (+5 years), and by doing that they had to recklessly drive (+4 years). This adds up to a maximum of 24 years in prison, why can we not put them in for 24 minutes? Some servers go to the extremes and have like 4 hour prison sentences which is fucking beautiful.
Totally agree with you Tyla. Maybe the years an officer can incarcerate a criminal could be +5 dependant on their rank?
OFFICER - 10 yrs
SENIOR - 15 yrs
CPL - 20 yrs
SGT - 25 yrs
LT - 30 yrs
CPT - 35 yrs
DCOD - 40 yrs
CHEIF - 60 yrs (1 hour)
May be a bit too extreme
I've seen suggestions about this countlessly but can't agree more. But I also think that 10 years should be longer than 10 minutes. I don't think someone who has murdered someone should be feared on the streets again by people within 10 minutes. Also if this is in place, I think it would make a great semi-replacement to 3.4. Honestly I don't want to RP not wanting to go to jail, it somewhat breaks character, I think that instead of being forced to be afraid of jail, jail time would make you actually not want to go to jail or actually see it as a punishment.
Why don't you start a discution in the iders & suggestions thread?

I agree with everythings thats been said. However, more people might relog if there in for 1 hour to get out of jail.
If the developers can build a better prison a huge prison, you can make the jail sentences 1 to 5 hours and then you can rp in it, that would be so dope and fun, people will have more fun and a better rp for the server
There is 1 problem, the laws would need to be edited... This will take a lot of time.
I like the idea and will support it but I think editing everything is hard...
This i agree would work, however would only work if there would be 0 sweater vests in the police force, too many times i have been arrested for crimes i haven't even committed, I understand you have suggested that only supervisors and above would only be able to do this, however if a supervisor wasnt there when the crime was committed or too be a witness, the supervisor would pretty ,much side with the cop 99% of the time from my experience, on the whole i do agree with this.
This would ruin my roleplay, because when im in prison im just afk. So everytime i do a crime or a Officer is beeing unfair which results in me getting jailed, i have to waste more of my time in jail. Instead of beeing in this lovely community?
This is stupid, no one which doesn't play cop most of his time wouldn't like this, not that hard for the coach to cheer his own team, but it doesn't really benefit anyone rather make people AFK for even longer, which is dumb in my eyes. Not like it benefits the cops in any way aswell, just annoys people even more and would make the server even more boring. Increased jail time > everyone plays government/ stops doing drugs > no guns will be bought > no more guns will be made > server becomes basically doing nothing. Now this chain might happen very slowly but it'll happen, and I'm sure no one will want to play the server when you don't have an option to do anything anyways, and as if the laws and rules aren't limiting citizens and criminals enough. Further more it's not like you do anything in jail, you basically AFK in your cell alone with handcuffs.
i personally go to jail a lot and with these really long sentences i wouldnt be able to play as much as i would end up sat afk in a jail for a long time. Where is the fun in that? the current punishments are enough to make players want to avoid them so i dont see there is an issue.
What does this add? People go AFK for longer?

As much as it would be nice its not suited to gmod. Believe it or not people don't want 10k tickets and 10 minutes and it is also quite a while but people do want to have fun. Being that doing illegal things is probably 1 out of 2 ways to have fun (At no fault of the devs due to engine limitations.) as a civ it is just going to annoy people.
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As afore mentioned, longer prison sentences would probably require some jail roleplay as when jailing someone for longer than 10, or so, minutes, you would be greatly impacting their ability to roleplay as the server doesn't, and apparently cannot, support anything in jail other that staring at a set of bars. Don't get me wrong, the ability to punish mass murderers doesn't deter me but rather how negatively it will impact their pass time of playing PERP.
I do not believe this is needed due to extreme cases you are both jailed and ticketed. I am uncertain if the police department officially allows this but its a good alternative.
Its good idea but maybe this idea could be created in next perpheads map version possibly if they could add some stuff to do in jail not just boring cells and walls to look at.

Punishments are not to high for obvious reasons, even if you did do some extreme shit, punishments in-game are not supposed to stop your OOC self to continue doing things against the law. Also no one wants to look at wall or jail cell for 15 or more minutes. The only reason we don't have high prison times is because it would be really boring and just drive people out.

Boy do I like that Ferrari, I should start getting some money.
Player2: It costs like 2 million mate, you should start cooking some meth and selling weed.
Player1: But is that not illegal?
Player2: Well you better get used to breaking some rules to get the shit you need son, now stop being a pussy.
Player1: Okay, lets start!
*** Police Cars Pull up and arrest Player1 as he is making drugs.***
Oh No.
*** Player1 has been sentenced to 26 years in prison ***
Twenty Six Minutes? What the hell!
Player1 disconnected.
End of Example.

And the playerbase drops ruining the server.

I am just looking at it logically, we are usually impatient and we wont sit 26 minutes to play on a server because we planted drugs, the main core of the server.

Hopefully this explains why it is not possible to bring up jailtime.
