Increase the paycheck for all jobs (excluding officer)

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Description of the idea: Increase the paychecks for each job to a much higher amount, To get a basic idea I made a list below.

  • Paramedic - Raise to at least $450 per minute ($787 per minute as VIP)
  • Firefighter - Raise to at least $350 per minute ($612 per minute as VIP)
  • Roadcrew - Raise to at least $400 per minute ($700 per minute as VIP)
  • Taxi Driver - Raise to at least $250 per minute ($437 per minute as VIP)
  • Courier - Raise to at least $350 per minute ($612 per minute as VIP)
  • Secret Service - Raise to at least $400 per minute ($700 per minute as VIP)
  • Mayor - Raise to at least $400 per minute ($700 per minute as VIP)
These can be adjusted further this is just a basic idea.

Why should this be added? (pros):

  • Jobs won't be empty 24/7
  • Passive rp will be more common

What negatives could this have? (cons):

  • None that i can think of
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I'd be more inclined to see the paramedic be increased to 60% of the amount crim's can make with drugs.

Something needs to be done to promote roleplay and not people sat idle in a base making sure their drugs don't die.
I'd fucking love being ANY job if I could get roughly at least 2/3rds any criminal can get, especially as courier and RC, I fucking love both jobs but it's very low paying so it's not at all rewarding, and I typically don't charge as RC because I don't really care that much for $500. Criminal activity should definitely be the most paying out of everything, you risk your own property while doing so, it makes sense.

Please do this.
I've been thinking of suggesting this for a while, here is my take on it.

  • Paramedic - Default pay rise to $200 per minute, revive bonus to 750, dead body disposal to 400. Medics get a fair amount of money due to revives and the job isn't as dead as the others. Problem with the bonus increase is that medics might ignore 3.4 for it.
  • Firefighter - Default pay rise to $220 per minute, fire extinguish bonus to 300$.
  • Roadcrew - Default pay rise to $220 per minute, impound bonus to 1500$.
  • Taxi Driver - Raise to at least $280 per minute.
  • Courier - Not a pay per minute increase but certainly a good increase to the money you get when you deliver packages to NPCs, players and more frequent NPC orders.
  • Police - Default pay rise to $200 per minute, decrease the rank up bonus to 10%.

I don't have any graphs to see how much you can earn with each job atm so numbers are probably not balanced, still tried to balance them as much as I could though.
A huge increase to pay per minute will also have effects on the city funds, that's why I suggest a more humble increase.
Bonus increases are very good though you should add them to your suggestion.
Or make the payment based on the playtime of the job, there should be a limit ofcourse.
Idk dude you can already make significant money as a medic. Firefighters deserve a pay rise too but they can make a lot of money, most I’ve ever made from a forest fire was 24K.
I've seen one medic in the last 2 month... no one wants to go on a job when you can make over 100k an hour growing drugs.
I would say firefighters should earn double that, full blown forest fires aren't very common. I somewhat agree that medics earn quite a bit already but they could still use a small bump in payrise.
But why is it all about money?
This is where the server has gone wrong, everything is money orientated.

There shouldn’t need to be incentive of money to allow roleplay to happen, perhaps we need to look at ways in which the jobs aren’t boring enough that people will play them and not even realise how much money they make. @Inchs actually made a good suggestion regarding fire investigations, it’s things like that which should allow someone to play a job because it’s fun.

as well, reduce the amount of money criminals make.
With money you can buy props which are needed for some types of roleplay.

With money you can blow it on stupid shit and play around with it (cars and upgrades mainly).

With money you can run events to make people participate.

With money you do just about anything in this server.
Unfortunatley its the way the server is now (in fact its always kinda been like that tbh). I mean even medic is a somewhat dead job now. Its pretty rare medics stick around for a decent amount of time. The server needs a severe balance in money, and if this makes it more fair and revives some jobs I'm happy for it to happen
Granted, money is a nice thing to have but it shouldn’t be the sole purpose of the server. Any decent RP server, even on different platforms recognise that if you’re there to make money solely, you’re there for the wrong reason. Same thing with rifles and shit, they should be hard to get, it should mean something to get a rifle over a pistol.
@GringoHead forgive any spelling mistakes I might be a little drunk lol but money Is the main focus point and no one ever goes on a job anymore because it's either go cop or grow drugs. This suggestions would at least temporarily solve this issue to a large extent.
I agree this would be a step in the right direction but I feel more would be required to make the jobs worth while. I'm talking more in regards to the actual job side of things. For example:
  • Increase the amount of fires that spawn considerably.
  • Time based bonuses along side standard salary to increase time spent on the job (Would prevent people switching just to put out one fire etc)
  • Implement a taxi app on the phone to raise awareness of the job. (I don't think I've ever seen a taxi since 2017 LOL)
I'm sure there are many other things we could suggest these are just the ones off the top of my head.
I like this idea, do you think people will take advantage of this tho?
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