Inspire/Jerome Baller

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Your Steam/In-game Name: |AFF|PH| Chris / Chris Takbir

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Inspire/Jerome Baller

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:72436612

As there are 3 separate videos, I will explain them all separately. I will provide demos if needed.

Video 1 - Traffic Stop
I received a report of a white land-rover that was evading police custody from bazaar to intersection, so I responded to it. En-route, the officer updated everyone on the pursuit; stating that he had U-turned on the highway back towards bazaar. Given that he already had the opportunity to cooperate with us and failed to do so: we already had him in a position where he couldn't try and escape to fabricate more danger for other road users and thus we ordered him out of the car at gunpoint. He breaks 2.1 by trying to ram my car away in order to get to the CD whilst at gunpoint, and when counting down he still refuses to exit the vehicle: he was screaming that it was a 'test drive' therefor clearly valuing the deposit on the vehicle over his life and breaking 3.4.

Video 2 - Cop-Baiting, Vehicle Damage
We responded to a shootout at the P-Pass; upon arrival we restrained one of the suspects, and Jerome's crew also fled from the scene; only to continually return and bait us into a pursuit by blatantly breaking road laws in front of us in a blatant attempt to bait us into a pursuit. I was compelled to chase them; it turned out that they were waiting for me or about to come back inside. Driving past slums, they fabricate the brilliant idea of effectively getting their car ditched, but Jerome is convinced that it wouldn't have impaired the operation of the vehicle (2.1 and 3.15 and 3.20). Upon returning to P-Pass, a SWAT officer gunpoints him yet he drives off (3.4). He continues to disregard these rules taking a few bumps along the way, and eventually smashes into a wall at great speed; still ignoring the fact that his vehicle would have suffered colossal damage and as such continued to drive.

Video 3 - 3.4
Runs from gunpoint thus breaking 3.4 - his immediate reason being that there was a fence (pretty sure you can shoot through that). Also continues to the group of armed SWAT officers; deciding to pull out a knife and take a stab at them (2.1, 3.4, 3.19).

+Support - He clearly breaks the rules, and as Daymon said, he is not fit and will never be fit to hold the rank of an Enforcer. This MUST be a long and well thoughtout ban. Best of luck with the ban request.
+Support messing around with the cops and swat while at gunpoint? 3.4 Nice. You got my support man
+Support on this one, as already said above he clearly breaks the rules, lots of then aswell. And the reason because there was a fence between? That was a funny one :D
+support It's clear that inspire broke several rules in the videos, and this should not go unpunished.
That being said you dit leave me and another suspect ( video 2 ) to the swat, and because of that theye let me a murdere go
In the video you even hear officer Ben ask for prisoner transportation.
Blatant disregard of server rules, should know a lot better than this, also he applied for enforcer, I highly doubt this is the kind of conduct that the staff team would like to see from would-be junior staff members.

(+Support from Lt. Jeffy for your baddass driving.)​
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