Is the server TOO serious?

Too serious?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • Blame Olsen

    Votes: 14 46.7%

  • Total voters
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Niko's PC
PERPheads as we all know is a serious roleplay community,but how far is too far? We are getting to the point where we are using minor laws (such as transportation with attatchments/magazines) in a fuckin game. The server has declined since 2015, the server used to be serious when it needed to be but you could still have a laugh with mates while on duty or not. Now you are penalised for the slightest of actions that go against the very strict regulations. Sure this may make a certain playerbase but people want to have fun and will they still have fun if these rules and laws are being put in place?
Afaik those laws are being voted in council on the next meeting, why not attend and protest the idea.
Back in 2015 you used to get raided for having a barricaded window, i think the laws are good atm compared to the old ones.
Some new laws are good but their are some silly ones being put in place imo.
Afaik those laws are being voted in council on the next meeting, why not attend and protest the idea.
I believe this furthers my point, why are we making this server almost completly in game orientated. What happened to people making law suggestions, a bit of discussion from ALL players then just have you or someone accept/deny?
Some new laws are good but their are some silly ones being put in place imo.
I believe this furthers my point, why are we making this server almost completly in game orientated. What happened to people making law suggestions, a bit of discussion from ALL players then just have you or someone accept/deny? - making the server in-game orientated, doesn't that make sense for an in-game server???? People do still make law suggestion, there is a bit of discussion from ALL players on the forum. The Council announce what will be discussed about a week in advance so you can either go on the forum and challenge it or turn up at the meetings. - making the server in-game orientated, doesn't that make sense for an in-game server???? People do still make law suggestion, there is a bit of discussion from ALL players on the forum. The Council announce what will be discussed so you can either go on the forum and challenge it or turn up at the meetings.
The server should be balanced between forum and server. The forums should allow rule n law discussion not some little council. The server should be used for roleplay.
I say we all just burn down the Reichstag again...

On a serious note, I believe there's only so far you can go to improve realism with strict regulations before it starts to have a bad effect on roleplay and the enjoyment of being on the server. Of course now we have things being looked at in a lot more detail with PSD,Internal Affairs or in another sense the council. No need for more shit posts and council roasts :zing: .
The server should be balanced between forum and server. The forums should allow rule n law discussion not some little council. The server should be used for roleplay.

Again, you can use the forum to make the discussions - you can discuss it either on the forums or at the meetings

Me and @Samuel basically got a law changed last time we protested against a change, so just go to the PLC meetings
The council was made to prevent controversial law changes because one or two people were in charge. It's a great idea, but people decided to vote for ridiculous people like @Rogue Matiz Tyres who is completely useless and never pays attention in a single meeting.

In my opinion, there needs to be a new vote for councillors and then it will be just fine.
There are certain friendship groups where someone somewhere will never be satisfied, the council was over estimated if you thought that people behind a computer would vote for someone sensible.
Again, you can use the forum to make the discussions - you can discuss it either on the forums or at the meetings
You shouldn't need to fucking protest, it is a server, not a serious political debate.
To get more population I think that we cut down on all the strict rules and laws ngl. I think that if it isnt so STRICT and permabanning people for some little shit , I dont think perp will die too soon
There are certain friendship groups where someone somewhere will never be satisfied, the council was over estimated if you thought that people behind a computer would vote for someone sensible.
You shouldn't need to fucking protest, it is a server, not a serious political debate.


So because it's a server, challenging something is considered way too serious?


So because it's a server, challenging something is considered way too serious?

No the context around it is too serious. We are hosting council meetings in game to change laws on a virtual server and are expected to go into said virtual server and protest said virtual laws.
I personally think the base construction rules now are way too strict to the point where base building is just boring. It used to be aids yes but it was actually fun back then when you could just make indian slum mega fortresses of death. Obviously a line has to be drawn somewhere (i.e blatant headglitching and drastically unfair height advantages) but base building used to be something that was actually fun (on both sides too, I personally found raiding much more interesting when there was actual variety in bases) but now your every slip-up is scrutinised and I think it's beyond enjoyable at this point. Of course there are going to be people who disagree with me but they're either shit at raiding or lack creativity.


No the context around it is too serious. We are hosting council meetings in game to change laws on a virtual server and are expected to go into said virtual server and protest said virtual laws.

Again, you can use the forums/ts3 to challenge these discussions, we're not forcing you to head onto TS3.

Maybe we should disband the Police Department as it's just a virtual server??? Your argument seems to be because it's a virtual server we shouldn't have any of these processes that allows the wider community to get involved into projects that we've made.

I personally think the base construction rules now are way too strict to the point where base building is just boring. It used to be aids yes but it was actually fun back then when you could just make indian slum mega fortresses of death. Obviously a line has to be drawn somewhere (i.e blatant headglitching and drastically unfair height advantages) but base building used to be something that was actually fun (on both sides too, I personally found raiding much more interesting when there was actual variety in bases) but now your every slip-up is scrutinised and I think it's beyond enjoyable at this point. Of course there are going to be people who disagree with me but they're either shit at raiding or lack creativity.


+support this game was actually fun in the belinsky days if any of you lot were around back then you would know, I feel the construction handbook is to blame even if it had positive intentions
Adding to what Hazza said. It's so fucking annoying that we can't have a certain amount of concrete barriers in a certain place and we can't even put fucking defences in buisness... Business would be a much more popular place for me and many others grew in there a lot and bazaar wouldn't be as fucking dead as it is today
Again, you can use the forums/ts3 to challenge these discussions, we're not forcing you to head onto TS3.

Maybe we should disband the Police Department as it's just a virtual server???

Now you are just. being facetious, I am saying there has been positive developments and bad developments , the PLPD is good but I do not like other things which is why I highlighted said things
The council is fine. The issue lies with people undermininf the system, messing about and voting for people who don't really want it leading to it being like this.
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