Is this 6.2?

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Cosmetic changes like Weapon skins have been allowed so I wonder after being told by a Helper whether this is truly 6.2 or not.

All this does is replace the sounds of footsteps making it higher quality. Anybody can do this and it is flat out on the workship not from any cheat engine.
Gun skins can make guns brighter so you can spot people from faraway or see guns on the ground easier. These sound effects can make sounds higher quality so instead of every surface other than dirt sounding like 8 bit concrete it's actually asphalt or wood or dirt or grass.
Gun skins can make guns brighter so you can spot people from faraway or see guns on the ground easier. These sound effects can make sounds higher quality so instead of every surface other than dirt sounding like 8 bit concrete it's actually asphalt or wood or dirt or grass.

"I don't think custom weapon skins gives a significant enough advantage over other players to the point where it is going to be necessary to limit it. Obviously if players find a way to literally make them glow in the dark or show through walls or something stupid then they are taking the piss and we will end up dealing with it, but I don't see this as necessary at the moment. It may be weapon skins become an actual game feature in the future in which case it will be easier to control but at this stage as a community manager do not feel it is necessary to limit players creativity in this case."-Tyla Jai (
Don't think this is going to give you an advantage, sure it makes things sound clear; however, there's currently a bug in it that makes a bullet impact sound, it sounds very muffled that I sometimes can't tell where the bullet came from and sometimes if someone is jumping on a certain surface it sounds like a bullet impact.