Jack Flagg, you're not fooling anyone.

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Mr. Mustache said:
You guys are a little... You know... I realy dont see why all the negative coments. I alsow dont get why you are freaking out cause the guy watched the video saying The Gay Test. Just cause it has the word gay does not mean he didnt watch it just to laugh. Sometimes, you guys just realy make me laugh with your stupid comments.
Sorry to say but i prefer be admin on PERP then getting a name (I Own a DARKRP server with 10 rules) and admin abuse his own players.. well he normally got around 4 players on his server and those 4 players are him self and 1 admin.
ArnoldGerkin said:
This is going a bit far in my opinion, he's just a kid. Although I never really liked him it's not fair to torment him now he has left the community, i'm sure we are more mature than bullying a child (even one like Jack).
Oh you mean my screw around ones? Very well. Was alot of fun puting those sighns on my apps.
ArnoldGerkin said:
This is going a bit far in my opinion, he's just a kid. Although I never really liked him it's not fair to torment him now he has left the community, i'm sure we are more mature than bullying a child (even one like Jack).
If he wouldn't scam me and like toffel said calling admins retards.
Mr. Mustache said:
You guys are a little... You know... I realy dont see why all the negative coments. I alsow dont get why you are freaking out cause the guy watched the video saying The Gay Test. Just cause it has the word gay does not mean he didnt watch it just to laugh. Sometimes, you guys just realy make me laugh with your stupid comments.
I have never picked a side, nor am I on anyones. Both "partys" suck alot. Oh and Mikey, server just opened up less then a week ago (and if you dont know DarkRP servers are not PERP servers to have god knows how many rules.
Mr. Mustache said:
You guys are a little... You know... I realy dont see why all the negative coments. I alsow dont get why you are freaking out cause the guy watched the video saying The Gay Test. Just cause it has the word gay does not mean he didnt watch it just to laugh. Sometimes, you guys just realy make me laugh with your stupid comments.
Also stop blaiming Alex, Mr jack aka flagg aka spaz attackz asked for it him self.
I say if you all hate Jack so much, go ahead and call him. Start a little chat with him. Cause hey, all of you think hes the worst guy you will ever meet on Gmod.
Il just say that apart from Jack (Who does know how to be alot of thing) I havent seen alot of you being any better.
Mr. Mustache said:
You guys are a little... You know... I realy dont see why all the negative coments. I alsow dont get why you are freaking out cause the guy watched the video saying The Gay Test. Just cause it has the word gay does not mean he didnt watch it just to laugh. Sometimes, you guys just realy make me laugh with your stupid comments.
I just say what i think about him and his talks about us.
Also what he is saying isnt right, calling fredy worst owner? how the fck can you say that.
Maybe he got some puberty spaz attacks. but maybe he need to use some sense and use his brains and maybe he should think twice before saying anything dumb.
Mr. Mustache said:
You guys are a little... You know... I realy dont see why all the negative coments. I alsow dont get why you are freaking out cause the guy watched the video saying The Gay Test. Just cause it has the word gay does not mean he didnt watch it just to laugh. Sometimes, you guys just realy make me laugh with your stupid comments.
Why do you think I blame Alex? Im just saying he is a horrible Senior Admin in my and most peoples opinion.
Mr. Mustache said:
You guys are a little... You know... I realy dont see why all the negative coments. I alsow dont get why you are freaking out cause the guy watched the video saying The Gay Test. Just cause it has the word gay does not mean he didnt watch it just to laugh. Sometimes, you guys just realy make me laugh with your stupid comments.
What reasons do you have to be mad at me? Because I denied your Enforcer application? I can't think of anything else.
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