Joey Marrey

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Your Steam/In-game Name: |AFF|PH| Chris/Chris Takbir (Usman Takbir in the video)
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ShadowJoey/Joey Marrey
His/Her SteamID: I don't have this.
Reason: His SWAT team were randomly deployed. They came in unarmed, and refused to leave with the other officers (they were here randomly earlier too on their 'mealbreak' as I will show in another report). Eventually, someone punches the unarmed Joey, resulting in him unholstering his baton and retaliating. He then swaps to his firearm, and when the guy who punched him inevitably backs off, he still takes the risky shot despite the number of people in front of him.

Therefor violations of:
Rule 2.1 -
Unrealistic actions.
Rule 2.5 - Shooting an unarmed man who is retreating, and where other LEOs are on scene to deal with it.
Rule 4.1 - Not following the law.
Law 5.1 - The man died.
Law 11.5 - Trespassing without warrant during a non-emergency.
Law 11.10 - Used firearm on aggressive non-suspect.
Law 11.11 - Invalid deployment of firearm.


(will provide demo upon request)
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half +support

They indeed refused to leave when there was no danger at all, but still, someone punched a SWAT officer which is a crime. So he had the right to gunpoint, but not shoot.

(It has been updated.)
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The SWAT team had no reason to be there and we asked them to leave several times.

Shadowjoey reason for shooting at that guy was not even remotely valid, he was unarmed and was no longer posing a threat to anyone. LEOs have batons and handcuffs for a reason..
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