klol bye

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Great Britain
I'm not good at gay ass leaving threads, so I'll make it short, tag two or three people who aren't banned, if you're not tagged it means I forgot, so don't expect me to remember.

Oh and I'm not joining Melonstick, not now Thomas is head admin there.

I don't find PERP fun anymore. Not as much as I used to anyway. I also have exams soon.

I resign as PTS of Academy, and from police sergeant. I'm staying dispatch though. I'd recommend @lelios1 is appointed as the next PTS.

Oh, and don't nobody ask for all my shit, fuck off it's mine.

I was expecting you to be a bit of a nazi mod, "I think I'd be a nazi mod." -SJ 2016 but you're one of the most down to earth guys I know, and I think you're going to be a great moderator, possibly administrator one day soon.

@Exrobite Even though you gave me a warning I still love you. You're gonna make a great moderator, you and @xhantium so yeah, you do you.

Ik, you're just back from melonstick, sorry about bugging you to come back then leaving.

It's been a great two and a bit years.

Yeah, on second thought, nah.
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/me removes thread. :rage:

But seriously, sad to see you go mate you were a top geez who never failed to make people around you laugh.

See you around. Be back soon.
Note you forgot @Alliat

Nah JK, @Allen Kennedy you where a great PTS and I will miss you.
I think every one in the acdemy can say that you meant a lot for us.
And I am sure you would have got that promtion to LT if you would have stayed a little bit longer. I hope you will pass your exams and one day come back to Perp.

Seeya mate
(and don't forget stay active on ts3)

Lets pray @Exrobite won't steal your place.

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Allen I'll miss you so much! Thanks for the stuff you've done for the server and for me (i have finally upgraded the lancer)
Sad to see you go Allen :(. Hopefully you'll come back to Perp some day. Also I don't get why people tend to say "This isn't because I'm joining melonstick" ect. There's no shame if you want to join some other community, I just noticed it in many threads like these and made no sense to me. Anyways, good luck with your future exams friend.
Allen Kennedy has no friends,
And neither does Wesley now.

Sad to see you go mate, I hope you'll return at some point.
Anyway have a good one. :(
Damn that sucks to see, wasted opportunity because you would've got LT of academy after Shadowjoey gets captain...

We didn't speak too much which is a shame but when we did speak you were an amazing person to be around and you did inspire me in the PLPD in the early days for me, so thanks for that.
Good luck where ever you go next, i hope that you'll come back in a few months.
Sad to see you go mate, really good friend in Academy and always had a laugh. Shame really it has to come to this but hopefully we can talk still. Good luck in what you're going to be doing. Bye man
@Exrobite Even though you gave me a warning I still love you
What about me man?
It's been great knowing you, even though I barely know you and when we talk it turns into an argument. It's a shame that you have to leave after all your dedicated time in the Academy, hopefully one day you will return to the Academy. Bye for now
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