**Leonardo leaves the community

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I'm not leaving because I don't like playing on the server anymore, or because I'm afraid to get banned, actually I like the server too much and I think it's taking too much of my time, which could evolve in me getting addicted to this game. So I'm leaving to spend my time in more useful things than playing a game.
I don't think this is a goodbye forever, and maybe I'll still lurk the forum, so I'll keep this goodbye short, without doing any thanks list. Addio gente ;)
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We all get to that age where we want to spend more time with our life rather than computer life. Go on have fun and enjoy your life the community will still support you.
Have a great time Bamarin! You're a really cool guy on the forums (never really met you in-game) hope to see you in the next expansion of World of Warcraft, Demon Hunter for days
Now who can I call an alien god damnit.
Anyways, youve been in this community for a huge amount of time, ofc everyone wants you to stay, but its probably best for you to leave for doing other things than computer games. You dont have to leave the forums though :) I left the server a long long time ago but this community is entertaining in many many ways, so I decided to stick around and I love everyone here (kitty you too forgive me for being a fagit). You can always come back at any time and is more than enough welcome. Lurking is good aslong as you can maintain yourself and not become addicted again. Anyways, know that you will be missed if permanently leaving. Just stick around ok? :) Have a great life mate, you are very very friendly. Good luck man.