Little rant on quality of roleplay

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Deleted member 4084

So, this is a little rant. First and foremost to the Police Department: when there is a fire and a firefighter is on scene, it is their scene. Do not do unless ordered by the firefighter to do so. If you are told to set up a perimeter, do so, don't stand there telling me or us to fight the fire. We'll fight it when we're ready and able to do so. It's the quality of role-play that is what is dying, and it's going to get to a point where there is none. I am one of the few, if any people that go as a firefighter and set the fire department up as a fire house so paramedics are able to station there and I am able to co-ordinate scenes and dispense resources where needed. @The HitMan and @atomic_wizard are two people who have been paramedics who have been stationed at the fire house. And have enjoyed doing so, we've had a laugh and respond to incidents extremely quickly. When there is a dispatcher we are all able to see which calls we recieve and from there I can split resources. Here is a video of some aids I've encountered when the Police weren't setting up a perimeter and telling me to "hurry up".

Credits to @The HitMan for the video. There is so much role-play possibility, however, there are a few needed adjustments. The Police Department needs to understand a firefighter co-ordinates the scene of a fire.
I'm not blaming the entire Police Department, many officers which will not be named just need to understand such things. This is not to cause a shit-show but prevent it.

Like I have said before, I'm one of the few people that actually become a fire-fighter. We are not utilised as we should be, just so every-one understands, firefighters are called to many situations. Such as:
  • First-aid situations: firefighters can provide first-aid, however, if there is a deceased/unconcious person we are not generally called as that's a medics job. Firefighters should be utilised to ensure medics are able to respond to much more important calls.
  • Fires: well this is just obvious, but sometimes we're not called since it gets put out before we are called, however, to ensure the fire is completely out (role-play) and to perform an overhaul if required
  • Suicide calls: to ensure the safety of the person, firefighters are called as they can set up precautions to save the persons life. We are not a substitute for a paramedic in such a situation
  • Perimeter blocks: the fire truck can be extremely useful for road blocks. Whilst this is not used generally in real life, it can be utilised whilst on the server.
  • Road-traffic collisions: RTC's alternatively known as Road Traffic Collisions are extremely common, firefighters can respond to such incidents and ensure the safety of those inside the vehicle and prevent any fires which may occur. We are not a subsitute for a medic and a medic should be on scene to ensure they are fit and well.
  • Water rescue: if a person is stuck in the water, firefighters are called to ensure they make it back to land quickly and safely to then be looked at and/or resuscitated by paramedics.
  • Chemical spills: this is just about role-play, but they are called for such situations.
  • Person stuck: those who are stuck in places can be assisted by firefighters extremely efficiently.
  • Bomb calls: firefighters are trained to deal with bombs in many situations. They are to ensure the safety of civillians around the area, and if need be to gain a secure entrance a "squad" will asisst police - this is the only call where firefighters do not take lead.
Firefighters take the lead on all of these calls, not the police as they have the suitable equipment and are experienced in such fields. If people were to contribute to the role-play, it'd make everyone's experience much better. Some people just want to raid, I am not so fond of it, however, role-play comes in different forms. What is currently called 'role-play' is not the best in most cases. This can seriously make a
It's not intended for medics to be stationed at the fire department. People that require help will come to the hospital and will search for a medic to treat their broken legs/wounds. What if their legs are broken and they can't afford splinters or if they are bleeding and have no phone to call someone. They shouldn't be at the fire station.
That was a small fire, and they can't set a perimeter and block off both lanes since you blocked both with your truck, only one was needed to be blocked. It's good to roleplay but that fire was way too small and you could've been a tiny bit faster. I agree that a perimeter should be existant however.
You do not take lead in anything, you should be coordinated by the highest ranking officer, there's no "lead", we're here to work together, the 3 departments.
You shouldn't coordinate the forces with a dispatcher on, that's his job, you are there to do yours.
Take it from an expert. RP is alive on this server, just in the very very minority.
It's not intended for medics to be stationed at the fire department. People that require help will come to the hospital and will search for a medic to treat their broken legs/wounds. What if their legs are broken and they can't afford splinters or if they are bleeding and have no phone to call someone. They shouldn't be at the fire station.
That was a small fire, and they can't set a perimeter and block off both lanes since you blocked both with your truck, only one was needed to be blocked. It's good to roleplay but that fire was way too small and you could've been a tiny bit faster. I agree that a perimeter should be existant however.
You do not take lead in anything, you should be coordinated by the highest ranking officer, there's no "lead", we're here to work together, the 3 departments.
You shouldn't coordinate the forces with a dispatcher on, that's his job, you are there to do yours.
I don't think I worded it too well. But ah well, however, a fire is a firefighters scene. They co-ordinate the fire - it's pretty obvious. There was a much larger fire at hicktown, it coverered I believe from the water to the wood cabins closest and most of the area around it. I was being told I was going too slow and told to do my job then mocked.
Additionally: If they have a phone they can call, they can come to the police department or the fire department. Ask an oncomer to call or assist. We usually have a first responder patrolling. If a police vehicle is driving by they can ask for help. What if there was only a first responder vehicle with no ambulances, what are they to do then?
It's not intended for medics to be stationed at the fire department.
While that's true you can relocate yourself to any station as long as it's not a hugely populated area. This is an effective method so say a Medic that's stationed at the Fire Department can respond faster to incidents next to slums and beach than being stationed at Hospital but it doesn't really matter about the efficiency really as long as you get your job done in time, it's all about the roleplay you get yourself involved with when you station yourself somewhere else.

I've had grim cases of LEO's asking me "what the hell I am doing" responding to requests for a medic because they're injured from their buddy punching them like a tard, it helps to get some stress off the paramedics by attending to those calls as a firefighter but some LEO's don't realize that sadly. That has been some time ago but still seems to be the case today.

I also set up a little restaurant for myself at the City Hall yesterday.

Experience was okay I guess. I didn't really get any people with a server that had 50 players or so online at the moment, it was just police and some people that were with me at the time I set up the shop. Others were just going around, walking on my props, driving their car infront of my shop asking if I had a drive-in (absolute memer XDDDD). Thanks to the people who actually bought some stuff and @Garret_Pp even protecting my shop from some nasty minges with his police barricades. The quality of roleplay at the moment is really bad at the moment but it's great to make the most out of it from the people who actually involve themselves in them.
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It's not intended for medics to be stationed at the fire department. People that require help will come to the hospital and will search for a medic to treat their broken legs/wounds. What if their legs are broken and they can't afford splinters or if they are bleeding and have no phone to call someone. They shouldn't be at the fire station.
That was a small fire, and they can't set a perimeter and block off both lanes since you blocked both with your truck, only one was needed to be blocked. It's good to roleplay but that fire was way too small and you could've been a tiny bit faster. I agree that a perimeter should be existant however.
You do not take lead in anything, you should be coordinated by the highest ranking officer, there's no "lead", we're here to work together, the 3 departments.
You shouldn't coordinate the forces with a dispatcher on, that's his job, you are there to do yours.
tbh, i see no issue with someone being stationed at the fire station. If you need medical attention at the hospital, an NPC is there for you. Also roleplay being non-existent as it is, its more than welcome tbh
I don't know why you're complaining about me being there and my fellow officer?
I mean No. 1 we just arrived and Jane walked into the fire, so we restrained her to prevent it from happening again. Also what's the issue with saying "Hurry up". You blocked off an entire part of the road just to extinguish a fire.

Now as a paramedic, it's not your duty to create roadblocks, rather to report them to the P.D. and let them handle traffic related incidents. Your job as a medic is to ensure the well-being of civilians, suspects and government staff.
But we had no issue with that, since the road was properly blocked, could've been one sided but we thought you were going to bring it over with quickly; you didn't.

As for the Firefighter. He delayed the situation a lot and decided to extinguish the fire tap by tap. So I don't see how that's any more RP? I mean I haven't seen firefighters arrive to a burning bush and like get a handful of water and throw it on top of the fire.

Besides that, even if we would've tried setting up a roadblock, we would still need a good 20s to get our car and bring it around, which we didn't have time to. And in all honesty all you did was wasted time.

TLDR for your post: I've made this rant since the officer didn't allow me to do their duties as well as they didn't allow the firefighter and me to delay blocking a road. Afterwards a guy who lagged out with his RC car came and ran us over.

EDIT: And yes firefighters do respond to incidents in real life when it comes to a car crash, the issue with perp is that they can't have a role. In real life they bring massive metal cutting scissors or whatever they're called to save a person out of the vehicle and making sure it doesn't catch on fire. Now they're usually called when a vehicle looks or is on fire not right when it crashes. But since perp throws out the person that opening door part isn't needed and when the fire breaks out you're called (if it breaks out).
I don't know why you're complaining about me being there and my fellow officer?
I mean No. 1 we just arrived and Jane walked into the fire, so we restrained her to prevent it from happening again. Also what's the issue with saying "Hurry up". You blocked off an entire part of the road just to extinguish a fire.

Now as a paramedic, it's not your duty to create roadblocks, rather to report them to the P.D. and let them handle traffic related incidents. Your job as a medic is to ensure the well-being of civilians, suspects and government staff.
But we had no issue with that, since the road was properly blocked, could've been one sided but we thought you were going to bring it over with quickly; you didn't.

As for the Firefighter. He delayed the situation a lot and decided to extinguish the fire tap by tap. So I don't see how that's any more RP? I mean I haven't seen firefighters arrive to a burning bush and like get a handful of water and throw it on top of the fire.

Besides that, even if we would've tried setting up a roadblock, we would still need a good 20s to get our car and bring it around, which we didn't have time to. And in all honesty all you did was wasted time.

TLDR for your post: I've made this rant since the officer didn't allow me to do their duties as well as they didn't allow the firefighter and me to delay blocking a road. Afterwards a guy who lagged out with his RC car came and ran us over.

EDIT: And yes firefighters do respond to incidents in real life when it comes to a car crash, the issue with perp is that they can't have a role. In real life they bring massive metal cutting scissors or whatever they're called to save a person out of the vehicle and making sure it doesn't catch on fire. Now they're usually called when a vehicle looks or is on fire not right when it crashes. But since perp throws out the person that opening door part isn't needed and when the fire breaks out you're called (if it breaks out).
We created it as there was none upon arrival, you guys reported the fire we arrived and no roadblock or any perimiter. So don't bother arguing about it. If you guys set up a perimeter the roadcrew truck wouldn't have gotten through and the woman wouldn't have ran into the fire - so instead of kicking off with me about how to deal with a fire, do your job and ensure the safety of the others.
We created it as there was none upon arrival, you guys reported the fire we arrived and no roadblock or any perimiter. So don't bother arguing about it. If you guys set up a perimeter the roadcrew truck wouldn't have gotten through and the woman wouldn't have ran into the fire - so instead of kicking off with me about how to deal with a fire, do your job and ensure the safety of the others.
I do not remember the situation correctly and form what I know you were there when we arrived, not sure if we called it in. I am quite almost sure that we didn't. Someone else did. Now since we can't see it and us just coming towards you and seeing that, made us think for a sec. I mean see, in real life, do you expect someone running into a fire in the middle of the road? No. Ofc not. Jane was a troll at that time and did that.

I really don't see how a medic to a traffic related incident is appropriate. I really don't even see a single tiny bit.
While I agree that the officer in your video could have handled the situation better, I also think that the idea of the Fire Department or Medical Services being in charge in this situation would not have helped it a single bit.

When an incident occurs it's almost always a cooperation between Medical Services, the Police Department and rarely the Fire Department. And yes, in most cases the Police takes the lead, and that's because the Police is very organized, and more often than not the higher ranking people actually know what they are doing and have experience in handling situations on the server in a safe and timely fashion.

(No offense to the officer handling the situation in the video) The situation in the video not handled very well by none of the emergency services on scene. The Fire Department took excessively long to extinguish the fire, so that lanes could be cleared up and traffic cluster-fuckers can be avoided, the civilian which ran into the fire acted like an idiot and the road crew, I'm not going to voice my opinion on him because that would be a breach of the rules. And the Police should of course have ensured that these kind of accidents don't happen by adequately setting up barricades and cones.

I don't really have a solution for the problem mentioned above, but I think we could all come a long way if communication just got a little better between emergency services, and with that comes understanding that the Police more often than not just has way more experience in how these sort of incidents can play out, and therefor often takes the lead in situations.
I tried doing some firefighter rp today with @Harris.
First time when I was alone I told them that I would respond to car crashes and injured people, police did nothing else than trying to tell me how to do my job. I find it funny to be firefighter and passive rp, I find it funny to set up road barricades and control a situation with first aid needed but you can rarely do it as officers won't allow you. It's fucking annoying when they tell you how to do their job, and tbh don't even try unless you're a LT.+ cause else I wont even bother listen to you. Try and become firefighter sometimes instead of being a fucking wanker cop
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