Look into this to enable configuring gov radio volume


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Changing the government radio volume is one of the most frequently asked questions by new players joining the PLPD.

I was reading the GMod wiki before, and I came across the Player:SetVoiceVolumeScale(number). It's been a long time since I last wrote Lua for GMod, but I thought maybe this can be used to allow users to configure how loud they want their radio volume to be? Add a F1 slider with a number, and use this function to set the receive volume for players talking on gov radio.

I post it here because the suggestion to configure radio volume already exists, the topic is to discuss this approach to solve the issue.

I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but maybe this can serve as a starting point for you. We really need this :dead:
Works nicely in TTT, if implemented correctly it should be no problem but I'm not sure if this would affect voice chat outside of the radio since this would affect all voices (I think? never coded for Gmod, correct me)
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I have just checked the radio code, It seems possible but I might be wrong, I will test tonight if this is implementable
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accidently unbanned tinky, reverting
give him a couple mins to pop on, he is currently doing a zone capture on zarp rp_evocity_zarp_v2 darkrp semi serious at the suburbs gas station
give him a couple mins to pop on, he is currently doing a zone capture on zarp rp_evocity_zarp_v2 darkrp semi serious at the suburbs gas station
Can we edit this to something that is offensive
Can we edit this to something that is offensive
Alright Dank what should his name and custom title be? i shouldn't be derailing this thread, im so sorry lets continue in sb - this is a great suggestion and I would love to turn people's mic volume down as sometimes they can be too loud