Police Suggestion Make Heavy TFU move slightly slower

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Suggestion Title: Make Heavy TFU move slightly slower
Suggestion Description: Reduce the movement speed of heavy tfu slightly

Don't disregard this because "crims have ak and as50s" or "zergs" bc TFU has increased in numbers A LOT in the last few months, there are usually at least 2-3 TFU on even at off-peak times.

Why should this be added?:
- More realistic
- TFU cant ferrari peek u with 200hp like a tank strapped to a helicopter
- Harder for 4 TFU to bum rush u alt-sprinting into an apt and still eat a whole mag between them
- More balanced

What negatives could this have?:
- TFU have to rely more on aim than their armour and dodgy hitreg

Useful Images:
or make them cant alt fast problem solution :)
This could be an solutiuon as well. Heavy TFU should mainly be focusing on CQB operatins or shootouts and running after someone with no armour on should be disadvantaged not advantaged.
i will quote what @Exnem said in the other thread and fully agree witht his;

Heavy gear TFOs need this debuff. Remove the 10% speed buff, and make it a 10% speed debuff instead.
Light gear TFOs could probably do with only having the 10% speed buff removed, making them on par with civilians.
Normal cops should be fine, even shotgun cops.

With my proposed suggestion above:
- Heavy gear TFOs will walk at 72 velocity, run at 270 velocity, and jog at 157.5 velocity.
- Light gear TFOs will move at normal civilian speed. (80 walk, 300 run, 175 jog)
- Normal cops will walk at 88 velocity, run at 330 velocity, and jog at 192.5 velocity.

General information for those who are reading this:
- All cops currently have a 10% speed buff, meaning that if you're ALT sprinting, you have 330 velocity.
- Normal civilians have 300 base velocity when ALT sprinting.

- All cops walk at 88 velocity.
- All civilians walk at 80 velocity.

- All cops jog at 192.5 velocity.
- All civilians jog at 175 velocity.
Light gear should keep the speed buff. Literally impossible to keep up with suspects and this will only lead to violations of use of force.
Light gear should keep the speed buff. Literally impossible to keep up with suspects and this will only lead to violations of use of force.
Light gear officers violating the use of force policy all for the sake of a win is not a reasonable way of arguing against his point. If anything it’s worrying that out of any tool in the arsenal of the PLPD one must assume it should always resort to shooting even if it violates policy if the suspect can’t be immediately apprehended.

Instead cops can place warrants, taze, gunpoint, baton, have a unit in the car catch up to the suspect or just let patrol chase a person because as TFU you’re not meant to be running to crazy distances so the need for a unrealistic buff isn’t existent in my opinion.
then play without tfu gear
I disagree that light TFU shouldn't receive the speed buff normal officers face, If this is the case then the sheer amount of equipment carried by a traffic sergeant with a shotgun should also slow them down.

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