Make it so staff can punish normal officers

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please make it so staff can punish normal officers

The amount of times officers break rules is actually unreal and the response you get from the staff is “make an IA”

The only staff members I know who don’t say that is @Dom_ and @GraveDinosaur and it’s just retarded hat they can just do what they want because staff tell everyone to make an IA.

It’s just stupid
If it's a policy violation --> Make an IA complaint

If it's a rule and policy violation --> Make an AR and an IA complaint

Staff can't punish people if it's only a policy violation and they can decide on the severity whether it will be dealt with OOC as they normally do.
What mango said wiki, it’s just the situation. Like today it was a IA situation and rulebreak so he got dealt with in both ways
The biggest problem is that staff don't bother explaining to these new players what they did wrong sometimes. Even if they say to go make an IA i think its stupid to leave it at that and not explain to the new player what he did wrong so that any confusion can be cleared
Just like @Mango said, there is a clear difference between new officers breaking the PLPD internal protocol and the server rules. The Staff Team should not get involved in internal PLPD issues, that is a job for the PLPD Supervisors. Staff Members are here to enforce the rules.

To easily show the problems with this suggestion, let's think that the Staff Team is actually responsible for the PLPD Protocol being enforced:
To begin with, the Staff Team is already too busy with the current number of reports. Making officer's infractions an issue they have to deal with, people will start calling Staff members instead of filling an IA because it is more efficient, easily overwhelming the Staff Team.

There is no reason for the staff team to deal with this, that is the Department's duty.
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So if an officer is to just shoot someone who is in cuffs or drag them out into hicktown and cripple them and make them walk back for no reason they should not be punished? ok
So if an officer is to just shoot someone who is in cuffs or drag them out into hicktown and cripple them and make them walk back for no reason they should not be punished? ok

Did you even read what I wrote?
Since it seems like you didn't, I will try to explain it to you in simpler words.

If the Officer breaks the PLPD policy, then staff don't need to get involved (unless there are some specific reasons).
If the Officer breaks the server rules (like you suggested), then the Staff Team should intervene, like they already do.
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Yeah well I’m speaking about server rules not policy. Server rules are server rules, not plpd policy’s.
Yeah well I’m speaking about server rules not policy. Server rules are server rules, not plpd policy’s.

So, using your previous example, are you telling me that if an officer randomly shoots a cuffed suspect or "drags them out into hicktown and cripple them to make them walk back for no reason", the staff member you called would just tell you to fill an IA complaint? I think that is totally unreasonable for you think this. In this situation I am sure that the staff team would deal with the officer since he clearly broke the server rules.
So, using your previous example, are you telling me that if an officer randomly shoots a cuffed suspect or "drags them out into hicktown and cripple them to make them walk back for no reason", the staff member you called would just tell you to fill an IA complaint? I think that is totally unreasonable for you think this. In this situation I am sure that the staff team would deal with the officer since he clearly broke the server rules.
The problem is they don’t though do they
How dare the staff team have to do their job and deal with reports! You know, if they struggle to get through reports while being on the server, then clearly there needs to be reconsideration on who is staff if they don't have the time available to go online and do the bare minimum of what is expected of a staff member. Also any time an officer breaks the law or the policies, they break 4.1 automatically. Even if we take 4.1 with a grain of salt (because its never enforced really), staff members shouldn't close the report and tell you to make an IA, because nobody learns from that. More often than not these new players aren't regularly checking forums or because they are new and therefore typically won't respond to the complaint that is submitted of them because they are unaware that they had one in the first place, or by then it may be too late. End result? The new player doesn't learn that what he previously did was wrong because he was never told it was wrong when he did it.
I just noticed that this was posted twice, I don't know why. Can this be deleted?
I say yes to rule breaks I say no to law breaks. Staff cannot and should not be able to punish people for IC violations that do not break the rules. Either put in the effort to make an IA alongside evidence or move on. If staff do not already deal with officers who break rules then this is stupid and should start right away. Edit: This reply was dumb somehow.
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I see some people wanting both staff action AND having it dealth by internal affairs. Wouldn't that become excessive though? Recieving a warning or ban can already harm your PLPD "Career". If staf can warn you(Direct consequence on PLPD applications i believe) and then to have IA spank your ass again by giving you a suspension or whatever that's just gay. Making the PLPD and perpheads as bureaucratic as a real police department in the 21st century isn't the best way to go lmao
@Mage But how don't they learn if the supervisor spoke with them? This, of course, if you fill the complaint, and why wouldn't you? If you have time to report to staff, you also have time to report it to the supervisors.

Furthermore, when you say they are breaking a rule when not following PLPD protocol 100%, I don't think you are right. IRL police officer break policies, making this is a RP issue, not Staff (to a certain degree of course).
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A lot of things I feel should be dealt with in-game by reports to staff rather than IA complaints. Right to search, the most annoying one when a cop is searching you for no reason whatsoever. Right to enter private property with unlawful raids and especially use of force when cops shoot people unarmed or fleeing which should be excessive negativity. I understand in really minor cases, you don't want to waste staffs time doing petty reports but all these negatively impact on someone and you shouldn't have to wait 2 weeks for the IA complaint to be closed if it can be dealt with 5 minutes in-game.
overwhelming the Staff Team
Then there will be more staff???????

@Mage But how don't they learn if the supervisor spoke with them? This, of course, if you fill the complaint, and why wouldn't you? If you have time to report to staff, you also have time to report it to the supervisors.
Because a complaint takes too much fucking time. I need to upload my playsTV, shadowplay, write a story, then wait two weeks. I also hate how they go, but sometimes it's inevitable. I only make reports now if someone's an actual fucking asshole or incompitent moron. If i make an f6 and go to a roof(report takes 15 seconds to write) i can actually feel good knowing that the person i reported now knows how to *not* do it the next time. I dont want people permanently banned from something they get their fun out. The last IA i made got someone demoted.
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