Making admin situations go faster & easier

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IKEA - Northern Europe
This is an easy step guide on how to make an admin situation more enjoyable and easier for everyone involved
  • Stay calm and collected during the situation
  • Respect the people involved at all times
  • Let everyone finish their sentence before talking
  • Understand that everyone may not understand what they've done wrong
  • Admit that you're wrong
  • Last but not least; The admins word is the final word.
  • By staying calm the other user will also be calm and the situation will be dealt with faster meaning you can get back to your roleplaying as quick as possible instead of screaming at the person holding the situation up forcing the administrator to deal with you being exaggarated and aggressive.
  • Respecting the people involved will make them understand that even though they may have made a mistake or if you've made a mistake you respect them and understand that mistakes do happen.
  • Letting everyone finish their sentence will also show them respect and they will stay calm and show respect for you. It will also not clog the situation up with pauses.
  • Understanding that people may not understand what they've done is important as explaining a rule briefly and putting up an example may help in speeding the situation up
  • Admitting to your rulebreak will make the situation much better, lying in a situation where your rulebreak is proven can result in a longer punishment, sometimes the situation isn't very serious which CAN to an administrator letting you go
  • Letting the admins word go through may be hard but it is their word in the end, not happy with it? Be quiet and make an admin complaint

credits to lelios to bringing number 5 to my attention
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Im in no place to say this but I know from experience that every situation is different some can take seconds while others can take hours. The problem is that people can use these situations to argue with each other or try twist the facts and lie their way. The staff who do the reports have a life and other reports to take care of they should not have to deal with some who will not admit that they broke the rules.

I have admitted that I have broken the rules and there is nothing wrong with it infact its better than trying to lie or waiting for an AR. So please everyone do the staff a favor when you know you have broken the rules don't waste everyone's time just admit it.
Im in no place to say this but I know from experience that every situation is different some can take seconds while others can take hours. The problem is that people can use these situations to argue with each other or try twist the facts and lie their way. The staff who do the reports have a life and other reports to take care of they should not have to deal with some who will not admit that they broke the rules.

I have admitted that I have broken the rules and there is nothing wrong with it infact its better than trying to lie or waiting for an AR. So please everyone do the staff a favor when you know you have broken the rules don't waste everyone's time just admit it.

This, you'll probably still get punishment if you admit your mistakes, however I tend to be lighter towards people that realize what they did wrong and are willing work on it than too people that still have no clue what they did wrong after the sit. After all, there's a reason we call them warnings, we're warning the player that a rule exists and pointing it out. I have experienced first hand that being sincere and straightforward in an admin sit can really help your case and might at times even cut down your punishment.