May the force be with you all!

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Hello friends and family!

I am hereby announcing myself leaving PERP. It has come to the point of PERP not being enjoyable to me in any type of way. The reasons are stated bellow as I don't want to start this off negatively.

I want to thank all of you, even the biggest cunts for being part of this. After all, you were a part of my life... Some of you were the kindest of people I've ever met and some people just wanted to bully my halloween house (@ICEKILLER_99).
It has been a great journey and great fun, but all good things end one day.

You guys have been the shoulder I needed to cry on and allowed me through the shittiest times.
You were the people that made me laugh to the point where my vision was blury and I could barely breathe.
You were the thing that made me happy every day I'd return home from school.
You were my friends.

I am really sad to have to do this, but PERP has wasted so much of my time, which I could spend doing other things. Some of you might've noticed or heard that I started working with CSS and HTML, well currently I receieved a big project from the city I go to school to, as they want their page remade and I am in charge of getting it done.
But to be fair... I don't see this time as wasted. This time was a good part of my daily routine, my life.

Here are some mentions. I couldn't get all the people in, so don't be offended if you aren't on the list. Even if you haven't been written up on the least, you might've still meant a lot to me.

@Wiki - Wiki you've been a great pal. This is not a goodbye from you, since we've been friends for a long time now even before PERP, but I wanted to say that you're a great pal and a great, amazing and unique squeaky friend.
@Thomas Fredrick - You fucking melon balls. But seriously. The fun I had talking to you, even when you were telling me about weird shit, I still enjoyed every second of it. I greately appriciate you.
@SleepyMode - Bad boy left anyways, but it'd be unfair if I hadn't mentioned you. You were once despised by me and then ended up as one of my bestest palls.
@Mango - It wouldn't be a list without you man. You're a bit of a cunt, but in the nice way.
@Henk - Sorry for getting you banned that one time.
@Hendricks - Who the fuck made you staff... jeesh... **big hearts**
@Cody Garrett - Honestly an old boy you are. Knew you from the start when I joined PERP and always enjoyed our banter.
@ICEKILLER_99 - Honestly stop blowing up people's halloween houses you big nerd. But seriously... you're a great dude. Quite sad I never got to hear your voice.
@{IG} attacker1983 - Wouldn't be fair to not put you on the list. Probably because you'd tell me off on teamspeak and every conversation with you would start with: "You didn't even put me on the list, titlin you fucker."
@Kenty - Boy oh boy. Where do we start with you. You're one of the most unique people on PERP. Your RP ideas were always amazing and you enjoyed it. I was laughing myself to tears when I was hanging with you.
@Sorle - Go back to ZARP. Ly.
@Josef - the one that sounds like A1L, but younger
@A1L - the one that sounds like Josef, but older
@Saint Wylde: One of the bestest palls as well on PERP. You were always a good boy with me. You made PERP really fun.
@DB KILLER - Same goes to you as Sorle.
@Skudist - Not a goodbye, cause I'll probably still hang with you on steam etc. But you were an awesome staff member. A true minge as well.
@Logan Finch - Fork.
@Garret_Pp - Thank you for the chance in IA when you were still head. You always made sure we enjoyed our work and did our work properly.
@Shay - Puki. But you were a great IA Head as well. Thank you for the stay in IA. Sorry that I pissed you off many times.
@Mallard - I am running out of words while trying to remain unique. Cool dude.
@peemnaja - Chicken and rice noodles.
@Collier - Du warst immer ein guter Freund. Ich hab es immer geliebt dich zum Lachen zu bringen. :) (Suprise suprise, Tilin didn't use google translate for this)
@Exrobite - I am your biggest fan.
Sexcar - You're one filthy raccoon @Racxes.
@Itzryzo - You are a special fella. Just take. You're special :)
@Samuel - We might've not gotten along always, as I was a PD Feminist and was here sent by the main zerg of PERP to demilitarize the PD. I might've acted like an ass at time, but I enjoyed patroling with you.
@Madda - Madasgat?
@TinySlayer - Fix the tinycalc already got dammit... fucking scammed me four times already.
@Brinch - I still don't like you for shooting me on my pirate ship.
@Draxen - Literally the friendliest person on PERP.
@Gimic @Tunnels - Minority of people thinks you two are the same person or can't distinguish one from another.. Just a heads up.
@Xquality - When will you wake up from the dead?????????????????????
@ErmakDimon - Bye Erma... **ermak shoots dead corpse** **ermak's stripes fall off**. Will miss you.
@Quinten - stop raiding me with bombs. The bombs always make the props make a barrier around me, like a forcefield.

To all those who I haven't mentioned or forgotten. I love you all. (@JayW of course I didn't forget you, you're just not honorable enough ;) )

I said I'll state the bad reasons afterwards... Well when I joined PERP I was this new dude. I failed my cop test 3 times, but it was okay. Shortly after that I learned how to make drugs. I got myself around 300k of money, where I bought Premium. Upon buying premium (for 75k), I instantly went on duty as a SWAT officer. I might've not hit shots, but I had fun.
That's what I joined for. Fun. I brought my friends along, we started playing and all. SWAT slots were always full, so I never got to show him how it felt to be SWAT. Got banned shortly before the PD change (or so I remember). When I came back everything changed. No more SWAT was there. Slots were whitelisted. I was highly disappointed by how the server turned from a game, to a time wasting machine, ready to eat your time to get that special role, which didn't look all the good, didn't look like SWAT and didn't feel like SWAT.
Why I joined the server was because I saw "SWAT". I might've idled in the PD for a few hours, but we were watching memes and laughing. And it was a great way to learn gun mechanics as well as make crim friends from that spare time. It was such a small game mechanic and role, but it was my best friend practically.

I hate how before when you bought premium you received like cool jobs and SWAT especially and some others bonuses. At the end now, premium literally felt like a subscription. I was paying money I don't have to keep a subscription, because I couldn't play without a physgun. I feel betrayed by the fact how much Premium costs compared to what you get are essential items, which should be in reach for everyone. I am looking at you physgun.

This is especially a big issue, because I was taught I can't afford Netflix with the money I get, though I wasted 5€ each month for a physgun to board windows with. 5€ might not sound a lot to you guys, but for me.. it does.


TL;DR: Tilin misses SWAT, Tilin doesn't like premium features, Tilin is wasting too much money. Tilin is sad, but Tilin is leaving. Tilin loves you all

I will still be checking out forums and continue my controversial behavior inside the community. I might come ingame once per month at most.
Noooooo :(

Ever since that one time you spoke German (and were really good at it), I never heard you speak it again :(. It was a blast having you around, you will be missed. I hope you find something more worthwhile to do, good luck in the future.

Bye D':
Quality guy, really cheered me up when I got dumped at the start of the year.

Best of luck in your future endeavours and I hope to see you come back to the server every now and again.

#BringBackSWAT amirite
Will miss you one of the most. You were one of my best buds on perp. Hit me up on steam when you feel down :)
I saw the title, and my heart sunk... Ever since I met you I knew you, yourself were unique and a were amazing to be around, it was always fun to be around you and you are such an approachable person. I don’t want you to leave man :(.

Back when I was a sweater and I was with you and a few slovenians I felt so rounded but had fun. Honestly man, you’re under appreciated for all your work, time and everything.

I wish for you to save money and to enjoy life and actually enjoy Netflix since it’s pretty gold xd.

Thank you for the kind comments and I’ll miss you broski!
Thank you for these warm words. I'll miss you a lot, but I'll still hit you up on Steam at times no worries <3
You will be missed!

Just promise that you stick your head around the corner once in a while to check upon everyone and everything!