Mayor Vote Rework

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Hear me out:

It would be nice, in my opinion, if every 20 minutes or so there is a mayor vote (if someone currently is the mayor) between all of the people who put themselves into the ballot and the current mayor himself.
This would stop corrupt mayors from keeping their job with 50% taxes for hours by protecting themselves with the SWAT. This would mean mayors would have to work for the people's needs instead of to just piss off the people and start a witchhunt on himself (as commonly happens once people realise that being the mayor can be dead boring).

Scenario A:
Timothy Hitchens is the mayor. He is doing a good job and has managed to create a stable government with decent wages and lots of jobs. The tax is at 15% but nobody cares because the city is running so smoothly.
4 other people sign up for the mayor vote and in 20 minutes another vote happens. The city votes for Timothy Hitchens because they have enjoyed his rule and know that he works for the people.

Scenario B:
Ashton Killington is the mayor. He has the taxes at 50%, is hiding in Subs 4 with the SWAT protecting him and is constantly making broadcasts such as "/broadcast Due to terrorist attacks I am having to hide at Subs 4. Please do not come into Subs 4!" etc.
3 other people sign up for the mayor vote and in 20 minutes another vote happens. The city votes for someone else because Ashton Killington was an asshole.

Probably has some flaws and ways people could abuse it that could be tweaked. Comment away.
Dye;n1596 said:
Ashton Killington was an asshole.

Ashton Killington is the type of the person to pay for my security service; damn it.

I think 20 minutes is definitely not enough time for an administration.

I do see what you are saying, but I don't believe the problem lies with the mayor, but with the city's financial structure - the mayor simply doesn't have enough options to effectively manage the city's finances. This would best be suited for another suggestion/idea, though.

I think this idea could work, but I think elections should be every 2 hours, minimum.
Luke;n1597 said:
Ashton Killington is the type of the person to pay for my security service; damn it.

I think 20 minutes is definitely not enough time for an administration.

I do see what you are saying, but I don't believe the problem lies with the mayor, but with the city's financial structure - the mayor simply doesn't have enough options to effectively manage the city's finances. This would best be suited for another suggestion/idea, though.

I think this idea could work, but I think elections should be every 2 hours, minimum.

While I agree that 20 minutes does seem too short; I think 2 hours is too long.
An hour sounds decent to me. Sounds like enough time to gage the personality of the city and do some recruitment for the government.

As a note, I totally agree that the mayor needs to be reworked in a more numerical way. Perhaps adding a cash boost to the city funds as well because the city still loses money even when the taxes are high more often than not.
This is also a way to just remove the guy from power because you can't craft your guns.

I like the structure of the idea, I just would like some ways of protecting this from being abused.
Mattus;n1652 said:
This is also a way to just remove the guy from power because you can't craft your guns.

I like the structure of the idea, I just would like some ways of protecting this from being abused.
get 3 guys> craft baceball bats> get someone to start a bank robbery> then "invite the mayor to a baceball game"

really though, it seems like the mayor gets killed fairly quickly when the online players think he is a bad mayor.

also, i agree that mayor needs a rework, and also a small tutorial about how the mayor works.
Yeah I think it's great! Then the mayor would most likely be hostaged or be murderd, since we can't re-vote for a new mayor if we hate the current one, that's why we use gunpower.
But if we could re-vote for a new mayor lets say every 40 minutes, will most likey less want to risk the chance of dying and losing expansive weapons, that's a great idea! Massive support.
Ok, while I would like to have reelections and stuff, 20 minutes is too short, so is even 40 minutes, but I do think there should be a way to recall or remove from office if a quarter of the server join a petition then it requires majority of the vote to pass. But this option would only be available after half an hour of mayor taking office to avoid people joining up to remove someone they didn't want quickly.
I +support this.
- To avoid the mayors abusing and money farming.
- To give new players the opportunity to be the mayor.

My - supports

- Not every 20 minutes, every hour or so (a real life hour).
This would be nice, but i wouldnt say every 20 mins, Maybe an Hour or so and the option to get them re-elected.
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