Money drop on death

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Hello community,

I've started to think about a function wich lets you drop a maximum 100 dollar on death just as a nice feature in perpheads
due to it also being realistic since on death you drop equipped items. This would also make the cops drop 100 dollar maximum on death
it would be just really nice feature in my opinion.

What is your guys opinion on money drop on death ? in general and if you agree with me what amount should be maximum in your opinion ?
stupid idea. No one would even bother picking it up and map would be filled with 100 dollar notes
Mate nobody would just run past $100 paralake d0$$ar on the floor

i do agree, if someone dies in forest, money will probably go to waste
Hmm, i think it would bother some people none lets random money laying randomly on the ground and even if none bothers it. The sweaters could get a use out of it
Maybe just stick to how it is now where you only drop guns. In my opinion the people who actually kill the person won't even care about the 100 dollars and will just leave it there. Plus I dont see the point in 100 dollars anyway.
How about if you kill a moderator/admin you get his rank and ur moderator/admin?!?!? sounds epic to me!!!! cmere tinyslayerrrrr
The amount of new players we get who RDM others thinking people drop money on death is surprisingly common, lets not encourage this behaviour
I can already imagine players camping at ATM machines waiting for you to withdraw.