Should breaking 3.4 in order to not lose items/money be punished harsher?

Should breaking 3.4 in order to not lose items/money be punished harsher than other breaches of 3.4?

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I don't go off duty from the fire department anytime i'm ingame for the sole reason of being mugged causing so much setback as i cant grow or shoot so im forced to legally obtain money. Mugging is so common and risky that I dont do any civ due to it. If mugging were less risky I'd go off duty. The fact that people rather take a punishment then loose stuff also shows how hard it is to make money for some. For some of us that could be weeks of effort lost in 3 minutes.

If I do get mugged I comply but its so dangerous i just avoid ever getting into a situation where I could get mugged. If it didnt effect people as much i think we might see alittle less of people dealing with punishment for it more.
i understand that it can cause a great deal of setback however there are many ways to avoid being mugged and and the end of the day, choosing to break the rules to save your things after you were caught out is just a bit scummy in my eyes, its a part of the game and you just need to exercise caution, i'm approaching 4 months playtime and i think i've been successfully mugged once in the last 3 months of playtime, so its just about caution
Some people really think we can't get their items/money off them just because they left the server smh.
Some people really think we can't get their items/money off them just because they left the server smh.
Me messaging Fredy asking him to delete <insert item(s) here>

Although in terms of actually forcing the items off of said player if they are still on the server we can use Force Ziptie and take the items off of them from there although for situations such as this, I think a Forced Withdrawal tool on the godstick could be a solution where it brings up the search menu and then all the selected items are placed into a refund box ready to be handed over.

Of course, @Sorle your suggestion of 5.2 has been noted and taken into active consideration by Administration so a response will likely be decided at the next Admin Meeting.