Server Suggestion More consumables (Food and Drinks) / Consumables Overhaul

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Prague, Czech republic, European Union,
Description of the idea: I believe that we should get more nicely modeled consumables to the server, in the form of food and drinks that the players could craft themselves from base materials that could be bought from vendors (Gas Station or Fredy's). These crafted foods could provide larger hunger regeneration and the drinks would probably only serve a roleplay value as does the current beer consumable, though I do suggest nerfing the drunkness effect, in order to be able to consume a few drinks before becoming drunk.
Many Roleplay servers already have this feature as standard and I don't see why PERP should in this regard be the exception. Players could craft, sell and serve these in their own establishments such as bars, pubs, restaurants, fast-food chains, and everything in between bringing so much more depth to the game mode itself.
The models are already a thing on the Workshop, the only part remaining would be to code them in as consumable items on the server.
I was made aware that we already have some unused models for things such as milk, raw meats, and doughnuts which could all be incorporated not only as base materials for crafting the finished foods themselves but also in the case of the doughnuts as a ready-to-eat item.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Deeper consumables system
- More possibilities for legal civilian RP
-More in-depth RP and opportunity for Roleplay businesses where these could be made, sold, served, etc.
-The current options are extremely limited to: Beer, Burger, Hot Dog, Chinese Takeout, Orange Juice, Soda, Coffee and a Carton of Milk.
- More variety for passive roleplay
-Overhauling existing food to nicer models

What negatives could this have? (cons): I don't personally see a single negative thing about this.

*Other additions:




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Amazing IDEAS DUDE, But on the real are you able to hide drugs or contraband within the kinder-eggs just like in real life!
More variety and more potions could and will probably encourage more people to take Roleplay seriously. Every day, there are a lot of people on the server that do pretty much nothing else than serious roleplay and try to involve as many people as possible with it. Yes, there an also a lot of people in the community who for some reason treat the server as if it was a CS: GO match, but I don't really care about those. I want to appeal to the players that at the very least try and those that will try should the options expand a little.
Funnily enough, there are actually a few unused models for different types of food & drinks in PERP's files such as donuts, different sodas, cream, different milk model and meat such as beef fillets, chicken fillets and pork fillets (both packaged and unpackaged):

Additionally as well, there are a few models for fruit and vegetable plants such as potatoes, onion and tomatoes which I would presume would be grown in a planter box or at the farm as there is also a large model for corn which I would believe was supposed to be introduced in a farming update. Being as these models already exist and I'm gonna assume the food update was left unfinished/forgotten for more important updates, I don't see any reason not to introduce them into the game and add more different types of food in the future.

As well as this, with some of the ingredients used to make meth such as baking powder, etc. perhaps these could also be used to prepare certain foods that you could only make and not purchase which would restore more hunger than a typical burger.
@Aquaa ask Rosie lmao. Some dude was shit talking me on a night out about Llanelli when he was from North Wales, left right goodnight.
The issue here I see however is, we’d be blatantly using other peoples models without any attempt at changing them. For stuff like cars, thats understandable since a realistic car is near impossible to model without years of experience, but small items like food wouldn’t be too hard to model.

I suggested we use some guns from a model pack on the workshop awhile back and @Madda said we aren’t doing that.
I’m aware of those, however in comparison to what I’m proposing they are only very few and rather insignificant, I agree that the donut and the soda cans could be added as standalone consumables, however the raw beef and chicken, the carton of cream and the growable vegetables seem more like crafting materials to me.
In my opinion the absolute best scenario would be if you could craft more complex foods in the form of those that I’m proposing in this suggestion. Those could indeed replenish more hunger than your standard foods right now.
To be honest here tho, I think those are two different scenarios.
We already had a full arsenal of guns, the models for them btw aren’t an original and are taken from a different creator from workshop. Correct me if I’m wrong
This would merely be the same case as with implementing standard PH guns for the server, instead we would be however implementing what would become standard PH consumables.
The gun models were remodelled versions of Firearms Source weapons, M9K, etc. The only PERP guns I can think of that seems to be a straight pull from another weapons pack with minimal edits are the Deagle, SW500, and Pernach.
Had this mockup design for an energy drink they could add to PERP.


Obviously far from finished lmao.
Why not? Finally add in pasta for the tapiani blokes and all that other stuff to encourage more restaurant RP.
I like the idea of new drinks/etc. being available, either extracted from that existing addon or made via the devs as their own customizable models. Perhaps with the addition of a 'mixology' or more-general 'culinary' skills for certain drinks, perhaps making them similar to drugs in that they are more effective at increasing stamina or other status effects than coffee, but are locked behind a skill requirement and some dedication. Perhaps having these might bring the Hungries and other bars to life, as well as allow for some 1940's speakeasy RP with bourbon and cigars lmao

I can see the other food items also being beneficial, with steaks, chicken, and actual vegetables instead of constantly stuffing your face with fish and burgers, offering new avenues for restaurant roleplay as well as perhaps integrating all cooking and fish etc. into one skill (as said before, perhaps culinary skill?)
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I must say, I do like the idea of having a variety of new food items available. Don't get me wrong, I like the classic burger and hotdog which have been available since the beginning of PERPHeads, but it's always nice to see some new stuff every now and then! Could add some potential roleplay to the server.
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