Mute Rain Sound Option in F1 Menu

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Topic: Mute Rain Sound Option in F1 Menu

Short explanation (in notes):
Just like how you can mute heavy breathing, make an option that allows you to mute the motherfuckin' rain.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

Shits annoying and makes my ears bleed.

Optional additions:
+Support, adds realism...

I'd love to be able to flip a switch in real life, and just mute rain. But guess what? That isn't quite possible. Most buildings ingame, automaticly lowers the sound of the rain, and if that still annoys you, ohh let's hope you will never have a baby :kappa: With the new weather app added, you can see when the rain stops. I get that it might be annoying, but if you can mute the rain, what is the point of adding rain at all? While we are at it, let's just mute horns, because those are fucking pissing me off aswell. And those ravekid-cars? You know the ones with the flashing color lights and the same repeating shitty music, that follows you whenever you do an illegal U-turn. Let's add a mute button for everything.

If you didn't realise it, I'm going to -Support this
+Support, adds realism...

I'd love to be able to flip a switch in real life, and just mute rain. But guess what? That isn't quite possible. Most buildings ingame, automaticly lowers the sound of the rain, and if that still annoys you, ohh let's hope you will never have a baby :kappa: With the new weather app added, you can see when the rain stops. I get that it might be annoying, but if you can mute the rain, what is the point of adding rain at all? While we are at it, let's just mute horns, because those are fucking pissing me off aswell. And those ravekid-cars? You know the ones with the flashing color lights and the same repeating shitty music, that follows you whenever you do an illegal U-turn. Let's add a mute button for everything.

If you didn't realise it, I'm going to -Support this
+ support adds realism, I'd love to be able to flip a switch and remove heavy breath- ...oh wait I can already do that.

Listen here buddy, in a luxury apartment like regals 5, I don't expect to hear jack shit from the outside world and until I get that is when we should complain about realism. Like you driving a $100k(irl) GTR with severe engine problems and scratched paint down the road. Totally realistic right, because we care so much about emulating real life.

This suggestion is merely for our quality of life and if the option to mute heavy breathing is in F1 then I don't see why muting rain is an issue.

We totally don't have any of these realistic options either:

TL;DR go cut your hair.
+ support adds realism, I'd love to be able to flip a switch and remove heavy breath- oh wait I can already do that

I'm not a fan of this feature either, I never use it. Don't get the point of it.

Listen here buddy, in a luxury apartment like regals 5, I don't expect to hear jack shit from the outside world

Unless you have bulletproof glass, there will always be the sound of rain on the windows. In my house, the roof doesn't make any sound, but the windows are simply not avoidable.

Like you driving a $100k(irl) GTR with severe engine problems and scratched paint down the road.

What does this have to do with the thread? Lmao. I don't even have engine problems FYI, since I had it repaired by the roadcrew, and the only problems with it, is the scratched paint, which I'm going to get fixed. Oh, and I'm just going to point out that the car broke because of some failRP but I haven't had the chance to get an admin to fix it.

TL;DR go cut your hair.

I've heard better insults coming from a poor kid with downsyndrome.
I'm not a fan of this feature either, I never use it. Don't get the point of it.

Unless you have bulletproof glass, there will always be the sound of rain on the windows. In my house, the roof doesn't make any sound, but the windows are simply not avoidable.

What does this have to do with the thread? Lmao. I don't even have engine problems FYI, since I had it repaired by the roadcrew, and the only problems with it, is the scratched paint, which I'm going to get fixed. Oh, and I'm just going to point out that the car broke because of some failRP but I haven't had the chance to get an admin to fix it.

I've heard better insults coming from a poor kid with downsyndrome.

I'm not a fan of this feature either, I never use it. Don't get the point of it.
Cool it's still in there

Unless you have bulletproof glass, there will always be the sound of rain on the windows. In my house, the roof doesn't make any sound, but the windows are simply not avoidable.
Is your home insulated with toilet paper? Do you live in fucking Haiti or in a mud hut?
Bullet proof glass has nothing to do with sound numnuts, also you're not supposed to hear the world ending from within your $5k luxury apartment

What does this have to do with the thread? Lmao. I don't even have engine problems FYI, since I had it repaired by the roadcrew, and the only problems with it, is the scratched paint, which I'm going to get fixed. Oh, and I'm just going to point out that the car broke because of some failRP but I haven't had the chance to get an admin to fix it.
Is there FailRP in real life? Do you drive a ruined $100k gtr in real life? Are there admins in real life? And yes, you have engine problems if the car is completely fucked.

I've heard better insults coming from a poor kid with downsyndrome.
Amazing how you're using those type of insults yet you support refugees and other things that pertain to a good moral compass. You're definitely a special snowflake.

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