- Staff
- #1
Often people complain about PERP, the ”glory days being over” and “the cops and robbers PVP without RP”. A hot topic for debate we see at least 1 thread a month over, and despite people’s desperate cries for change, it is to no real avail. Here is my observations on certain key points and how they could potentially be fixed or at least somewhat eased.
Tl;Dr: People who only play 1 side of the whole crime war usually only want there side to be the better one through addition or removal of certain benefits either they themselves or their opponents receive.
My general opinion on crime roleplay is both sides should be played by all players in order to avoid repetition and general boredom of the server in general. There are benefits criminals don’t receive in my opinion that they should have, as well as benefits cops should have over criminals that currently aren’t a thing, to figure out which is which, just look at my fucking suggestions lmao.
Tl;dr: unwritten rule enforcement is not as common as it once was and the fact that users aren’t physically being punished for it but still complaining about it like it’s a new issue is boggling.
Issues regarding aspects of the game mode being too hard / too expensive for new players is also an interesting and often bought up point. Let me tell you what I think of that:
The more difficult a game mode is, the more the players have to play to progress in that point. Grinding is an aspect of any game that keeps players playing before they achieve an end game state of having their dream car, a stacked bank account, a high level org, and plenty of guns. The easier and less grindy the server becomes, the less players have to play before they achieve everything and therefor will reach this end game state earlier, at this point the game becomes boring and this is when people leave.
Most new players aren’t blatant morons, there’s usually a real human being behind that non mic using sweater running around with the name “Minecraft Hitler”, usually a young person your age with a very active mind. Rather than making the game easier, we should rely on having easily accessible guides on how shit works given to them, which we mostly already have in our F1 menu.
Our community has become incredibly divided on many opinions to a point where we are essentially 2 communities rolled under 1 banner. You can put PERP players on a spectrum chart:

Idk man, just a 45 minute brainstorm, I’ll probably edit this once I’ve proof read it. Just weighing in my opinion on the current situations.
”Cops / criminals are overpowered!, they should add X to fix it!”
A commonly bought up issue that my opinion on often changes every few months depending on current events and how relevant / irrelevant the issue is at the time. Let me begin by saying the standard patrol or traffic Officers are not intended to be suited for high risk combat at all, obviously. Their handguns are intended as personal defence and for the purpose of emergency apprehension of violent suspects and serve that purpose well. I’ll go over some ideas to buff / nerf police / criminals and my opinion on them, as well as existing recent additions people are complaining about.
”removing the policy preventing cops from running over criminals in shootouts is dumb!”
Despite what the wording of the policy led you to believe, cops were always allowed to use squad cars as weapons to take down gun men who are actively shooting at police under most circumstances due to “last resort” literally just meaning in defence of your own life or others. The only vehicle in the PD which took little to no damage from running over people which also protects them from gunfire as they do so, the SWAT Van, still has restrictions on its use as a weapon however can still be used as a weapon in direct preservation of officer or civilian lives if the opportunity to do so safely is present. Removing this policy changed nothing, as rules wise, certain usages of vehicles as weapons is still disallowed if it puts your own life at more risk than necessary.
”L115 is OP and police shouldn’t have it”
I was incredibly sceptical about the L115 being added to the police armoury and thus as captain of TFU I ushered in my ideas on making it as balanced as possible. My original idea was to limit it to 1 and limit it to sergeant +s, but the final result was just the limit. Overall gameplay wise it changed little to nothing as most TFU dont even use it as bolt action snipers on PERP are slow and in combat put the user at a disadvantage should they be engaged in combat. As criminal I’ve also had little issues dealing with L115s as in circumstances where it is in use, it’s impossible, unlike a suppressed M24, to not realise the sniper is in use once it has been fired as it is loud. I haven’t had much issues estimating where the sniper is either due to the map not having much high ground in most areas and typically you can just guess where the sniper is. I’ve died to the L115 countless times and I know it’s fucking annoying dying to it but it is what it is and fighting or avoiding a high powered sniper rifle is a risk I’m taking, and I accept that as a viable reason to try avoiding police intervention when committing a violent crime.
“cops should have to pay for guns”
No. In a job where you can just be fucking shot without prior interaction or even knowledge of the existence of a suspect in general, having cops pay for guns is pointless. Cop pay without confiscations is shit and dying forces you to skip these 5 pay checks anyways. Forcing police officers to pay for guns will just further put people off of playing cop, and furthermore enforce a rich get richer, poor get poorer gameplay style.
”criminals get access to explosives and much bigger guns than cops so cops should get better weapons”
Criminals are actively paying money and / or risking their own lives to obtain these items and therefor deserve to have an advantage over the police should they decide that the money doing so is worth it.
“Criminals don’t hide from police after committing a warrantable felony and instead bait cops into further shooting”
Ive been guilty of this myself in the recent and distant past, and its something I will do everything I can to avoid in the future. Under rule 3.4, people who have committed a warrantable crime should go into hiding unless they are on their way to commit another crime that isn’t waiting to just kill cops.
“Cops bait raids because they are hungry or bored”
Theres a fine line between investigating a suspicious property and blatantly harassing a property because you know OOCly they are growing drugs. My advice for this is roleplay wise you can front it as a business, or a construction site of some sort. Police have no law allowing them to inspect the entirety of a business premises or a construction site unless they have some sort of solid proof drugs are being produced or sold from the premises in question. Getting money from drugs can be enjoyable if you pretend to actually hide what you’re doing as opposed to watching a virtual plant contemplating blowing your own fucking brains out.
A commonly bought up issue that my opinion on often changes every few months depending on current events and how relevant / irrelevant the issue is at the time. Let me begin by saying the standard patrol or traffic Officers are not intended to be suited for high risk combat at all, obviously. Their handguns are intended as personal defence and for the purpose of emergency apprehension of violent suspects and serve that purpose well. I’ll go over some ideas to buff / nerf police / criminals and my opinion on them, as well as existing recent additions people are complaining about.
”removing the policy preventing cops from running over criminals in shootouts is dumb!”
Despite what the wording of the policy led you to believe, cops were always allowed to use squad cars as weapons to take down gun men who are actively shooting at police under most circumstances due to “last resort” literally just meaning in defence of your own life or others. The only vehicle in the PD which took little to no damage from running over people which also protects them from gunfire as they do so, the SWAT Van, still has restrictions on its use as a weapon however can still be used as a weapon in direct preservation of officer or civilian lives if the opportunity to do so safely is present. Removing this policy changed nothing, as rules wise, certain usages of vehicles as weapons is still disallowed if it puts your own life at more risk than necessary.
”L115 is OP and police shouldn’t have it”
I was incredibly sceptical about the L115 being added to the police armoury and thus as captain of TFU I ushered in my ideas on making it as balanced as possible. My original idea was to limit it to 1 and limit it to sergeant +s, but the final result was just the limit. Overall gameplay wise it changed little to nothing as most TFU dont even use it as bolt action snipers on PERP are slow and in combat put the user at a disadvantage should they be engaged in combat. As criminal I’ve also had little issues dealing with L115s as in circumstances where it is in use, it’s impossible, unlike a suppressed M24, to not realise the sniper is in use once it has been fired as it is loud. I haven’t had much issues estimating where the sniper is either due to the map not having much high ground in most areas and typically you can just guess where the sniper is. I’ve died to the L115 countless times and I know it’s fucking annoying dying to it but it is what it is and fighting or avoiding a high powered sniper rifle is a risk I’m taking, and I accept that as a viable reason to try avoiding police intervention when committing a violent crime.
“cops should have to pay for guns”
No. In a job where you can just be fucking shot without prior interaction or even knowledge of the existence of a suspect in general, having cops pay for guns is pointless. Cop pay without confiscations is shit and dying forces you to skip these 5 pay checks anyways. Forcing police officers to pay for guns will just further put people off of playing cop, and furthermore enforce a rich get richer, poor get poorer gameplay style.
”criminals get access to explosives and much bigger guns than cops so cops should get better weapons”
Criminals are actively paying money and / or risking their own lives to obtain these items and therefor deserve to have an advantage over the police should they decide that the money doing so is worth it.
“Criminals don’t hide from police after committing a warrantable felony and instead bait cops into further shooting”
Ive been guilty of this myself in the recent and distant past, and its something I will do everything I can to avoid in the future. Under rule 3.4, people who have committed a warrantable crime should go into hiding unless they are on their way to commit another crime that isn’t waiting to just kill cops.
“Cops bait raids because they are hungry or bored”
Theres a fine line between investigating a suspicious property and blatantly harassing a property because you know OOCly they are growing drugs. My advice for this is roleplay wise you can front it as a business, or a construction site of some sort. Police have no law allowing them to inspect the entirety of a business premises or a construction site unless they have some sort of solid proof drugs are being produced or sold from the premises in question. Getting money from drugs can be enjoyable if you pretend to actually hide what you’re doing as opposed to watching a virtual plant contemplating blowing your own fucking brains out.
My general opinion on crime roleplay is both sides should be played by all players in order to avoid repetition and general boredom of the server in general. There are benefits criminals don’t receive in my opinion that they should have, as well as benefits cops should have over criminals that currently aren’t a thing, to figure out which is which, just look at my fucking suggestions lmao.
Another issue I’ve seen recently is people are claiming that the current staff team are not as good as they were in 2017 Or before. It probably means nothing coming from a relatively new moderator, but in my opinion the only difference between the staff team now and the staff team 3 years ago is we aren’t slapping permabans on new players for punching us in sits. Enforcement of “unwritten” rules has always been a thing and especially when I was new and broke a rule due to ignorance of the definition of said rules, I was threatened with Harsh punishments.
An example of this was when [Redacted] threatened to flat out community wide ban me because I kept telling him that what constitutes as a rulebreak should be clearly defined in said rule to prevent newer players from committing these acts unknowingly breaking rules then insinuated that the rules he claimed I broke were being twisted to allow said staff Member to ban me to boost his ego for bragging rights. It’s gotten to a point where I’ve seen other staff members getting verbal abuse in reports they handle and that staff member dealing with it calmly without punishing that user for doing so. In 2017, they’d catch a ban for it.
Unwritten rules and staff discretion is still an apparent issue however and I have been fronting ideas and suggestions for awhile to flatten its influence out and overall allow the staff team to function more uniformally.
An example of this was when [Redacted] threatened to flat out community wide ban me because I kept telling him that what constitutes as a rulebreak should be clearly defined in said rule to prevent newer players from committing these acts unknowingly breaking rules then insinuated that the rules he claimed I broke were being twisted to allow said staff Member to ban me to boost his ego for bragging rights. It’s gotten to a point where I’ve seen other staff members getting verbal abuse in reports they handle and that staff member dealing with it calmly without punishing that user for doing so. In 2017, they’d catch a ban for it.
Unwritten rules and staff discretion is still an apparent issue however and I have been fronting ideas and suggestions for awhile to flatten its influence out and overall allow the staff team to function more uniformally.
Issues regarding aspects of the game mode being too hard / too expensive for new players is also an interesting and often bought up point. Let me tell you what I think of that:
The more difficult a game mode is, the more the players have to play to progress in that point. Grinding is an aspect of any game that keeps players playing before they achieve an end game state of having their dream car, a stacked bank account, a high level org, and plenty of guns. The easier and less grindy the server becomes, the less players have to play before they achieve everything and therefor will reach this end game state earlier, at this point the game becomes boring and this is when people leave.
Most new players aren’t blatant morons, there’s usually a real human being behind that non mic using sweater running around with the name “Minecraft Hitler”, usually a young person your age with a very active mind. Rather than making the game easier, we should rely on having easily accessible guides on how shit works given to them, which we mostly already have in our F1 menu.
Our community has become incredibly divided on many opinions to a point where we are essentially 2 communities rolled under 1 banner. You can put PERP players on a spectrum chart:

Idk man, just a 45 minute brainstorm, I’ll probably edit this once I’ve proof read it. Just weighing in my opinion on the current situations.
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