My Encounter Today

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Dubai, UAE

Firstly, I would like to apologise for the title of this post because I was kind of lost on what to call this because it's meant to be in a nice and not grumpy tone. Today I was chilling in Bazzar when I and my friend started having a chat with someone where some mean words were exchanged but it was nothing out of the ordinary but then remarks were made about the subject of autism and down syndrome towards myself which I did take offence to due to a member of my family having autism which as you can understand got me very upset as it affects not just the person who has the disability but also members of their families too.

I know there are no rules against people saying things like this in game that's why I made this post, to just bring awareness to this subject and how many people might have members of their families or friends that suffer from these disabilities or even people who have other mental health issues that you might not necessarily see through the game. I know there is no possible way for you know if the person you come into contact with might be affected by these issues but it just leads back to the old saying "Think before you speak" because you never know what might be happening to that person at that point in time and it could affect or offend them on a personal level.

Now to a nice cheerful point, I would like to say a huge thank you to @xhantium for how he dealt with the situation, he saw how angry and upset I was and took me to the side and gave me a very uplifting conversation which honestly made me feel so much better, thank you so much I honestly have so much respect for you after that conversation.

One last thing, I would like to know your opinion on this issue and what you think should or shouldn't happen, just so I can see what peoples views are.

Thank you for reading this,
Kindest Regards,
Oliver Wescott
I and my friend started having a chat with someone where some mean words were exchanged
Talk shit get banged. If u start shit talking people and they shit talk back dont be crying about it.
I understand its annoying hence why its called "shittalking"
Gmod's a game with a very toxic player base so i dont see how u didn't expect this to happen

But thanks anyway for the info bud.
I did see how upset you were, and how emotional it made you feel. I hear people on the daily saying "Kys" , "Drink bleach" , "Your a nigger" , "Your so autistic" and although you might not be saying it in a meanful way, you never know what someone is going through. Sure this is the internet people say shit but no matter if their is no rule against it, you should always act respectful and take other's feeling's in consideration. This kid today that thought he was saying it harmlessly made @Nathanchan149 feel angered and i do not feel as if this was intention however like stated above 'he didn't think before he spoke'

I think this is something more people should take into consideration and i am happy that @Nathanchan149 has brought this subject up. Best thing i can say to do is to just ignore them and , or make a report telling the admin to have a conversation with them as im sure they are more willing to just give a bit of a talking to the person in question and try and give them a different perspective on things when they're saying these hateful things.
Man you're lucky you didn't meet me off duty today then, i wonder how your first experience would be at that point ;D
Maybe tomorrow yea, if you get offended that easily then the internet is going to give you a hard time.
I'm happy I could help you, if anything alike this happens again just try to remember what I told you.

I understand where you're comming from, but honestly, is it a big deal?

I get called a nigger, nig nog, white cracker, dumb faggot, slav scumbag, ustasha nazi and other stuff. Like,a dude told me that he hopes my grandfather dies of cancer (which he did) and I took no offense in it. @MrAaron litteraly insulted me at the bazaar with one sentence that lasted 4 minutes while yelling and getting multiple voice cracks and it was the funniest thing ever. I honestly think that people should just get over it. I understand that you may be insulted by what they say but just ignore them and take the crap they say as a pinch of salt ;)
It's In-Character, so what the fuck are you even discussing about?

Your little shit character gets insulted not you. Why is everyone thinking this is your life. It's a stupid model in a video game you roleplay.
Gosh you're gonna struggle with the real world. Learn to take some words on the chin and man up.

I have an autistic brother with dyspraxia. I'm gay and have severe mental health issues, Christ I should be offended almost everyday but I'm not because that would be retarded.

If you don't wana be exposed to those words then don't use the internet, we shouldn't change just for you
Remember, If someone offends you OOC with something they said or did IC, you can always shoot them or kill them with your bat and face a 2.5 ban. I'm sure that'll give you some time away from the mean people in the bazaar.