My resignation

Reaction score
double mini roundabout
Well it had to come some day, didn't it?

Yes well I'm finally deciding to resign from my position as moderator. After a short stay I just feel like reports are a huge chore for me and I don't feel up to the task of doing them anymore. It's such a shame to be holding this position when someone else could do so much better than me. I got my staff rank in honour and I'm proud that I have actually wasted your time and I'm not actually resigning; I'm going away for 4 days so I'll be back to abusing after then!

Jesus fuck that was a huge scare for me man. You nearly gave me a heart attack...

Enjoy your days off man.
"Oh no, don't leave, we love you. Have a good time as a regular player baaaaiiiiiiii"

Ok. You troll. If it takes 5 days I will find you.
Omg Rogue U almost gave me a heart attack :eek: Have fun with your days four "vacation".
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You scared the crap out of me. When i first seen the top bit of your post i was screaming the second half i was laughing.

Seriously i'm so glad your not actually resigning because your one of the only few moderators.
Ill be waiting for you Mr Abuser 2k16

Atleast i read the post before replying

Have fun on your vacation i will miss you the last 4 days :p
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