Need help with coding (JavaScript, CSS, HTML)

Do I just copy paste or do I have to do something? (I know how to make a .js file and redirect it).
@MrWHAT! I mean, if you want to integrate it into your assignment you should probably take the contents of the <script> tag and put it into the .js file with the rest of your shit. The input and button will need copy and pasting into your main HTML file also. Could probably style them to make it look nicer etc too
It makes me sad to see schools give "high grades to have alot of JavaScript functions" for no apparent reason. This is why the latest generation of programmers lack the skills to write efficient code that doesn't eat the entire server or PC. Oh yes lets just trow in this massive framework and only use a tiny bit of its functionality while it hogs all the resources.

Having the client render the entire webpage is worse then serving just plain html5, especially on low end devices.
I want to make a starting page where you state your name then get redirected to the main index html page. How do I do that? Anyone that know the answer please tell me this would be amazing! And how do I make it type something like Good Evening Daniel on a specific place or how do I make it type the specific name in a specific place. @MoronPipllyd @Riekelt @So$a @ShadowJoey
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The point of this was to teach us functions useability, I dunno. Id love to learn it the right way, just hope this school gives me a good enough teaching. (One of the best tech schools in sweden)
I'd love some help with something for my websites! I want to make a link at the top right at the page that redirects you back to the main index page. How do I do it. I want it to stay at the top right even when you are scrolling and i'd love it to be like powderblue or green. @MoronPipllyd @Riekelt @So$a @ShadowJoey . help please!
yea i used shadowjoeys previous tip to just search in google but this helps cuz i needed to know all the different position types so i know what to change out. thx