Need new CPU and Mobo

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Hello nerds,

So currently my i5-4690 isn't getting the job done. It's bottlenecking my 1060 in most games somehow, and I'm usually getting 90-100FPS in siege, but I need that sweet 120+ for my 144hz monitor. In other games I get stuttering or random frame drops sometimes and it's really annoying. I was thinking of upgrading my CPU and Mobo because I want to get one of Intel's newest coffee-lake CPU's.

But some of you may say, "Hurr durr why not get Ryzen?!11?!1?". Because Ryzen is made for work and some gameplay, I've watched benchmarks and I've seen coffee-lake CPUs beat it in games by like 20-30 FPS, which is a big deal.

I don't want to overclock because then that would require a water-cooler, depending on how far I go, and that's just more money.

I was thinking about picking up the i5-8400:

It's better than my i5-4690 and is within my price range. But on Newegg, for some stupid reason, they're bundled with Z motherboards, these motherboards are made for overclocking. Guess what:

The 8400 can't be overclocked.

I don't know if the 8400 is the best choice for what I have now, which is why I'm asking for feedback, along with a new motherboard. My budget for both in total are ~$300-350.

Thank you for any responses in advance.

Here are my current system specs:

Think about replacing the GPU with something more powerful, it may be too weak for 144Hz and above, my card can barely keep at 100FPS+ in Overwatch high/epic settings or whatever they're called now with my Ryzen 1600 and RX 580 which is comparable to a 1060 but a bit better if you look at some benchmarks (Ryzen's are amazing both for work and gameplay loads, don't know where you got that shit from but single core and mutlithread performance is great and I have no problems with it what so ever)

MicroCenter is currently offering GPUs at MSRP value if you're a gamer and not a miner but this means that you have to buy a few components along side with the card like a CPU, motherboard and RAM which currently fits with your problem. Check with the manager to see if you can have any luck and see if you can snatch a 1070 or 1070Ti Mr. American

You could still sell your 1060, it's re-sell value should not be too bad including your motherboard+cpu+ram. Maybe look into it and tell me what you think.