need some help pls

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Okay so since this isn't really an issue that has anything to do with the server or community do I still need help... (didn't know where to post it elsewhere)

so I have seen that multiple people are actually making videos for youtube, some of them which I quite enjoy watching myself ( :booty: @LordTyla @Creepis :booty: ) but I have also seen some people with custom made in and outro's.

now I know that you can make em with blender and I tried using that but I am just a left handed spastic when using it... my question is; is there an easier alternative and what would that be?

thanks in advance guys!
Windows movie maker

Blender is for models, the fuck are you doing?

I'd suggest getting an actual video editor and make an intro/outro using it, but for the sake of god, do not use those shitty free video editors like @ShadowJoey

sony vegas is good (:
Making an intro is a long process if you want it to look good.

Do as @SleepyMode says and use a video editor and make it OR of you have the patience, use Cinema4D and watch a tutorial on how to use it. It'll take a while but the result is good.

And for god sake, be original. Noone wants to see a plain copy of another youtuber.
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I remember back in the COD MW2 trickshot DaYz that my friend made his intro's with a combination of Cinema4D like Keiwam said and some editing with Adobe After Effects aswell, might give a try with both of those and see how it goes after watching some tutorials