If you got the cash, you can buy 885 gear from AH
You could also do regular mythic dungeons which also drop 885 gear, or regular heroics for 865 gear
Theres also Argus, where you get some stuff during the quest line along with tons of Artifact power as well as some other stuff and it also gives you access to vendors where you can turn in Argus currency (veiled argunite) for 910 items
When your item level is appropriate, you can also do Tomb of Sargeras LFR wings (drops 885-895 gear) and then the Antorus LFR wings (drop 915-925 gear, as well as the good tier sets)
For a quick but not so great power boost, world quests also tend to have armor as rewards which scale as your ilvl becomes higher so the rewards always get better, but only up until about 880 ilvl