New Stamina System - Input Wanted

Personally, I do think that sprinting should drain your stamina at a pace where you cant even run across the intersection from spawn without being out of breath.
The jog, however, not be as draining as it currently is on your stamina and thus, should take up less energy
Sprinting, in my mind, should be reserved for those moments where every second counts, but tiring yourself out at the wrong moment should be a detriment to the choice the player has made.
Conversely, deciding to jog should be the better choice in the long run (pun slightly intented)
Being able to use cocaine for stamina would be great way to have more use for this item. I don't know about thirst being implemented, I mean I don't exactly mind but only as long as it's not too much of a nuisance.

Also yeah, running to car garage is an actual headache so this would be great, but hopefully this doesn't make stamina op in combat, maybe make it so that if you're exhausted your weapons will sway?
yeah thats a good thing, ur gun would sway on shooting / aiming when being tired/exhausted
i think there are some integral parts which should be considered in regards to stamina, including:

-Carry weight, if you are encumbered, it should affect your stamina significantly, and increase the chance of injury when falling from heights

-Rather than prevent jumping, limit the amount of times you're able to jump per minute depending on stamina, as jumping is very important in most situations

-Strength or dexterity genetics should affect stamina, in good or bad ways

-Consumables such as coffee and water should not 'boost' stamina, rather lower the depletion time as you use it

-Items such as cocaine or methamphetamine cause great stamina increase at the cost of HP and recovery time

-Current health status should affect stamina

-Sitting or lying down should increase recovery time faster as opposed to standing

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