Opinions on me

Reaction score
United Kingdom
So i realised after the response on my application that i want to improve before applying i just didn't know how to get the feedback i wanted without making another application for people to reply in.

So im making this thread, there are many people that think i am not fit for enforcer for various reasons and i'd love to hear them so i can fix it. Or just general opinions on me.

For those who dont know ic my name is Samuel Smithson.
Yesterday when i spoke to you in you seemed like a nice lad. (At storage) Must say tho you can be a bit of a minge at times but i think that can be easily worked on. Generally i think having a ''mingy'' attitude is not wanted within the staff team so maybe work on that. I might be wrong tho!

I can definitly see that you want to be an Enforcer due to the fact we spoke yesterday and you making this post and trying again.

Best of luck on your app btw