Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

The problem with this is the fact that uncle cos etc is legal buisnesses. Why would they be giving discounts to a bunch of criminal orgs
Why would clothing stores give extra exclusive clothes to gangs? If we bring realism in to it, there's gonna be a whole lot of problems with this.
@KeiwaM I mean realistically you can have clothing custom made and tailored. But anyways, @Madda powerful Mafias and gangs have influences on local business and stuff like that so I don't think this is too much of a reach.
What if there was an NPC who hid by the delivery warehouse who would sell items at 0% tax at all times for the members of the top 3 orgs? A sort of wholesaler.
Maybe because the materials he sells are like the leading cause of death in paralake? Dudes not a "Legal business" He's a fucking ugandan arms dealer
Higher levels = an extra member or two, larger org storage

The only thing that will force orgs against each other for once is to have storage size increase with level
I think the XP for items sold is a very good idea but very abuseable, we'd need to have some sort of tracking system so that the gun doesn't end up going back to the original seller, in order to farm XP.
This would only really be beneficially abuse able during hours of 0 sales tax, but I completely missed this when conceiving the idea.
More ideas for organisation benefits:

- Adding the "Chevrolet Tahoe" truck, basically a chevvy version of the Escalade, as an "Org car" that anyone in the org can spawn. Repairs and refuels will be taken directly from the org bank account. . I believe this was once a swat vehicle long before I played? Maybe also the Mercedes sprinter van From the TDM pack.
- Organisation rewards upon levelling up: A random weapon with random compatible attachments gets added to all the organisation members personal storages. The weapons value will increase with every level gained.
- Turning texts from the DD From a personal thing to an organisation perk.
"wOuLdNt iT cAuSe eXcEsSiVe mAyHeM"

Currently on PERP Accidentally shooting someone in crossfire bringing there HP down to "Slightly bruised" or a cop accidentally hitting a bystander with a nightstick is considered excessive mayhem. Adding turfs would allow for a better experience and a more rewarding gang war gameplay.
@KeiwaM Also, a large gang operating in an area where legal businesses also operate will typically be paying to be protected by said gang, as mafias and triads basically have legal business owners paying them just to not be robbed by that gang. Look up "Racketeering in organised crime". For a brief explanation, racketeering is the act of creating a problem yourself whilst charging people for the solution of that issue.
- How does an org lose XP?

I wouldn't really say this is a necessary feature to implement and if an organisation loses their level, does that mean they would lose the perk too, and how would this work? For example, you earn more organisation slots and you fill them up, but lose the level, how would the removal of this perk work?

My idea would be to only be able to lose XP that you have earned in that level and not being able to lose any levels, thus cancelling out the progress for that level only. Losing XP should be universal to both legal and criminal organisations, therefore something like the activity of an organisation should make you lose XP, rather than making dying to rivals the only way to lose it.
@ErmakDimon Why? It's pretty evident that ranking up your org to get new clothes is not a reason to risk 10 years in jail. If people assume that, people are dumb.

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