Org wars in general.

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IKEA - Northern Europe
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: I guess adding a rule for org wars or changing 2.5 or something
Your version of the rule: ??.?? If an organisation is in war with another organisation it is completely fine for them to kill each other at any point of time till one of the parties give up, however a war has to have a meaning for it to actually be in place.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
Because org wars now are lame as shit.
We this +support this would incourage people to start shit like Bloods and Crips just like @Aquaa said.
This reminds me so much of LSRP times so you can do shit like this.

Imagine if you were able to shoot through the car windows as a passenger, god I would nut in half a second.
Make RDMing legal !!!!!

Inb4 it's still 2.5 of the person is unarmed... And can you even imagine all the 3.4s because a cop you didn't see was nearby when gatting someone ^_^

But honestly this would be great, random drive-bys will finally become a thing
This would pose some problems however xD imagine a time where 1 person from one of the orgs is online while the enemy org has 15 people on? wouldnt the lonely guy get killed every 5 min????

Also, what about rimlickers? You could be transporting a gun to your personal vehicle and a rim just shoot you up bc "he's trying to get in the org" just to take your gun.

I completely agree with this idea but there needs to be a clear line between war and rdm....
This would pose some problems however xD imagine a time where 1 person from one of the orgs is online while the enemy org has 15 people on? wouldnt the lonely guy get killed every 5 min????

Also, what about rimlickers? You could be transporting a gun to your personal vehicle and a rim just shoot you up bc "he's trying to get in the org" just to take your gun.

I completely agree with this idea but there needs to be a clear line between war and rdm....
Could be made so that you have to be in the same organization to participate in a war.
This would pose some problems however xD imagine a time where 1 person from one of the orgs is online while the enemy org has 15 people on? wouldnt the lonely guy get killed every 5 min????

Also, what about rimlickers? You could be transporting a gun to your personal vehicle and a rim just shoot you up bc "he's trying to get in the org" just to take your gun.

I completely agree with this idea but there needs to be a clear line between war and rdm....

Huh? Rimlickers who aren't in the org aren't in the war.
In terms of Molotov's and car bombs can we only use them on those who directly affect you? Would make you a bit of a twat if you just car bomb/Molotov anyone from the gang. 2.5 should still be in effect just reduced. For example, That cunt barry just shot and killed you or attempted to kill you and you have lived to tell about it, You can Molotov/car bomb his shit but that poor guy jake is just there selling his guns and you did not even know he existed until you just saw him, Why should he deserve all his hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of shit destroyed? And don't just shout the generic "cus he's in the gang!" Give me constructive replies to that.
In terms of Molotov's and car bombs can we only use them on those who directly affect you? Would make you a bit of a twat if you just car bomb/Molotov anyone from the gang. 2.5 should still be in effect just reduced. For example, That cunt barry just shot and killed you or attempted to kill you and you have lived to tell about it, You can Molotov/car bomb his shit but that poor guy jake is just there selling his guns and you did not even know he existed until you just saw him, Why should he deserve all his hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of shit destroyed? And don't just shout the generic "cus he's in the gang!" Give me constructive replies to that.
The reason why that this should be allowed is simply because of the fact that you've agreed onto getting into a situation where you're risking your life, currently PERP is not even close to any real life gangs at all, let's say that you were in a gang in real life and your gang had a beef with another gang, if the other gang saw you on the street alone, they'd strike against you, they'd go against you to wipe out the other gang as best as they can, there's really nothing more to it. If you're into the game, then play by the game.
In terms of Molotov's and car bombs can we only use them on those who directly affect you? Would make you a bit of a twat if you just car bomb/Molotov anyone from the gang. 2.5 should still be in effect just reduced. For example, That cunt barry just shot and killed you or attempted to kill you and you have lived to tell about it, You can Molotov/car bomb his shit but that poor guy jake is just there selling his guns and you did not even know he existed until you just saw him, Why should he deserve all his hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of shit destroyed? And don't just shout the generic "cus he's in the gang!" Give me constructive replies to that.
well the org agrees on a war, so you either leave or face the consequences of being in one.

but I dont think molotovs should be allowed to be used without reason, how aids would it be to constantly have your base get molotoved every 30 minutes because you are at war, at that point it just takes away the aspect of fun because it becomes annoying.

i think car bombs should be okay though because it's just an alternative way of killing someone (and cars dont get fucked up now)
The reason why that this should be allowed is simply because of the fact that you've agreed onto getting into a situation where you're risking your life, currently PERP is not even close to any real life gangs at all, let's say that you were in a gang in real life and your gang had a beef with another gang, if the other gang saw you on the street alone, they'd strike against you, they'd go against you to wipe out the other gang as best as they can, there's really nothing more to it. If you're into the game, then play by the game.
But you still must make yourself aware that it is not easy to make money on perp. My deterrent for joining back to perp was the fact that I honestly can't be arsed to make my money back because it takes far too long and far too much stress. Think of this scenario. You went off for a few days and did not return to the server until those few days (Let's say 3) have concluded. You come back online and most of your org is inactive but little do you know your gang had started a gang war with another gang while you were away and you currently do not know about this. You goto Bazzar and you put multiple high-end weapons on for sale (M82s, AS50s SR-25s) and then suddenly some skid comes around the corner looking like he just crawled out of a barrel of liquid skittles and throws a Molotov at your shit. Now, don't just reply saying "Oh tuff it's not their fault" "Oh he should not be in a gang then" Wrong because people should not have to have such heavy losses. Gang wars should be fun not an extremely expensive deterrent. Everyone is in gangs nowadays so if you make gang wars extremely expensive to be in then now only would you make it un-fun and a pain in the arse to be in one but it could also deter people from going into one. You need limits in these things otherwise you will get a lot of complaining and a drop in gangs and you will have one gang that is wealthy and will become the new Olsen Band3n. Not because they are good at shooting but because they can afford to have their shit burned down twice every 60 minutes and the other one cant.

Maybe increase the number of times you can raid your enemy gang and how much you can mug them. Also being able to shoot them anywhere is far enough don't you think?
I love this idea because it reminds me of how fun org wars were back then,

BUT imo both parties have to AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to the war and have to sign a contract to do this.

and i hope people wont just randomly kill an enemy in the street without any planning

  • Shooting people
  • Shittalking
  • No carbombs, molotovs, ...
  • No popping tyres for no reason at all.

EDIT: Molotovs are okay, if they don't lose 5 AS50's
I do really love this idea but at the same time i feel it will be abused quite easily. I feel that within the rule it should state that you can only kill the same org member once every 30 mins - 1 hour. Because personally i dont fancy people camping CG waiting for me to get my car out every time i respawn/spawn.
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