Server Suggestion Organisation offshore bank account + org wages.

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Description of the idea:
Adding a third “offshore“ bank account that is inaccessible directly by organisation owners and members that contributes to “organisation pay checks”, allows purchasable organisation vehicles, etc.

Unlocked at a reasonable level, for every significant amount of XP gain, level up, and other activity your organisation partakes in, your organisation will acquire funding, which can be put into an hourly wage Decidable by the organisation boss.

In order to acquire the wage, you must Play civ for an hour.

How to add to the offshore bank account:
- Successfully robbing the bank will send a cut of the money to the offshore account. For example, if bank robbers gain 27K from a bank robbery, the offshore account will receive 27K.
- Selling 500 drugs will add 7.5K to the offshore account.
- Every level gained will add the level x1000 to the offshore account. For example, if your org hits level 20, 20000 will be added to the account.

Organisation wages:
- The owner of an org can set wages per org rank, between $25-$500.
- Org Wages are paid every hour played as civ.

Other uses for offshore account funding:
- It could be used to purchase organisation vehicles, such as vans, Escalades, etc.
- It could be used to Purchase the bank robbery drill.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Like org XP, but spendable.
- Incentive to be active
- Allows organisation bosses to pay their members for their work

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- A large amount of dev work needed.​

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