Paralake Media Association

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The Paralake Media Association
Bringing mainstream media to Paralake City

We all know those advertisements containing the news, most of the times in a bluntly written and short manner, because people simply do not have the time, money and resources to extend their news.

The Paralake Media Association aims to give those people a way to start their very own media-based organization and can provide both consulting and financial support to it's members.

The Paralake Media Association is not your regular organization, you are not directly a member, you become a part of a bigger picture of organizations like yours.

There are three types of organizations that may sign up for our support:
- News organizations, such as newspapers and television channels.
These organizations are eligible for type 2 support.

- Radio organizations, such as AM/FM or online radio stations.
These organizations are eligible for type 2 and depending on the situation type 3 support.

- Others, such as public event hosting and miscellaneous.
These organizations are eligible for type 1 support.

We know three types of support, the support available for your organization may vary:
- Type 1
Available to any media related organizations
Eligible for 20,000 dollars financial support (monthly)

- Type 2
Available to any video or audio related organizations
Eligible media provision consulting
Eligible for 45,000 dollars financial support (monthly)
Access to the source code of the ParalakeFM website and panel.

- Type 3
Available to partners of the Paralake Media Association
Eligible for a negotiable amount of financial support
Eligible for any type of consulting

I am a non media organization
We can also provide several services unrelated to media, such as internal communication and management tools.

Partners of the Paralake Media Association
ParalakeFM is our biggest partner, we provide type 3 support to this organization.

Want to know more and sign up?
Visit our website at
Our website will launch soon with more details.